GreyKnight - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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10 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2018-03-12 19:44:03

The best response on this thread for me came from Veronica Franco. There is an old saying: " If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen"

This is not a dating site. Yes we are all human and yes we have feelings. But what about the lady's feelings and the pressure she gets put under?

There you are, imagining you are Prince Charming with the personality of the year! And yes you might be a nice guy, but to her you are a source of income and maybe even a friend. Yet you come to her to satisfy your desires and then make her all sorts of promises only to leave there and go back to your wife and kids. How do you think this makes her feel? She hears these promises of a heavenly future everyday from different guys. Do you think she trusts you? Should she?

She basically has no say in the matter as it will hurt her business if she is honest and tells you that she is not interested in a relationship with you. I have seen guys on this very site purposefully going out to hurt a lady's business and income, just because she was honest and told him there can be nothing more between him and her than a Punter / SP relationship. How true were your intentions then to start with? Do you really have her interests at heart?

Hell I have friends here that try to make me feel guilty just because I go and visit their favourite girls. How fair is that to her and her kids? Taking away potential income from her because you are possessive and jealous (even though you are married to someone else).

You will notice that a lot of ladies are quiet when we post these threads. They wish they could say something but they know they will be crucified and their income will be affected. But they talk to me and they tell me these things in confidence.

I saw Meg had the balls to say how she really feels on a thread on the general forum, and she was shot down for it.

I understand that we punters need to help and support one another. And it is good to warn and tell each other about pitfalls. But I honestly think some of the guys put a hell of a lot of pressure on the ladies without caring for how she really feels.

This is a fantasy world. Get your mindset right. The ladies are here to satisfy our desires and earn money from it. That's it.

I believe the possibility does exist to find true love here but the odds are heavily against it. You put your heart out here and you WILL get hurt. I am speaking from personal experience.

Sorry if I offended anyone but really someone should say it and the ladies can't because they need to protect their income.
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2018-03-14 14:21:49
Edited: 2018-03-14 14:29:13

"But they talk to me and they tell me these things in confidence."

Doctor Phil ??????? Right here in our midst ????????

Need to make an appointment !!!!!!


BOOBS53 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2018-03-14 14:47:03
Edited: 2018-03-14 14:48:41


You will actually just waste your money on appointments with "Dr Phil" ... not even he will be able to cure you .... we know it for a fact that you "will never learn" .. rather spend it on a couple bottles of nice wines ... lol !!!
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2018-03-14 19:04:12


That sounds like good advice, but just remember that I am a confirmed drinker of note. I hesitate to use the word alcoholic substance abuser, as it has many negative connotations, but usually when I am "under the prop", I have this sudden urge to dispose of wisdoms to all and sundry.

Luckily we sorted that problem out now, as my phone gets locked up in a safe place where I cannot get hold of it.

I have been to many sessions with Dr Phil Knight, our esteemed resident shrink, and I think that he is now at the point where only shock therapy will help. Because I NEVER LISTEN, never mind LEARN.

[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2018-04-07 21:59:36
Edited: 2018-04-07 22:02:32


"This is not a dating site"
Pretty obvious, but cunts still use it as dating site. Always did and will always try.

"There you are, imagining you are Prince Charming with the personality of the year! And yes you might be a nice guy, but to her you are a source of income and maybe even a friend. Yet you come to her to satisfy your desires and then make her all sorts of promises only to leave there and go back to your wife and kids. How do you think this makes her feel? She hears these promises of a heavenly future everyday from different guys. Do you think she trusts you? Should she?"
Simple answer. No, she should not trust you. Because why ? All of us cunts here are fucknuts. Look for the definition of a fucknut in my previous posts, unless banned by Queen Ant.
I am a nice guy. My intentions are pure. But because it is on this cunt like forum, it is construed as malicious and damaging. Open your voken eyes !!!!

"She basically has no say in the matter as it will hurt her business if she is honest and tells you that she is not interested in a relationship with you."
Actually a pretty good and accurate observation. Poor girl has no say, as she is dependant on you for income, and if you have some spare cash, she will accomodate your quirks. So wrong, because us cunts think that if you kiss a lady or what the cunt ever, she will be in luv with you forever. No you stoopid cunt, she does that with every fucknut walking in there. You are just one in a cunt long line of cunts.

"Hell I have friends here that try to make me feel guilty just because I go and visit their favourite girls. How fair is that to her and her kids? Taking away potential income from her because you are possessive and jealous (even though you are married to someone else)."
MY GOD. This is ME. But you are sadly missing the whole point. If you tell me that you have more feelings for a specific lady, I will OUT OF RESPECT for OUR FRIENDSHIP not book the lady. The eternal toss-up :Friends or fucking. I CHOOSE FRIENDSHIP EACH AND EVERY TIME.


This is a simple rule, friendship before fucking. Easy.

Life is so simple.

We choose to complicate things.


BOOBS53 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2018-04-08 10:51:41
Edited: 2018-04-08 10:52:10

On 2018-04-07 21:59:36 INL said:
Life is so simple.

We choose to complicate things.

So absolutely bloody true !!!
GreyKnight - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Gold Member
10 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2018-04-08 11:40:11


Duly noted. Thank you.

If Only
If Only - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Gold Member
14 Apr 2017
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Posted: 2018-04-08 16:22:20

Some things are better left unsaid.....

The wound given by a sword can be healed but nothing can heal a wound given by words!

It's very difficult to make a decision to move on and away from someone or something that is dear to you or has become an important factor in your life, but once taken, stay with it.

Ultimately what rings true...."to each his own"
BOOBS53 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Gold Member
9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2018-04-08 17:56:45

Very wise words If Only !!!
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2018-04-09 20:41:04

"Some things are better left unsaid....."

Harsh words spoken in the heat of some or other hysterical moment of madness, unfortunately on a public forum. Not solicited neither deserved

My sincere apologies Grey Knight, I am banning myself from further showing the world what a big cunt I really am.

Better to hide in the shadows.

Seems I really never learn.

Cheers (should stop that shit as well)


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