On 2018-07-06 14:38:35 Doc63 said:
I love punting. But now I feel guilty. Why can't it just be seen for what it is?
(1 x horny guy) + (1 x willing, wet and wonderful woman) = 1 mutually fulfilling hour.
For whatever reason.
On 2018-07-06 07:39:17 therodent said:
JJsoap, you got it all wrong. Firstly, you assumed more than what was said in my other post. I am not saying that the ladies are overpriced, I said in my other post in response to Tough Times for working girls that perhaps the girls up north should reduce their prices to get through the tough times and at least make a few bookings or take a trip down to Cape Town where the market has not yet reached saturation. I am not cash strapped that I cannot dip my lolly as you so eloquently put it but I know a good few punters that are. Once again you assumed that.
secondly, I am agreeing 100% with what Arizona says especially with "When a man punts, he is taking money and spending it on his own needs, self gratification and his pleasure, instead of spending it on his children or spending time with his children. Money can't buy time.." This goes to the point I raised about where a guy will not punt if he does not have the means as the easiest way to tighten the belt is by cutting on luxuries, and lately the economy has strained a lot of people out there so they choose to eat and pay their bills rather than punt. And that is where I relate to Arizona's second statement "There is a huge difference between a need to fulfil "Desire" and a need to fulfil Purpose"
It's tough out there for all concerned both punter and WG and it's difficult to near impossible for all to maintain the status quo so there needs to be some sort of change to accommodate everyone and I made a few suggestions. It's up to the punter and the working girl if they feel it's worthy suggestions or they can move on to the next idea or whatever. It's really of no concern to me either way.
On 2018-07-06 19:37:57 Burfi said:
Great post Ari!