Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-17 14:08:48

On 2021-05-17 10:23:07 Cassanata said:
On 2021-05-15 18:24:56 Lesley said: On 2021-05-15 17:52:28 Cassanata said: On 2021-05-14 17:41:37 Lesley said: Gents, I have noticed some members commenting negatively on SP's review threads, or asking SP's information on the review thread.

Information should be asked for via call, text or inbox no?

My question is, why comment on a profile's review section if you have not booked the SP?

That section is reserved for members who have actually booked the SP, not every Jan trap en sy maat :)

Even though there's no rule against this, I think its a little unfair when there is a barrage of negative comments from members who have not actually booked with the SP.

I just feel that if you paid, got bad service it is your right to blow off steam in a review, however when 10 of us jump on the bandwagon but none of us have booked it becomes a bit much.

I might be wrong, but I think if you want to have a chit chat about the reviewers experience, do it privately via pm not on the SP's review thread.

What's this chick yapping on about, she seems to have an opinion on everything like those wokista virtue signalling celebrities. imagine being in a room with her and miss red, they will talk your ears off.

Not sure what you mean by comments on a wg review section. I don't see what the issue with punters asking each other questions. Reviews from punters who have not actually been to the lady usually get removed so that is not an issue. I haven't seen the malicious commenting you are referring to, if anything I think the crowd here is too nice and refrain from a negative review most of the time.

Ahem......I do have an opinion on everything. And yes have you not read? Apparently I am quite the conversationalist. But with you I can surely dumb it down a bit.

I am just yapping....don't mind me :)

Dumb it down? Lol, yeah that's why you are an escort right. Little girl you are not on my level.

Oh my sweet dear. I am an escort because it's really good money. I have a masters in Psychology, and passed kumlaude in various other studies I have done in my life.

I am above your level my angel. So yes....with people like you I am forced to dumb it down.

You resolve to insulting my clients via pm because you feel so impotent in your own life.

I do not take offense to any of your idiocies.
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 435
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Posted: 2021-05-17 14:51:41
Edited: 2021-05-17 14:57:24

Thank you Casanata for the permission to post the pm you just sent me.

It's very satisfying to see that you are taking this so personally. I have watched you demean, insult and simply bash WG's and punters alike to make yourself feel better.

So you think my studies were useless...that's okay. I didn't choose psychology because of money, I chose it for my love of people.

When I say I am above your level, I really am, maybe not mathematically, but emotionally, maturity wise and I actually have an EQ which you obviously lack.

You have such a great career but cannot afford a R150 Gold membership? For someone who is just a basic member you sure make the most noise.

Yes, it's clear as day how rich and powerful you are...and obviously so smart.

You call me a little girl, that's so high school of you, look at you go! I am 35....and certainly don't act like a child.

You really bore most of us. And this is an argument you will never win. Not because of intellect or IQ, but because people have seen you for what you are. Your insecurities scream out in your posts, your disdain is overt.

Tell me again why you're on here if escorts are so beneath you?
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-17 14:52:31

Cassanata's pm to me

Firstly, get your facts straight. I am limited to 2 posts every 3 hours hence i pmed "your client" because i couldnt reply. You are welcome to post this message on the thread because i will anyway.

"I have a masters in Psychology, and passed kumlaude in various other studies I have done in my life"
Firstly, let me be the first to congratulate you on wasting 5 years or more of your life on absolute trash pseudoscience. The proof that its trash is that you werent actually able to make a career out of it. If I did some useless degree like psychology or sociology etc. I would just keep quiet about it. I have an honors degree in computer science, I would like to see you go through 2 years of Univerity math or a course on design patterns. So no, you are not on my level, not even close, lol.

"I am above your level my angel. So yes....with people like you I am forced to dumb it down."
Ive read books by a few renowned philosopherspsychologists? when you are up for a debate on profound things then lets do a to and fro either via the forum on pm, lets see if you are capable of your own thinking.

"You resolve to insulting my clients via pm because you feel so impotent in your own life.
oh so "your client" insults me and i cant respond? gtfo!

"I do not take offense to any of your idiocies."
just like i dont take offense at your idiocies :)
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-17 15:19:08

As for your invite to have an intellectual debate, I respectfully decline.

Having seen you throw your toys and how ugly you get when you engage on this platform, I will spare myself the misery.

I do not wish to engage you further for any reason. You can say your say right here if you please, or not.

You can clearly see that your commentary is unwelcome, what you do with this info is your prerogative.

If you thought that I was to be pushed around and bullied by insults from you, I can assure you, you made a big mistake.

Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-17 16:01:17

And this was his very mature response.

"Seems like I ruffled your feathers but there Karen, my bad."

I rest my case lol

JP82 - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 16:09:54

Well, that definitely seems like a message from a man that is "laughing [his] ass off" at everyone else taking themselves too seriously.

And why is it always the guys with room temperature EQs that dunk on the humanities? I have BA undergrad and honours degrees, followed by an MSc (incl. masters level maths) and I can say without any doubt that I learnt more from, and was more challenged by, the humanities subjects.

Also, lol at the irony of criticising humanities as useless and then challenging you to a debate on "profound things" because he's read "a few renowned philosopherspsychologists"(sic) (I bet you its Nietzsche. Dudebro's all love Nietzsche, although I'm yet to meet one who actually understands him). @Cassanata would you accept a debate on something comp. sci. related from someone who said "I know nothing about computer science. Comp sci is useless and a waste of time. But I've played a bit of minecraft, so let's go..."
[deleted] - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-17 18:35:21

@JP that's an interesting background. I would have loved to formally study the liberal arts. Strictly viewing the value of education through its market utility is awful philistinism - a great mind is moulded by both the sciences and the humanities.
semensquirter - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 18:40:21
Edited: 2021-05-17 18:42:48

Fukkit and I wonder if I can compete here with my PHD!
semensquirter - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-17 18:42:19

oops forgot to mention...that PHD = Passed Highschool Difficultly!
Lesley - Re: Not your review.
Re: Not your review.
28 Sep 2020
Posts to Date: 441
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Posted: 2021-05-17 18:50:12

A great mind is androgynous :)


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