On 2018-08-20 16:36:16 jjsoap said:
Let me say this upfront, Lets agree to disagree on this topic discuss it as civilized people, there is no reason to start any mud slinging or slut shaming.
We all have our personal preferences
That is so true. Hence I mentioned that behind closed doors you are indeed able and allowed to express yourself anyhow befitting.
I had a previous discussion with a regular client who told me that he respects me for who and what I am as a person, I am a lady and he loves the sluttiness in me that gets unleashed in a booking merely cause it turns him on. Then in public, especially on the forum I interact well with the purple world. Thus the vulgarity disorder has a certain place for it. I did not find him offensive towards me by his words and actions but I'm limited to that disorder as it only reveals itself in a sexual preference depending on an individual.
Im going to be very blunt here. So would I be judged if everything I say in public always contain the words fuck, shit, slut, bitch, whore, etc.? No matter how much I may be irritated or get into a debate with someone or taking out my frustrations on numerous topics by being vulgar even in my happier state of mind. Will that have negative outlooks/results on my presentations as an SP. Those are the questions that run through my mind. Can it be controlled?