2cool4u007 - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
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11 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2018-10-16 09:45:32

On 2018-10-16 06:47:27 Doubleslappedass said:
Speaking from the point of a man who has sex with his conservative wife 3 to 4 times a year, and most of them on special occasions after much begging, trust me Marry the whore,as you have no idea what the lack of sex has on your psychology, self worth and confidence if it wasn't for the ladies on this site I would have a very low self esteem, so thanks , and to all those wets with their lofty ideals of marriage let's just say life happens and very little goes to plan..

Thanks for opening up, that's real talk
Burfi - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
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4 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2018-10-16 09:46:38

If yous were slamous you can marry 2 conservatives and 2 whores.
[deleted] - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2018-10-16 10:12:51

On 2018-10-16 06:47:27 Doubleslappedass said:
you have no idea what the lack of sex has on your psychology, self worth and confidence if it wasn't for the ladies on this site I would have a very low self esteem, so thanks , and to all those wets with their lofty ideals of marriage let's just say life happens and very little goes to plan..

Maybe you should define what life means to you, if your self worth is even partly defined by how many times your wife has sex with you then maybe that's why she doesn't have sex with you. Your post reveals a lot more than you might realise. But hey each to their own.

2cool4u007 - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
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11 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2018-10-16 10:34:26

On 2018-10-16 10:12:51 d--b said:
On 2018-10-16 06:47:27 Doubleslappedass said: you have no idea what the lack of sex has on your psychology, self worth and confidence if it wasn't for the ladies on this site I would have a very low self esteem, so thanks , and to all those wets with their lofty ideals of marriage let's just say life happens and very little goes to plan..

Maybe you should define what life means to you, if your self worth is even partly defined by how many times your wife has sex with you then maybe that's why she doesn't have sex with you. Your post reveals a lot more than you might realise. But hey each to their own.

I made a fb post the other day :Women are a man's most dangerous & necessary experiment in self-confidence & self-esteem. A lot of men feel as if they had lost love when in reality women expose they had never found self-confidence and self-esteem. It was never about her from the beginning. She served her purpose. We fall in love so we can ultimately feel satisfaction in losing it.
[deleted] - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2018-10-16 11:02:26

On Marriage
Kahlil Gibran

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
Need4Passion - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2018-10-16 12:29:37

On 2018-10-16 10:12:51 d--b said:
On 2018-10-16 06:47:27 Doubleslappedass said: you have no idea what the lack of sex has on your psychology, self worth and confidence if it wasn't for the ladies on this site I would have a very low self esteem, so thanks , and to all those wets with their lofty ideals of marriage let's just say life happens and very little goes to plan..

Maybe you should define what life means to you, if your self worth is even partly defined by how many times your wife has sex with you then maybe that's why she doesn't have sex with you. Your post reveals a lot more than you might realise. But hey each to their own.

Yeah, let's join the wife and beat the poor guy some more for good measure.

Dude, you have no idea how marrying the wrong women can totally destroy even the most confident and successful men mentally and emotionally that manifests in every other part of their lives.

As you said, each to their own. If you don't understand what his saying, don't judge what it says about him and keep to your own.
J_69 - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
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11 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2018-10-16 12:39:19

Troy is one of my all-time favourite movies. When I watched it for the first time, as soon as it ended I thought to myself that if you have the wrong woman in your corner, you are fucked (unfortunately not literally). I kno its mythology but for the most powerful and feared warrior to all of a sudden be defeated spoke volumes 2me because if it were not for Helen then his weakness would not have been known
[deleted] - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2018-10-16 12:42:45
Edited: 2018-10-16 12:52:13

'Yeah, let's join the wife and beat the poor guy some more for good measure.

Dude, you have no idea how marrying the wrong women can totally destroy even the most confident and successful men mentally and emotionally that manifests in every other part of their lives.

As you said, each to their own. If you don't understand what his saying, don't judge what it says about him and keep to your own.'

That's point is it not. Marrying the wrong woman vs marrying the right woman. If anything every woman responds to the right kind of man. I have absolutely every idea of how the wrong woman can destroy your life, it will steal decades of your time if you are not careful. I didn't have much time with the right one but by God the difference was light years apart. And that had more to with me than her.

Grow a pair and stop bitching about what its like to be married to the wrong woman. That's immature man and disrespectful to your wife no matter how much of the wrong woman she may be. I played the blame game for long enough to realize that maybe it wasn't her, it was me who needed to understand what I wanted and what I could and couldn't give her on terms that made me feel okay. I moved on. She did too and is now extremely happy.

You want your bread buttered on both sides, why not go home and say why aren't you having sex with me and if things don't get better we need to explore other options? And explore other options if she isn't coming to the party?
[deleted] - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2018-10-16 13:01:05

and for the record we are all here because we want satisfy an urge, a personal urge. Blaming it on the woman who has your kids, looks after your kids, holds up your household and who may know more about your habit than you think is just weak.
Doubleslappedass - Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
Re: Marry the conservative girl or the whore??
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1 Jul 2015
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Posted: 2018-10-16 13:10:37
Edited: 2018-10-16 13:11:15

Don't remember saying she was the wrong woman, just that she is not at all interested in sex, I don't think I blamed her either, all I am saying is if you wake up every day, of every week, of every year for 6 years , to be rejected by the only person you you are really supposed to be having sex with then that hits your self esteem and all the talking and negotiating in the world cannot change it, yes you can pull the escape lever but why would you fuck up your children and your life for a bit of pussy? All I am saying is I noticed the lack of sexuality long before I married my lady, and if I had the choice again I would probably have gone with the woman who were a lot more banging in bed as that trait may have helped a lot more into my future..


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