Ms Paige
Ms Paige - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
29 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2019-01-07 02:22:19

Syren is one of the most amazing down to earth ladies I've ever met... The doll house wasn't here for long but Syren left a lifetime of love and a good name that will never be forgotten... She is and will always be a legend...

Syren... I'll have a glass of bubbly on you... :)))
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:17:20

On 2019-01-06 22:31:42 s o k said:
On 2019-01-06 15:24:51 Lea-may said: On 2019-01-06 15:04:13 Panty_Dropper said: And you belief the privacy about the tragedy was no longer required.

A common spelling mistake a previous poster would make constantly.

Its __ believe not belief

O my gosh how clever are u I waited for this.

I knew it was JJSOAP !!!!!!

If you go search the word quess what's pops up JJSOAP,JJSOAP......

Maybe you can tell us why you left TDH after a day, would be interesting to compare your version with the truth.[/QUOTE]

Dear Mr Soap
And the rest of the lady's who are under the wrong impression.

I did not leave the doll house after 1 day I started the Wednesday and worked there to the following Friday.

It was a quite time of the month and I went back to Joy at joyville because she agreed to drop her levies and per booking takings as she had no ladys left to work by her and i needed to make money and it was a bit less than what was taken at the doll house.

If you are referring to the uncedent with the one bookings money that I thought was a extra I went into the room with a nother lady then Sir you were given the wrong information. And I really hope that you will get banned again.

You have blackmailed me on in boxes, you have tried to make up stories about clients, just to do what????

Because I left a venue and went in my own.

Have I once since I started working attacked you even though you on my case every time.

Dear Sir I have proven my innocence as per our pm to ESA. I have proven my innocence time and time again

But you Sir has made the biggest mistake by being played as a puppep by a lady that is more afraid than me that her dark secrets, witchcraft and many many more will come out in the open.

I am not scared anymore. I had the courage to leave and so did other lady's before me.

Why dont you ask your puppet what happened to the well known chacidy????

And what she so freely tells every one that works by her after a little to much wine !!!!

Now leave me alone
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 766
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:22:35

If you would like me to start posting your in boxes and blackmail kindly let me know.

I also have enough recorder chats on my phone to sustain what I am saying.

Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:29:05

Message To:
Re: Why
29 Nov 2018
Dear Sir

I have only decided to go work private. I have not asked a single person a sent to help me.

I dont know who told you what really but I have not done harm to anyone.

I left the industry and came back 2 years later because it almost cost me my life.

I have worked hard kept my clients happy because that was my only aim in coming back.

I have never harmed anyone and I have proofed it all to esa before I left.

I came back showing my face with the knolage that if any one ever brought the past up I will face it.

Why only now that I am not working at my previous venue do u bring this up.

Sir I have never expected someone of your status and integrity to be used as a puppet to try and destroy someone you have never met.

I am saying this with the utmoste respect but I got tired of being a puppet and that was one if the reasons I decided to go private.

You are correct in saying loose lips sink ships.

I dont have time to talk about other lady's or clients in my treatments because my focus is on my client.

I wish that you can find it in your heart to maybe book a treatment with me one day without revealing it is you and get to know me as a person, and not what u are being told by who ever.

I was wrong attacking miss page one time on the forum because again I was a puppet. I have send her a polite pm and appoligised as it was wrong of me to attract someone I dont even know. And you can confirm that with her.

I do hope that whatever caused u to believe whatever was said ,that you would be man enough and intelligent enough as I sumed you up to see that this is a personal attach on me for no valid reason.

Thank u for your time. You dont have to reply, just keep it in your thoughts.

Best wishes
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 768
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:31:19

Message From:
Re: Why
54 minutes ago
Trying to play innoncent with me is not going to cut it. You were warned not to take me on.

I have got the voice messages that you had to say about me, and other ladies on esa.

I tell you what, I am going to do. I a going to forward your voice message to Jenna en Celia and Amy before I publish your pm's to me on the forum if you do not give me the name of the punter who told you it was you.

I will also send the voice messages to each and every one that ask me for it.

I am waiting for the name.

Oh, and who do you think Esa is going to belief, you or Joy.
Just between me and you, Joy became the highest rate lady on Esa for a reason.

Maybe I should apologise about protecting jakslasie last week, and blame you as the jealous working girl. Those voice messages will support my theory.

I am waiting, and be warned I am not a very patient person.
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 769
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:38:42

[22/11, 09:05] Reyn Girl: Is j en jenna nou maatjies?
[22/11, 09:05] Reyn Girl: Rerig?
[22/11, 09:08] Reyn Girl: Nie dit van jou kon dink
[22/11, 09:08] Reyn Girl: Hulle is rugstekers
[22/11, 09:08] Reyn Girl: En j weet dit

[22/11/2018, 09:12] Reyn Girl: Goed opgeplak?
[22/11/2018, 09:12] Reyn Girl: Neee girl
[22/11/2018, 09:12] Reyn Girl: Gannie daaroor nie
[22/11/2018, 09:12] Reyn Girl: Daai klomp is klomp kakmakers
[22/11/2018, 09:13] Reyn Girl: Nee neee neee
[22/11/2018, 09:13] Reyn Girl: Anyway
[22/11/2018, 09:13] Reyn Girl: Mooi dag
[22/11/2018, 09:14] Reyn Girl: Hulle almal se P $#@se
[22/11/2018, 09:15] Reyn Girl: Almal weet hulle skinder van my
[22/11/2018, 09:15] Reyn Girl: Almal
[22/11/2018, 09:15] Reyn Girl: Mar los dit
[22/11/2018, 09:15] Reyn Girl: Praat weer
[22/11/2018, 09:17] Reyn Girl: Nie jj soap nie
[22/11/2018, 09:17] Reyn Girl: Ek weet 69 doen dit
[22/11/2018, 09:17] Reyn Girl: Anyway

I send her voice notes in between to say she must concentrate on her work and businesses if anyone would like it I will gladly forward it.

[deleted] - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-07 05:41:37
Edited: 2019-01-07 05:46:42

On 2019-01-06 23:51:59 Arhwen said:
Netflix off... Staying tuned to ESA...

Also staying tuned! :-)

This is fun LM, but for your own interst, maybe take this discussion private?
hornym - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
Basic Member
29 Apr 2012
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:45:39

witchcraft ? .
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 770
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:46:53

I have no problem with the Doll house I even did Syrens hair and one of the other lady's the reason I left was because business was quite and I told Syren that and that I could not afford the house fees as I was a MG.She is indeed a lovely lady.

But S O K aka JJSOAP you choose to listen to what your puppet master had to say.

Message From:
Re: Why
29 Nov 2018
He admitted it, and is the only one that I have mention your name as the person I am refering to. Just thought you would be honest for once in your life.

So what are your response to owning money and been blocked from going back to joyville. with this proof you honestly think I will belief anything you tell me. I maybe stupid, but not that fucking stupid.

Heard you even tried to get Megan to join you at the new venue,

Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 771
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:48:29

Message From:
s o k
Doll House
7 hours ago
I know why you left the Doll House after a day,
Am sure some of your fans would love to read all about it

Karma is a bitch, and I am a Son of A Bitch

Best to think before you speak
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