Tower333 - Re: Attention ESA Admin
Re: Attention ESA Admin
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24 Jul 2009
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Posted: 2019-01-19 08:25:20

On 2019-01-18 16:06:05 johndoe69za said:
On 2019-01-18 08:50:09 ESA Forum Admin said: Dear johndoe69za

Monique has paid a fine to charity after being banned. This is the reason for her having an active profile.
As for the other banned ads that run, we keep them running as a means to warn others about the advertiser. These ads are banned for life.

ESA Admin

Not much I can say to this one, if as a business you wish to allow scammers back into the system after the payment of a nominal fine is your perogative, all it means is that the faith I had in the reliability of an ESA advertiser is now greatly compromised as will need to check each girl against the banned profiles before contemplating a booking.

I agree with JohnDoe here, your credibility, ESA is shot to pieces with this policy
ESA Forum Admin
ESA Forum Admin - Re: Attention ESA Admin
Re: Attention ESA Admin
Gold Member
27 May 2011
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Posted: 2019-01-19 14:46:02
Edited: 2019-01-19 14:49:28

Dear johndoe69za & Tower333

This has been ESA's policy since the start this is not a new policy, who are you to judge how credible we are?? how credible are you and what do you base your credibility on?

I have gone and had a look at both your profiles,
@Tower333 you do not seem to have a problem with the advertiser you have been visiting, according to your reviews you have been more than happy with the advertisers on ESA, how is it that we are now deemed not credible?
If ESA is not credible why is it that you have been using our site since 2009 and continue to do so? To add on you pay to have more of the features we have to offer.

@johndoe69za, you sir do not review any advertisers or have not done so for sometime, adding no constructive value to this site or to the advertiser yet you want to come onto our platform and tell us that we are not credible, you have been a member on this site since 2007 that is not credible according to you, what does that say for you?

The advertisers who paid a fine toward charity to return to ESA did not kill someone,
they did not threaten a punter to blackmail him, no serious offences have been committed by them.

We decide who can and cannot return to ESA and on what basis a ban will be lifted.

The rules and the manner in which ESA decides to run its operations are not open for debate to anyone. We are a marketing site that is what we do best, marketing, so do not tell us how to do our jobs as we do not tell you how to to do yours.

Should you continue to think that ESA is not credible then you know what to do.

Tower333 - Re: Attention ESA Admin
Re: Attention ESA Admin
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24 Jul 2009
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Posted: 2019-01-19 18:43:03

Dear Esa Admin

Thank you for the reply, and please see my criticisms as constructive rather than offensive.

As you correctly state I have been a member of this forum for ten years now, and what makes ESA stand out from the rest on the www is this forum and the system of ratings. I base many of my punting decisions on feedback from this forum, and I've only taken the plunge a few times with a lady without reviews or ratings, mostly to my own regret.

Now, to the point, I visited the lady in question, arrived at the venue, had one look at the venue and at Monique/Liesel and bolted, the place was a dump and Monique/Liesel was as high as a kite. Because I did not even start the booking I felt a review was not warranted, however other Punters did unfortunately carry through with their bookings and their reviews of Monique/ Liesel are available on this forum.

To allow a known scamster back under another name just because she paid a few bucks to charity makes , in my opinion, a joke out of the whole review system.

Having said all that, I am quite confident that it wont take long for her to be banned again for the same reasons she got banned in the first place, so fellow punters beware, and by default that will mean that the system will actually work as designed.

johndoe69za - Re: Attention ESA Admin
Re: Attention ESA Admin
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24 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2019-01-19 19:25:25

Dear Tower333

May be best to leave this one alone, both of us have been members for greater than 10 years and never aware of the policy until now due to someone not deleting the profile before I mentioned it. Had I been aware of the policy I would not even have mentioned the issue in the first place but so be it.

Unfortunately it is not possible to compare her current negative review with the any reviews that were posted under Liesel as there is no reference searchable to find previous mention of her, possibly she did a name change on her previous profile or possibly the reviews have been deleted, am not sure. But yes the future reviews will show that nothing has changed.

The lesson for all the punters here is to ensure that a girl has multiple reviews over a lengthy period before placing any reliance on the review.
Inquisitive1 - Re: Attention ESA Admin
Re: Attention ESA Admin
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9 Mar 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-19 23:29:21

On 2019-01-19 18:43:03 Tower333 said:
Dear Esa Admin

Thank you for the reply, and please see my criticisms as constructive rather than offensive.

Diplomacy... A skill that will serve you well when deployed at the right time and in the correct manner.
I hope some have taken notes...
Good man, Tower333


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