Ziske - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
1 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2021-05-26 21:19:55

Ok I am known for my sarcasm and sense of humour sometimes dry humour so here goes

If I take my "dirty money" and surface spray every note then I have "clean money" problem solved ;-) xxx

Have a good evening everyone mwha xxx
[deleted] - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-05-26 21:35:31

This is an interesting topic. I think it turned out more philosophical than the original poster intended. I don't know if there is a right answer or if anyone knows the answer. I think the answer lies somewhere between all the views expressed, and then some.

Here are my thoughts to add. A wg told me very bluntly many moons ago, this here is fast money. Easy come easy go. I do think ones mindset, whether you look at it from a religious perspectiv or whether you look at it from a perspective of, you know what I can make this back again tomorrow, plays an important role. I do think one would have a different mind set if you had a fixed income and you absolutely knew no more money was coming in and you have no choice but to work extra careful with that money. I know for myself, the only time I have difficulty not to punt is when I have more cash going around. However, when I have to keep a close eye on my finances the desire to go stand by the ATM disappears because my sense of responsibility overrides the need to book a lady. I can go from 4 punts a month to 1 punt I'm 3 months. I understand that is not the same for everyone, but I'm talking from my own experience.
If you look at money negatively from a religious standpoint or whatever standpoint I do believe that you are already set up for failure. That is plain and simple the law of attraction.

One last point I'd like to add to the debate is that a lot of people in general are not nearly educated enough in basic financial fitness and that would certainly and unsurprisingly be the case for many people in this industry as well.

Add to all of that the state of our economy, unemployment rates, high inflation, the pandemic, etc. and the picture starts becoming a little clearer.
Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2021-05-26 21:50:26

Praise the lward hahaha you all are funny

I am a virgin can pastors wife guide me hahaha
vampirezn - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
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23 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2021-05-26 22:01:56

I thought I've seen it all..

Quoting the Bible on a pussy for sale platform, fokken lol.
Ashleigh @ Be Sensual
Ashleigh @ Be Sensual - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
19 Apr 2017
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Posted: 2021-05-27 07:54:49

[QUOTE;2936726;Ziske] Ok I am known for my sarcasm and sense of humour sometimes dry humour so here goes

If I take my "dirty money" and surface spray every note then I have "clean money" problem solved ;-) xxx

Money laundering! every now and then when I see blue floating in the water of my washing machine, now that's a blessing :D I often forgot to put the cash in my wallet lol
[deleted] - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-05-27 08:12:46

On 2021-05-26 21:19:55 Ziske said:
Ok I am known for my sarcasm and sense of humour sometimes dry humour so here goes

If I take my "dirty money" and surface spray every note then I have "clean money" problem solved ;-) xxx

Have a good evening everyone mwha xxx

100% Correct

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-27 08:25:08

I do believe the way we live has change so much from the way our grand- parents lived or even how we grew up.

When I grew up there was one brand shampoo in the bathroom cabinet and the whole family used, today every family member wants to use a different one;) Snackwishes or jaffels made from dinner left overs was in your lunch box the next day, no "lunch" money and breakfast came off the stove top not out of a cereal box.
We did not know what a cellphone was ,yet todays kids don't just want one but wants the best one.;)

We have become a lazy lot and impatient to boot, that will rather hop out at the filling station and buy bread coffee milk ect at the express shop than go stand in a line at spar, which ends up costing a lot more than if we put in that little effort to go a half mile further and go stand in a line for a few minutes.

We are the reason our money just does not stretch as far as the little our parents or grandparents had could stretch.

PS: I think it is sad that any lady would think her money is dirty money..;(

Do you not work hard for your money? I do, I work hard everyday every minute doing my "job". Did you steal it ? I did not, I provided a service. Did you beg it off someone? No, the person made up his own mind to make use of a service I offer.

My money is earned honestly regardless of my profession being labled ilegal or immoral by some.

Your blessing do not come from whether your job is viewed as legal or not. Dirty or clean. But by whether you are doing your job with the attitude and intentions that deserves blessings. You can be a priest or a rabi or any other and if you use your profession or calling to do harm or to abuse the position you have.. blessing won't be coming your way.

Fact is as long as you yourself disrespect how you earn your money your money will disrespect you.

Bless yourself first by being kind to yourself and other blessings will follow. Not when you want it but when you need them the most.
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-05-27 08:33:32
Edited: 2021-05-27 08:38:38

Convenience, marketing, mind control, someone is making money out of our weaknesses. We are led to believe shinier is better, and that the media is our friend. If it's sweet, shiny, convenient, processed, it's probably not good for you and you probably don't need it. Hell, they even jumped on the masks bandwagon and have made it a fashion statement. What next ? Flashy ventilators ? Designer vaccines?
Ziske - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
1 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2021-05-27 11:20:01

On 2021-05-27 07:54:49 Ashleigh @ Be Sensual said:
[QUOTE;2936726;Ziske] Ok I am known for my sarcasm and sense of humour sometimes dry humour so here goes

If I take my "dirty money" and surface spray every note then I have "clean money" problem solved ;-) xxx

Money laundering! every now and then when I see blue floating in the water of my washing machine, now that's a blessing :D I often forgot to put the cash in my wallet lol

Love that LOL has happened to me too before
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: Where does the money go?
Re: Where does the money go?
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2021-05-27 11:37:18
Edited: 2021-05-27 11:38:41


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