Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-14 18:50:21

On 2021-05-14 18:27:55 AnthonyEdwards said:
On 2021-05-14 17:57:15 Lesley said: It's like I wanna smack their hands off their keyboard and say no! Not yours! Lol

Leslie, you are beautiful, I would love to be smacked by you... [wink]

Lol. Anthony you sound smitten. Come here so I can smack those fingers.
oraljim - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-14 19:23:59
Edited: 2021-05-14 19:25:09

On 2021-05-14 17:41:37 Lesley said:
My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.

Dearest Lesley,

I think in some specific cases you are correct but as a concept I respectfully disagree with you. The *ENTIRE* value proposition of a review is understanding what the reviewer's experience was so that when you encounter a reviewer you trust, their reviews have meaning.

I would say that about 95% of the reviews on this site are: "Had a great time she's freakin awesome - def worth a visit" or "She is terrible - stay away". In BOTH cases the only valuable information is WHY they said that, and asking a reviewer for clarification just makes sense. For example, suppose someone was really not into blondes and gives you a 1 star rating and says to avoid you - is that a fair representation of your service? That is not good for business at all. But if they provide that detail after people questioning them, then a future person can see "oh she was actually great in the sack but the reviewer just didn't like blondes and I do" - you are far better off for the exchange.

If ESA didn't intend for people to debate and discuss reviews they would remove the feature. It really does add value. Are there some keyboard warriors that like to stir shit up? Sure - but in all honesty the vast majority of people that both read and act on reviews can tell that sort a mile off (just as they can tell self-reviews a mile off) and they just ignore those messages, so you haven't lost any business at all.

As a broad concept - more information and discussion is *ALWAYS* better than less. This is a self-regulating environment. It serves you as a provider and me as a client far more to have information that can be ignored versus not having the info to make an informed decision.

Also, one last minor point, please realise that the review system is *NOT* intended to drive business your way - that is what the other forums and your advert itself is for. The review system is for punters to relay and discuss their experience. A side-effect of that discussion is that if the comments are mostly positive it will end up driving business your way but that is NOT what the review forum is intended for.
BOOBS53 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-05-14 19:44:41

On 2021-05-14 18:48:25 Lesley said:
Sometimes we forget these are people not products.

Absolutely agree Lesley .. to some the ladies are just a piece of meat for their self entertainment with very little respect towards the ladies .. actually flippen sad. They missing out on so much more that the ladies offers because of this. Show some mutual respect and the visits to the ladies can be so much more fun for both parties ;)
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-14 19:47:46

On 2021-05-14 19:23:59 oraljim said:
On 2021-05-14 17:41:37 Lesley said: My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.

Dearest Lesley,

I think in some specific cases you are correct but as a concept I respectfully disagree with you. The *ENTIRE* value proposition of a review is understanding what the reviewer's experience was so that when you encounter a reviewer you trust, their reviews have meaning.

I would say that about 95% of the reviews on this site are: "Had a great time she's freakin awesome - def worth a visit" or "She is terrible - stay away". In BOTH cases the only valuable information is WHY they said that, and asking a reviewer for clarification just makes sense. For example, suppose someone was really not into blondes and gives you a 1 star rating and says to avoid you - is that a fair representation of your service? That is not good for business at all. But if they provide that detail after people questioning them, then a future person can see "oh she was actually great in the sack but the reviewer just didn't like blondes and I do" - you are far better off for the exchange.

If ESA didn't intend for people to debate and discuss reviews they would remove the feature. It really does add value. Are there some keyboard warriors that like to stir shit up? Sure - but in all honesty the vast majority of people that both read and act on reviews can tell that sort a mile off (just as they can tell self-reviews a mile off) and they just ignore those messages, so you haven't lost any business at all.

As a broad concept - more information and discussion is *ALWAYS* better than less. This is a self-regulating environment. It serves you as a provider and me as a client far more to have information that can be ignored versus not having the info to make an informed decision.

Also, one last minor point, please realise that the review system is *NOT* intended to drive business your way - that is what the other forums and your advert itself is for. The review system is for punters to relay and discuss their experience. A side-effect of that discussion is that if the comments are mostly positive it will end up driving business your way but that is NOT what the review forum is intended for.

Thank you for clarifying Oraljim. I agree with you 100% however I am not referring to debating a review specifically.

I am referring to unwarranted comments from people who don't intend to book, and have no reviews behind their name, the keyboard warriors as you call them. People who have not booked and reviewed any one, they are just there to add their ugly remarks or add fuel to the fire.

These posts I am referring to were not to discuss or debate the reviews at all. They were merely a form of derogatory entertainment for the person and had no constructive value at all.

For example: Les gets a bad review from Ben because she was late for her booking and she didn't smile at all.

Ted comments, yes and have you seen those ugly teeth? Oh my! No wonder she didn't smile.

Fred comments, oh yes and those toes, I'd also run late if I had to drag those long things everywhere.

This has no value at all. Especially if this poster has been around for years with no reviews, and known to troll profiles.
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 401
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Posted: 2021-05-14 19:52:43

On 2021-05-14 19:44:41 BOOBS53 said:
On 2021-05-14 18:48:25 Lesley said: Sometimes we forget these are people not products.

Absolutely agree Lesley .. to some the ladies are just a piece of meat for their self entertainment with very little respect towards the ladies .. actually flippen sad. They missing out on so much more that the ladies offers because of this. Show some mutual respect and the visits to the ladies can be so much more fun for both parties ;)

So True Mr Boobs. It all boils down to common sense and respect. But this is too much to ask from some...

I do know one thing though, word travels and SPs communicate. If a guy goes around disrespecting SPs, eventually he will be left with no one to accommodate him.

AnthonyEdwards - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-14 19:53:35

On 2021-05-14 18:50:21 Lesley said:
On 2021-05-14 18:27:55 AnthonyEdwards said: On 2021-05-14 17:57:15 Lesley said: It's like I wanna smack their hands off their keyboard and say no! Not yours! Lol

Leslie, you are beautiful, I would love to be smacked by you... [wink]

Lol. Anthony you sound smitten. Come here so I can smack those fingers.

Yes please and don't stop there, I don't mind being a product for you to use as you wish [wink]
oraljim - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-05-14 19:56:05
Edited: 2021-05-14 20:37:28

On 2021-05-14 19:47:46 Lesley said:
For example: Les gets a bad review from Ben because she was late for her booking and she didn't smile at all.

Ted comments, yes and have you seen those ugly teeth? Oh my! No wonder she didn't smile.

Fred comments, oh yes and those toes, I'd also run late if I had to drag those long things everywhere.

This has no value at all. Especially if this poster has been around for years with no reviews, and known to troll profiles.

Actually, I think that exchange adds *FAR* more value than the "she was awesome go visit her" type reviews which mean nothing. The above exchange would immediately tell me (and I promise you, any other gentleman you may WANT to visit you) that any messages and other possible reviews from Ted and Fred can safely be ignored. I really do think that this type of keyboard warrior shit does far more damage to the poster than to whoever's review it is on. Just my opinion but based on a fairly significant amount of observation of this place :)
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-14 20:16:54

On 2021-05-14 19:56:05 oraljim said:
On 2021-05-14 19:47:46 Lesley said: For example: Les gets a bad review from Ben because she was late for her booking and she didn't smile at all.

Ted comments, yes and have you seen those ugly teeth? Oh my! No wonder she didn't smile.

Fred comments, oh yes and those toes, I'd also run late if I had to drag those long things everywhere.

This has no value at all. Especially if this poster has been around for years with no reviews, and known to troll profiles.
Actually, I think that exchange adds *FAR* more value than the "she was awesome go visit her" type reviews which mean nothing. The above exchange would immediately tell me (and I promise you, any other gentleman you may WANT to visit you) that any messages and other possible reviews from Ted and Fred can safely be ignored. I really do think that this type of keyboard warrior shit does far more damage to the poster than to whoever's review it is on. Just my opinion but based on a fairly significant amount of observation of this place :)

Haha. Thanks Oraljim. I appreciate the info. I completely get what you're saying and I shouldn't assume everyone reading can't see Ted and Fred are useless contributors.

I guess I just feel badly because they say hurtful things.

Need4Passion - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-14 20:20:33
Edited: 2021-05-14 20:32:39

Need4Passion - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-14 20:20:53
Edited: 2021-05-14 20:39:24

@Lesley, you are 100% correct. There are some keyboard warriors and I've also seen an increase of lately.

@Oraljim is 100% correct too. We can pick them up and ignore them just as we'd ignore those that only ever review "she was awesome go visit her" reviews.

The valuable detail and comments however are very useful to making a decision. We all can't play it safe and book stars based on multiple good reviews because then there'd be no one to book as someone needs to take chances and then put those reviews there. And if you take chances, you are going to pay school fees, not all punts will be great and there will be negative reviews and comments.

Bottom line is over time the actual punters get to know who is reliable or not so as Jim said, you won't lose business to the fakes. Looking as those comments now is as funny as reading a selfie review.


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