Sage - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
13 Aug 2015
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Posted: 2019-01-22 13:35:10
Edited: 2019-01-23 15:44:06

On 2019-01-22 12:32:37 Radiant Robyn said:
@Arwhen.... I agree with you, value to this forum should be of substance as well. Nothing wrong with light hearted chit chat, but when s*** gets real some people can't face it.

BOOBS53..... if something like that happened to one regular punts, wouldn't you be fuming and posting your rants? Oh yes you would!

Sage..... and if that happened to you what
would you do?

Post in pvt forum with all relevant info
I've had my share of horid experiences as everyone in society.
Don't assume I lack empathy or experience because I am a realist.

The point is we have the pvt forum for this.

No personal info can be shared on the public forum
What do you expect the readers to do, feel sorry for us poor victims of society?
Leave bigger tips?
BOOBS53 - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2019-01-22 14:40:40
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:01:43

On 2019-01-22 12:53:49 Celia said:
Agreed Arwen 4 days is hardly a sabbatical it's an eskom breakdown at best. Most monks would give their left nut for an epiphany in 4 days when they spend 40 years ..shame

Thx Celia .. love you too xxx
[deleted] - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2019-01-22 15:10:33
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:00:18

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gunts - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
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4 Dec 2003
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Posted: 2019-01-22 16:32:51
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:04:09

I have a slightly different take on this saga....
Many, many years ago there was a guy who horribly interacted with a lady on a booking. For days on end she tried to sort it out but was never assisted by anyone, not even police nor social workers.
She put it on the forum..... Within 30 mins the punter community identified him via the internet (remember there only 8 degrees of separation between individuals), his details were published, some punters knew him personally etc etc.
Needless to say, the punter community has resources and ingenuity. They achieved what no one else was willing nor able to do.
If i remember right that piece of shit ran for the hills.... moved towns and eventually left SA for good. Good riddance.
[deleted] - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-22 17:01:26
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:05:05

Wgs are being raped, abused, assaulted, almost killed, for some time now, by certain regular punters...?

I must have missed the part where charges were laid against these criminals, with SAPS, by the respective wgs......?

Or are some ladies planning to invite these delinquents over for tea, and try to reform them...?

Clearly , I have it wrong...??

Monozuk - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
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8 Jan 2019
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Posted: 2019-01-22 17:04:55
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:05:43


That was years ago, when people were still prepare to help.

Most punters have become "fair weather" friends, and if they not directly affected they have absolutely no interest in helping
[deleted] - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-22 17:06:05
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:56:19

It is a fine line on whether to allow the private info on the forum and it makes ESA judge and jury if they allow some and not others personal info to be exposed here.

But as was said by some of the guys many of these scum buckets have been around for awhile terrorising the ladies and maybe, just maybe, the punters might be able to assist, by recognising the number, number plate, tattoo or description, etc
Inquisitive1 - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
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9 Mar 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-22 17:26:55
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:54:20

On 2019-01-22 10:48:33 Burfi said:

Actually we do care.

And yes this piece of shit Jonathan was previously involved with WGs. He is a master manipulator of some stupid WGs who fall for him.

It's not only this piece of shit. There is also the Indian punter, who claims to be a UFC/MMA fighter who raped more than one WG.

Then there is the black punter with a karate black belt (or so its claimed) who also rapes and beats WGs.

The ugly colored guy with the goatee who claims to be in the security business and having close ties with police is a huge piece of pig shit. Threatening a number of WGs with violence and he also raped a few WGs.

The major issue is that WGs are scared to press charges with the police and are reluctant to provide further info where some punters can go and sort these motherfuckers out

Burfi I'd gladly join your mob, things like this happen because we allow it. If there's consequences, these assholes might decide against their criminal behaviour
Celia - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
7 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-22 17:26:58
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:55:01

It's easy for these scum bags to assault rape and terrorize girl. So when these girls want to report and look for help they are 2 questions short of a Spanish inquisition and have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that what they say is true before anyone offers any assistance.

This hardly seems fair. If you bring these ass holes to public attention it might just stop them from raping someone else.

Pepper spray under the pillow
Knife between matress
Panic button next to the bed
Gun in the closet
Kickboxing classes on Thursdays
Seems we have to take drastic measures to defend ourselves ladies!
Inquisitive1 - Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Re: Psychotic [Name removed by Esa Admin]
Basic Member
9 Mar 2018
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Posted: 2019-01-22 17:32:21
Edited: 2019-01-22 17:55:45

Celia, you no take sheet.
Mental note: (take Celia out as a dinner date the next I need to go to the bad part of town and need protection that isn't Trojan)


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