On 2019-01-18 13:08:32 Nick Burn said:
Try the Sweat shop. Good shoes and advise. Do you have a hight foot arch?
On 2019-01-18 13:05:42 Runs_with_erection said:
Legitimately read 'wanking' and was obviously disappointed when I clicked on the post.
Dirty minded by default. My bad.
On 2019-01-18 22:55:21 goofy123 said:
Sweat shop in Broadacres is the best place to go to. Very knowledgeable staff who know there stuff, ask them about the best way to lace your shoes as well. You can also roll the soles of your feet over a tennis ball and that will relax the muscles in your foot.
Fantastic stuff and very well done on getting active. Consider doing the weekly park run that is near you. Free, timed run/ walk that is very chilled. Google Parkrun for details.
Good luck and keep it up!!
On 2019-01-18 23:56:12 gemini7 said:
Your feet could be "pronation" or "supernation"... speak to a shoe specialist, or someone in the sports shoe department at sportsmans warehouse..
On 2019-01-18 23:31:01 drstiffler said:
You have plantar fasciitis which involves ur plantar or sole tendons and soft tissue.
An antiinflammatory,foot rest and a insole from Dischem will improve it.