Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-10-19 06:34:52
Edited: 2021-10-19 06:40:48

I am glad that you know what you are comfortable with and what not.
From a wg perspective- I know what I am comfortable with and money won't make me like something I don't like or what I'd rather not indulge in. It's not that I am scared of trying something different or new. I just know myself so well. I know what I like and what my mind and body responds to. I actually decided to stop doing spanking cos it was just not for me.
I have to tell you about my second-to-none client. He was a bit dominant last time but without the humiliation, more like pin me down and pleasuree kinda thing, it was out of this world. However, I have absolutely no interest in doing it with anyone else.
Certain scenarios just don't appeal to me and I will simply not indulge and that's quite fine.

On 2021-10-18 18:47:00 oraljim said:
I don't have it in me either. I've had more than one potential GF tell me that - and the second they do I put the brakes on everything and usually end things with a rather worried "sort your head out lady."

In this purple realm I have met many ladies who seem to have a 'screw loose' and I can't but wonder if doing all these are not related to just doing anything and everything incl some things they absolutely hate. I was in contact with a lady who did all these weird and wonderful things and the end of all- depression and suicide. I have to add she was not the only one. Whether it's connected, I can't say for sure. I have just seen more than my fair share of suicides among ladies that indulge in the more unusual practices. Please note this is my observations in my dealings with SPs and it's not scientific fact.
Jakeburns78 - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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7 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-10-19 06:56:40

I think the problem is Nadia that for some ladies (and by all means not all) its about the almighty dollar, and so it makes them do things they dont want to or are not comfortable with,
it is unfortunately a sad state of affairs but sometimes to survive they do it an then hate themselves for doing it,
I wish they all had your fortitude to say no I'm not comfortable doing that but alas that is not the case
a true BDSM experience doesn't necessarily include pain or humiliation but we for some reason think it does

Arcticus - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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7 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2021-10-19 07:34:00

This reminds me of a booking where the SP asked me to slap her ass while we were doing doggy...I tried, but got told "Harder!" and I suddenly had a flashback of trying to get a cow to move out of a veggie patch when I was living in Switzerland: my hardest slap on the cow's hindquarters merely elicited a bemused stare from the cow, like "Whaaat?". I got the giggles with the SP, and her objections to me laughing only made the giggles worse. That was the end of that booking...I am just not cut out for rough sex or moving cattle, I guess.

More seriously, I think requests for pain are often the products of early inappropriate sex acts (coerced incest etc.) where the victim is still trying to process the trauma. For many victims like this, the fact that they were able to respond physically to the sex is especially disturbing to them. Some SPs who were victimized in this manner can be attracted to this work through feelings of mistrust of anyone getting close and/or a feeling of being 'dirty' and undeserving of a 'real' relationship. As Nadia points out, long-term this will often result in severe depression.
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-10-19 07:36:47

On 2021-10-19 06:56:40 Jakeburns78 said:

a true BDSM experience doesn't necessarily include pain or humiliation but we for some reason think it does


i have never had much to do with the BDSM subculture but from the little contact I've had not one person has ever mentioned the above. I only know of 1 lady who got this. She was always on the fringe of the industry but not really in the trade but very much into BDSM. Sadly she gassed herself.
Shawner - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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14 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-19 08:12:08

Been in that boat, and had to swim for the shore.

I also can't do it, most I will do is a nice tight ass grab and a hard pounding when the passion flares up.
onlyhuman8185 - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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10 Jul 2021
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Posted: 2021-10-19 09:55:10

So.. where I do find these girls that like it rough lol
muffman69 - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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18 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2021-10-19 11:19:57

Half a lifetime ago I once tried the ass spanking with my then gf, at her suggestion. Not for me thanks. What I don't get is the many porno videos that include spanking, usually with "dirty talk" such as " suck that cock you little bitch, whore etc". Turns me off straight away.
Some things I just don't get.
[deleted] - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-10-19 11:25:01

Seems we're a softer bunch than one would presume, or maybe the guys into this stuff are just keeping quiet :D

I've enjoyed reading the responses though. Thanks.
josephjoestar - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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20 May 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-19 12:53:48

Are we talking outright degrading this woman or was she wanting a little firm rugged manly behavior?

CatEater - Re: What would you do?
Re: What would you do?
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12 May 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-19 13:49:07

If you could include their profile link that'd be helpful and tasty thanks.

Especially if there's no ROAR.


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