On 2019-09-02 21:11:43 BurningMan said:
@boobs i agree, for me its about a journey and the experience.
@ms paige, different strokes for different folks. The wham bang thank you mam is way to cold, dull and boring for my liking.
On 2019-09-02 17:10:32 StaalBurger48 said:
On 2019-09-02 15:55:24
Also did it on a ladies request... Turned out 5 hours of bonking ( with water and wine breaks of course) was too much. :)
On 2019-09-02 22:41:28 hbviper said:
@ms paige, different strokes for different folks
On 2019-09-02 23:52:21 Juicy Pussy Slayer said:
...2) Pause...Play...Pause...Play...