Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 772
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Posted: 2019-01-07 05:56:18

I knew sok was JJSOAP as him and his puppet started with their stuff again already with me on Saturday.

All because I left Joyville?

Did I ever once even responded to their attracts.

I mean straight after I left joyville it started with the leapord never changes color thread.

Does this look like I was banned from joyville?

[24/11/2018, 08:38] Me: Going to go look at the flat x
[24/11/2018, 08:40] Reyn Girl: Coool
[24/11/2018, 08:41] Me: Will let you know how much are u prepared to pay a day
[24/11/2018, 08:41] Reyn Girl: J moet uitwerk
[24/11/2018, 08:41] Me: Its our place its here near swartkop in a eco park
[24/11/2018, 08:42] Me: I think I can try and convince him R300 a girl a day what do u think
[24/11/2018, 08:42] Reyn Girl: Dit klink reg
[24/11/2018, 08:43] Me: Its a 3 bedroom so I can make the other room a massage room and there is 2 bathrooms
[24/11/2018, 08:43] Reyn Girl: Of 250
[24/11/2018, 08:43] Me: Yes I will try
[24/11/2018, 08:44] Reyn Girl: Klink reg
[24/11/2018, 18:57] Me: My point my friend I would rather pay 300 a day and push for as many as possible clients XXX but its your choice I just thought I am doing us a favour
[24/11/2018, 18:57] Me: I have no motivation working at joy anymore and I am not meaning it in a bad way
[24/11/2018, 18:59] Me: But its your choice my angel I just waiting for him to get a mother bed and massage bed on Monday then I will tell joy xxcc
[24/11/2018, 19:01] Reyn Girl: Jup
[24/11/2018, 19:01] Reyn Girl: Nou hoe wil j maak
[24/11/2018, 19:01] Reyn Girl: Gan j die plek kan kry?
[25/11/2018, 08:03] Reyn Girl: Dis great
[25/11/2018, 08:05] Me: moneyoney money money xxxx I know u will love it x you can have the room with the onsuite I will use the other one lol
[25/11/2018, 08:06] Me: O that is the emails between us and if we quite we can just give him a treatment he will take it of the rent lol x and he is good looking lol he he
[25/11/2018, 08:07] Reyn Girl: Awsome
[25/11/2018, 08:08] Me: See I told u I will make a plan x
[25/11/2018, 08:08] Me: But will leave on a positive note by joy
[25/11/2018, 08:09] Me: I will just tell her a client got me a flat xcx
[25/11/2018, 08:11] Reyn Girl: Jup
[25/11/2018, 08:11] Reyn Girl: Is reg

[27/11/2018, 07:33] Me: Good morning
I still have 2 pairs of shoes and clothes and stuff in the other room please can u put it in a bag so Raynard can go fetch it thank u
[27/11/2018, 07:34] Joy: Reg so...hy kan Dan ook my gras snyer saambring...laat weet as hy oppad is
[27/11/2018, 07:35] Me: How is he suppose to walk there with the lawnmower?
[27/11/2018, 07:40] Me: I will make a plan will let u know
[27/11/2018, 07:41] Joy: reg so....laat weet net
[27/11/2018, 07:41] Me: Dankie
[27/11/2018, 07:42] Joy: Plesier
[29/11/2018, 06:38] Joy: More more...ek gaan vanogg shoprite toe...Sal laat weet how laat...Dan bring ek jou goed en tel die gras snyer op
[29/11/2018, 07:07] Me: Morning thank u sooooooo much
[29/11/2018, 08:00] Joy: Ek gaan nou shoprite toe..Sal laat weet as ek daar klaar is
[29/11/2018, 08:00] Me:
[29/11/2018, 08:01] Me: Baie dankie
[29/11/2018, 09:07] Me: How much money do I still owe you x x
[29/11/2018, 09:07] Me: Let me just make rent quick x then I can sort that out
[29/11/2018, 09:35] Joy: R1700
[29/11/2018, 09:35] Me:

The money I owe joy was for a laptop I bought from her in exchange to put her extensions in.

We left on a good note as far as I was concerned but o was I wrong!

Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 773
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:01:51

On 2019-01-07 05:41:37 Inai said:
On 2019-01-06 23:51:59 Arhwen said: Netflix off... Staying tuned to ESA...

Also staying tuned! :-)

This is fun LM, but for your own interst, maybe take this discussion private?

Hun I have bit my tongue every single time this happened since I left but I suppose its the right time now to stand up for myself.

We all make mistakes but we have to learn from it.

I have not one single bad review. I work hard to keep my clients happy but enough is enough and to be honest without dragging other lady's in I have enough evidence to back anything I say.

Really all this was unnessasery.
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 774
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:04:25

On 2019-01-07 05:45:39 hornym said:
witchcraft ? .

Yes your hair will rise if you have to know.

And that is why lady's are scared to leave that venue!!!!!!!!

But I am not I serve a living God.

Poor chasidy burried in a deep freezer???? What a joke
Reyn - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
12 May 2014
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:04:29

Lea may..lea may..u still owe joy money...give it back to her. And u know what ...i hope u get banned.u are BAD NEWS.
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 775
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:18:42

On 2019-01-07 06:04:29 Reyn said:
Lea may..lea may..u still owe joy money...give it back to her. And u know what ...i hope u get banned.u are BAD NEWS.

Funny you say this as u were the one sending our voice notes to JJSOAP not sending him the conversation that lead to it.

Why did u leave there. You told every one it was because of me? But I left before you?

Why would I get banned ?

For telling the truth?

Do u want me to put the rest of our conversations in here as well?

I have kept quite long enough and I have heard enough in our double treatments Reyn.
[deleted] - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-07 06:19:01

I don't want to get involved in this arguement, but what happened to Chasidy by the way?

Was still wondering the other day where she was.
Lea-may - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
17 Aug 2018
Posts to Date: 776
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:19:54

I told you stop discussing lady's with punters I so wish ESA had a function to send voice notes.

I am going to leave it at this and go keep my clients happy
Reyn - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
12 May 2014
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:28:01

U can do anything u want.i dont care....u owe people money.. pay them back and maybe u must exercise a bit...ha ha... then u can get some clients and pay back all the money. U still a very BAD PERSON lea may. And i hope one will all came back to u.
Reyn - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
12 May 2014
Posts to Date: 249
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:35:23

Reyn - Re: Is Doll House closed down
Re: Is Doll House closed down
12 May 2014
Posts to Date: 250
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Posted: 2019-01-07 06:36:43

Go keep ur clients happy...thats a good girl yeaaaaaa!!!
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