[deleted] - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-13 10:13:01

On 2019-08-12 22:33:10 Caressa said:
I get you,I was just curious as to why beauty comes before everything else...I mean I know I'll never fall for a guy who knows nothing about politics,sci-fi online games etc it has to be mind over matter(body).lol

Though you can attract a man with looks, it takes more to keep him.

I once read somewhere about the order of attraction for men versus women funny enough.

It's said that men will first notice women who are physically attractive to them (and as you can see in this thread, many different things are attractive to different men).

Of those women they find attractive, there'll have to be some commonality in thinking. That's where that initial list grows shorter
Of those that are left, the one with whom you form a deeper connection with becomes "the one" (ones if you're JZ).

This order is mixed up for women apparently. It's about the mind first and then maybe looks later which is probably better because then most of us would probably not be able to land a woman ever.
[deleted] - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-13 10:14:07

On 2019-08-13 00:43:50 Arizona said:
Men are from Mars... Women are from Venus! So they say?
Men need to have sex to make them feel good about themselves!
Women need to feel good about themselves in order for them to make love or have sex, therein lies the difference between the ladies who kiss and those who don't?

I can't prove it, but it makes for a good discussion, don't you think?
Men are visually stimulated.. they look at tits and ass?

Women, however on a deeper level look at things far beyond superficial looks. We genetically look at genealogy without knowing we do? It is subconsciously ingrained for both men and women to seek the best mate to procreate with. Fun and games are one thing but lifetime commitment is another.

These are the things that elude the every day mind of the users in the Purple World unless you are looking at delving into the abyss of our thought patterns and not the every day illusions of instant gratitude and relief? Which is vastly different from Man to Woman in this world and the general population?

All the ladies and gents of this world should go read up on the psychology of lust vs love, vs sexual need, gratification and desire.

EQ vs IQ?



+5 stars lol
[deleted] - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-13 10:17:01

On 2019-08-13 08:05:35 YourChunkyFunkiness said:

Arizona. This is the general response from women, but it is probably the biggest lie that women tell themselves and that they tell men.

I respectfully disagree with you on this. Women are just as superficial as men are when it comes to sex and relationships. Neither gender gas more depth than the other.

They like pretty boys just as much men like pretty girls. They like bad boys who live by their own rules just as much as men like naughty girls.

Social media proved it.

Remember when mxit was around? You'd have this mentally stimulating conversation with a girl for hours and you feel a real connection building. Then you exchanged pics. Suddenly, shes not interested any more. Sending your picture to a girl was like a one way ticket to her ignore list.

If you do happen to see a pretty women with a guy that's not quite on her level in terms of looks, you can be sure that the guy has a pretty good looking bank account. That's quite superficial too.

Media has been feeding us those lies forever.

Honestly, I think status tends to be, for women, what looks are for men.
JelebiVreeter - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
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19 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2019-08-13 11:18:58

On 2019-08-13 08:05:35 YourChunkyFunkiness said:
On 2019-08-13 00:43:50

Arizona. This is the general response from women, but it is probably the biggest lie that women tell themselves and that they tell men.

I respectfully disagree with you on this. Women are just as superficial as men are when it comes to sex and relationships. Neither gender gas more depth than the other.

They like pretty boys just as much men like pretty girls. They like bad boys who live by their own rules just as much as men like naughty girls.

Social media proved it.

Remember when mxit was around? You'd have this mentally stimulating conversation with a girl for hours and you feel a real connection building. Then you exchanged pics. Suddenly, shes not interested any more. Sending your picture to a girl was like a one way ticket to her ignore list.

If you do happen to see a pretty women with a guy that's not quite on her level in terms of looks, you can be sure that the guy has a pretty good looking bank account. That's quite superficial too.

Media has been feeding us those lies forever.

I agree with you boss! You hit the nail on the head. Both sexes can indeed be superficial, and from my experience I'd wager that women are more so.

But I guess there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to lust or love. People just gonna do what they gonna do.

Interesting stat I read in a UK newspaper- 3 out of 5 married people are married to persons they are not in love with.

[Posted at 11:18am, 13/08/2019]
vampirezn - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
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23 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2019-08-13 13:49:52

On 2019-08-13 10:06:34 RShaft said:
On 2019-08-12 20:09:47 vampirezn said: Zara Lynwood.

Have never been with her, so yeah just a dream..

Sooo when are you seeing her then?

Hopefully I win the Powerball today and can leave Durban forever!
tex - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
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10 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2019-08-13 15:03:17

Just looking at profile pictures I wouldn't mind Victoria, just need to get to the east rand
Fiona - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
7 Jul 2017
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Posted: 2019-08-13 16:50:32

YourChunkyFunkyness.... short and sweet but on DA SPOT
[deleted] - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-13 18:43:28

On 2019-08-13 00:43:50 Arizona said:
Men are from Mars... Women are from Venus! So they say?
Men need to have sex to make them feel good about themselves!
Women need to feel good about themselves in order for them to make love or have sex, therein lies the difference between the ladies who kiss and those who don't?

I can't prove it, but it makes for a good discussion, don't you think?
Men are visually stimulated.. they look at tits and ass?

Women, however on a deeper level look at things far beyond superficial looks. We genetically look at genealogy without knowing we do? It is subconsciously ingrained for both men and women to seek the best mate to procreate with. Fun and games are one thing but lifetime commitment is another.

These are the things that elude the every day mind of the users in the Purple World unless you are looking at delving into the abyss of our thought patterns and not the every day illusions of instant gratitude and relief? Which is vastly different from Man to Woman in this world and the general population?

All the ladies and gents of this world should go read up on the psychology of lust vs love, vs sexual need, gratification and desire.

EQ vs IQ?



Arz, I have disagree. Not all men alike this. And neither are all women this way. This is stereotyping on both sides.

The truth is that its all about chemistry and how you connect with the other person. I was once married to a sexy attractive woman. And she was and still is an awesome person. But as hard as I tried, I could never make it work. We ended getting divorced. And when I look back now, I can see we were totally incompatible.

Failed relationships teach you a lot about yourself. And the only good thing that cones from it, is experience. In the beginning you meet someone and you fall for her or him because of looks or money or because they're witty. But in the long run the truth always comes out.
[deleted] - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-08-13 19:26:36

On 2019-08-12 08:59:46 S247 said:
I would marry the sexy Antoinette for the esa team .....

Yes please
U in for competition bru
2cool4u007 - Re: If you married a WG...
Re: If you married a WG...
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11 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2019-08-13 19:37:45

Why would I make a woman that is 100% at her best physically, sexually and emotionally become the woman (the wife/gf) that is naturally not going to be at her best everytime I see her?? ALL wives and gfs are the same: a mixture of ups & downs. WGs are ALWAYS up, whether they love their work,money or both


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