Lesley - Not your review.
Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-14 17:41:37

Gents, I have noticed some members commenting negatively on SP's review threads, or asking SP's information on the review thread.

Information should be asked for via call, text or inbox no?

My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

Even though there's no rule against this, I think its a little unfair when there is a barrage of negative comments from members who have not actually booked with the SP.

I just feel that if you paid, got bad service it is your right to blow off steam in a review, however when 10 of us jump on the bandwagon but none of us have booked it becomes a bit much.

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.
[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2021-05-14 17:48:23

Agreed with you - hence I've just you sent a WhatsApp message enquiring about your service
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-14 17:52:55

I totally agree with you. And 2 such members I have noted have a lot to say in the review section but have no reviews to their names.
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 394
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Posted: 2021-05-14 17:53:44

This also counts for insulting comments. It invites a whole lot of negativity to a profile unnecessarily.

Again I agree, If you had booked and found the person not on par with pictures yes have your say however scrolling through profiles, looking for flaws or just things that might not be to your taste and then commenting about it on the profile isn't necessary.

There is a person behind the profile whom firstly has feelings, secondly is trying to earn a living.

They already know their flaws, no need to point it out on their profile or review section.

If I am wrong, I am open to have my mind changed.
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 395
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Posted: 2021-05-14 17:54:25

On 2021-05-14 17:48:23 BigFudge said:
Agreed with you - hence I've just you sent a WhatsApp message enquiring about your service

Lol. I am on it.
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 396
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Posted: 2021-05-14 17:57:15

On 2021-05-14 17:52:55 Bbw Nadia said:
I totally agree with you. And 2 such members I have noted have a lot to say in the review section but have no reviews to their names.

I have noticed more often of late, but this has been an ongoing thing. It's like I wanna smack their hands off their keyboard and say no! Not yours! Lol
BOOBS53 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Gold Member
9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-05-14 18:06:52

That's the style of the keyboard warriors .. never book or review and always have some negative things to say about everyone and everything, their glasses are always halfway empty :(((
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-14 18:19:31

Lesley is very right .

It has been happening more and more and some of those comments are just pure douchebag style comments..

It adds no value one way or the other.

What makes it worse that it just takes one to start it off for a few others to add their 2c.

I have seen some of them and wondered how the poor lady must feel..

I even said once on forum that a guy was relentless he started of an a review section of a lady and the moment she posted a forum post he took it there . It is so uncalled for.

We see you;) Ladies and punters alike do see you!

And nothing you write after such douchebag behaviour will ever be taken seriously by anyone.

The day you really really need to post a review because you did get treated bad or really need to get a point across via a comment.. no one will listen.. the wolf has cried once to often.

Give that some thought.

And what makes it worse is that it ain't always a basic member but sometimes it is a GM.

Just because he paid that membership fee he thinks it gives him the right to be a douchebag.

AnthonyEdwards - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Gold Member
16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-14 18:27:55

On 2021-05-14 17:57:15 Lesley said:
It's like I wanna smack their hands off their keyboard and say no! Not yours! Lol

Leslie, you are beautiful, I would love to be smacked by you... [wink]
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 397
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Posted: 2021-05-14 18:48:25

On 2021-05-14 18:06:52 BOOBS53 said:
That's the style of the keyboard warriors .. never book or review and always have some negative things to say about everyone and everything, their glasses are always halfway empty :(((

Thing is they are unaware of the potential damage to income. Or maybe fully aware and do not care. Sometimes we forget these are people not products.

We can browse a site and acknowledge everything We don't like without having to make a noise about it.


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