Lesley - Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:27:58

post this on the forum...

On 2021-05-17 14:51:41 Lesley said:

It's very satisfying to see that you are taking this so personally.

On the contrary, it looks like its you and Ken JP Jenner who seem all riled up with your pitch forks stabbing in dark at the phantasms of your imagination.

On 2021-05-17 14:51:41 Lesley said:
So you think my studies were useless...that's okay.

pretty much

On 2021-05-17 14:51:41 Lesley said:
I didn't choose psychology because of money, I chose it for my love of people.

If you loved people that much your money would have been better spent donating to a charity.

On 2021-05-17 14:51:41 Lesley said:
When I say I am above your level, I really am, maybe not mathematically, but emotionally, maturity wise and I actually have an EQ which you obviously lack.

Still not on my level, sorry hun. I know every karen thinks they are levels above everyone else when clearly they are not.

Despite your claim of having a high EQ, your posts reveal the contrary.

On 2021-05-17 14:51:41 Lesley said:
You have such a great career but cannot afford a R150 Gold membership? For someone who is just a basic member you sure make the most noise.

So everyone here who does not have a Gold membership its because they cant afford it? great logic. I enable Gold membership when i need it but most of the time I dont. It has nothing to do with affordability, how stupid of you to make that assertation.

You claim to make a lot of money as an escort yet you couldn't afford a proper boob job.

"I make the most noise"
lol, again, logic escapes you. I post max about 2 posts a day on average and its usually less than 3 sentences.
If you want "noise" then take a look at your posts, 99% of which is just fluff.

[QUOTE;2911981;Lesley]Yes, it's clear as day how rich and powerful you are...and obviously so smart.[/QUOTE]
What? not sure what you are on about, but then again I don't expect blonde airheads to make sense.

[QUOTE;2911981;Lesley]You really bore most of us. [/QUOTE]
I am not here to entertain you.

Also you and ken pj jenner don't speak for the rest of the forum and i happen to have a good relationship with a few of members here.

[QUOTE;2911981;Lesley] Not because of intellect or IQ, but because people have seen you for what you are. Your insecurities scream out in your posts, your disdain is overt.[/QUOTE]
You know nothing about me.

I dont need to explain myself to the likes of you. Those who want to know me will get to know me, those like you who want to project your insecurities on to me won't.

[QUOTE;2911981;Lesley]Tell me again why you're on here if escorts are so beneath you?[/QUOTE]
Because sometimes my penis gets hard and i need to stick it into something soft.

Lesley - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:29:46

QUOTE;2912091;Lesley] As for your invite to have an intellectual debate, I respectfully decline.[/QUOTE]
Good idea, it will probably save you further embarrasment.

On 2021-05-17 15:19:08 Lesley said:
I do not wish to engage you further for any reason.

nobody is forcing you to

On 2021-05-17 15:19:08 Lesley said:
You can clearly see that your commentary is unwelcome, what you do with this info is your prerogative.

You and your bf dont own the forum. I will comment where i want and say what i want.

On 2021-05-17 15:19:08 Lesley said:
If you thought that I was to be pushed around and bullied by insults from you, I can assure you, you made a big mistake.

Who is bullying you? typical karen response, somebody disagrees with you and suddenly you are the victim and they are bullying you.

Like i said in the pm to you, i dont have any issues with you. Lets agree to disagree and just ignore each other.
Melina - The Edging Expert
Melina - The Edging Expert - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
21 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:36:57

Lesley as far as I know people have been banned for posting personal conversations here on the forum.

Lesley - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:38:02

He asked me to post it. If Esa won't do anything about bullies what am I supposed to do?
petermnbvcxz - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
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18 Jan 2007
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:39:36

Lesley, just ignore the trolls, they are looking for attention
Melina - The Edging Expert
Melina - The Edging Expert - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
21 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:54:42
Edited: 2021-05-18 08:56:57

On 2021-05-18 08:38:02 Lesley said:
He asked me to post it. If Esa won't do anything about bullies what am I supposed to do?

Most definitely not get yourself banned. It's not worth it!

If I ask you to jump in the fire will you?
Lesley - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
28 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:55:25

On 2021-05-18 08:39:36 petermnbvcxz said:
Lesley, just ignore the trolls, they are looking for attention

This is the thing guys. How long will we ignore them?

It is not okay for them to harass paying members and advertisers.

I have a huge anxiety problem, I canceled 3 appointments today because he is bombarding my inbox to level with me.

This is not okay. Sometimes ignoring them just doesn't work.
Melina - The Edging Expert
Melina - The Edging Expert - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
21 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 08:55:31
Edited: 2021-05-18 08:59:03

On 2021-05-18 08:39:36 petermnbvcxz said:
Lesley, just ignore the trolls, they are looking for attention

Great advice they were probably deprived of attention as kids so desperately seeking it elsewhere.

If she ignores them long enough they will go away its when you fuel them that they don't go away and then the bullying will persist.

In life you will always have the good and the bad. It's up to you to chose who you share your energy with.
Melina - The Edging Expert
Melina - The Edging Expert - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
21 May 2014
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:01:33

On 2021-05-18 08:55:25 Lesley said:
On 2021-05-18 08:39:36 petermnbvcxz said: Lesley, just ignore the trolls, they are looking for attention

This is the thing guys. How long will we ignore them?

It is not okay for them to harass paying members and advertisers.

I have a huge anxiety problem, I canceled 3 appointments today because he is bombarding my inbox to level with me.

This is not okay. Sometimes ignoring them just doesn't work.

It's not OK because he/she has won you out of focus and you turned away appointments and cash in your pocket. Sorry but nobody is worth throwing away your inner peace.
KICKASS - Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Re: Casanata asked me to post because he can't.
Basic Member
12 May 2011
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Posted: 2021-05-18 09:05:56

Well well it's hard to just ignore ppl like this because they feel they can do as they please. Sometimes u need to stand up let them know u not afraid of them so well done love u do what u need to.
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