JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-15 12:26:46

On 2021-05-15 08:58:37 Need4Passion said:

And those guys can't see the comments and reviews... All they can see is the pictures and number.

This is what forced me to sign up.

1) you can see reviews if you go via the forum imstead of through the profile and 2) more nb the relevent distinction is between people who are active on the forum (and can therefore spot the bullshit) and those who arent. That difference won't correspond to those who have signed up for usernames and those who havent. Plenty of punters have usernames but arent active enough to know which comments to trust. I was like that for years, had a username but really only popped in rarely and briefly to find my next punt.
BurningMan - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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17 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-05-15 14:14:51

I agree, to many unnecessary comments or questions left on the review section. Unless its a con artist. Then it is open season.
[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2021-05-15 17:51:06

Unfortunately,it falls to both sides of the spectrum. Lots of girls use the site to generate income to feed their drug addiction,so reviews and ethic behaviour is out the window for them. I have had a good many experiences on that. We just have to take the good with the bad and hope that the good outweighs the bad......otherwise we are doomed. hahaha
[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-15 17:52:28

On 2021-05-14 17:41:37 Lesley said:
Gents, I have noticed some members commenting negatively on SP's review threads, or asking SP's information on the review thread.

Information should be asked for via call, text or inbox no?

My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

Even though there's no rule against this, I think its a little unfair when there is a barrage of negative comments from members who have not actually booked with the SP.

I just feel that if you paid, got bad service it is your right to blow off steam in a review, however when 10 of us jump on the bandwagon but none of us have booked it becomes a bit much.

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.

What's this chick yapping on about, she seems to have an opinion on everything like those wokista virtue signalling celebrities. imagine being in a room with her and miss red, they will talk your ears off.

Not sure what you mean by comments on a wg review section. I don't see what the issue with punters asking each other questions. Reviews from punters who have not actually been to the lady usually get removed so that is not an issue. I haven't seen the malicious commenting you are referring to, if anything I think the crowd here is too nice and refrain from a negative review most of the time.
James638 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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28 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-05-15 17:56:19

On 2021-05-14 17:54:25 Lesley said:
On 2021-05-14 17:48:23 BigFudge said: Agreed with you - hence I've just you sent a WhatsApp message enquiring about your service

Lol. I am on it.

Please send to me via pm too

Gretchen - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
3 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-05-15 18:22:13

[QUOTE;2906771;Lesley] Gretchen, I am sorry. That is unacceptable.

Trolls will be trolls and there is nothing we can do about them.
Back in the day Esa would take them on and expose them as malicious on the post, do they not moderate this anymore?

Lesley go read what's written under my reviews. You'll be shocked.
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-15 18:24:56

On 2021-05-15 17:52:28 Cassanata said:
On 2021-05-14 17:41:37 Lesley said: Gents, I have noticed some members commenting negatively on SP's review threads, or asking SP's information on the review thread.

Information should be asked for via call, text or inbox no?

My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

Even though there's no rule against this, I think its a little unfair when there is a barrage of negative comments from members who have not actually booked with the SP.

I just feel that if you paid, got bad service it is your right to blow off steam in a review, however when 10 of us jump on the bandwagon but none of us have booked it becomes a bit much.

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.

What's this chick yapping on about, she seems to have an opinion on everything like those wokista virtue signalling celebrities. imagine being in a room with her and miss red, they will talk your ears off.

Not sure what you mean by comments on a wg review section. I don't see what the issue with punters asking each other questions. Reviews from punters who have not actually been to the lady usually get removed so that is not an issue. I haven't seen the malicious commenting you are referring to, if anything I think the crowd here is too nice and refrain from a negative review most of the time.

Ahem......I do have an opinion on everything. And yes have you not read? Apparently I am quite the conversationalist. But with you I can surely dumb it down a bit.

I am just yapping....don't mind me :)
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-15 18:47:46

Gretchen I only see good reviews :) not sure I am looking at the right profile?
JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
Basic Member
24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-15 19:39:59

On 2021-05-15 17:52:28 Cassanata said:

What's this chick yapping on about, she seems to have an opinion on everything like those wokista virtue signalling celebrities. imagine being in a room with her and miss red, they will talk your ears off.

Not sure what you mean by comments on a wg review section. I don't see what the issue with punters asking each other questions. Reviews from punters who have not actually been to the lady usually get removed so that is not an issue. I haven't seen the malicious commenting you are referring to, if anything I think the crowd here is too nice and refrain from a negative review most of the time.

Aren't chicks with opinions just the worst? Especially SPs. God, next thing they'll be expecting us to treat them like actual people.

But what a surprise that the douche who basically stalked London around the forum making disparaging remarks on all her promotional posts doesn't see a problem...
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 409
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Posted: 2021-05-15 21:50:18

On 2021-05-15 08:50:45 Gretchen said:
It happened to me
Lots of negative things said because of a comment I made in General Discussion. Punters said absolutely horrible and untrue things about me which is now permanently stuck under my reviews. Completely unfair as those punters do not know me and never booked me. Wonder why ESA allows it?

Gretchen I had a look, they are not on your review thread.
They are comments on your actual profile.

You look like a good solid service provider and soon the good comments will put the bad ones far behind.

Sorry you're stuck with that now because you have a really cute profile.


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