Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 11:50:07

On 2021-10-21 15:50:59 Busty Lacy said:
On 2021-10-21 15:28:59 BOOBS53 said: WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.

I will tell you

The average punter simply don't have the disposable income anymore as in the past, that's the bottom line !!!

A punt or two weekly in the past, became a punt or two in a month, if you are still lucky !!!

The worst are sadly still to come. What is the solution then .. I haven't got a flippen clue :((((
This is so scary, I hope there will be an end to this craziness

Our government is to blame for the f up in our country. If they had stuck to their word about arresting people without masks etc,things would of been going well in our country. In Portugal masks are almost non existent, because the government was strict and people complied....
EvilAngel - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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16 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-22 11:52:25

This economic hit alot of people. Punters want to punt more, but dont have the budgetand stuck with their balls in their hand.
Ladies increase there price, because everything get more expensive and they need to survive.

What put me off is like some other punters also feel. Those extras. I dont talk about greek, golden showers and so on. Just for the basic GFE you must pay more. Rather have one price and if he dont do everything, its up to him.

Another way is, you budget maybe allow you 2 punts a month. Who you choose. That sexy lady you got your eye on for a long time, but price is high so you wont have money left for a 2nd punt, or the lady who asked extra for more and got so many rules, or your regular with who you got a connection, you enjoy each ones company, her service is excelent and her price is reasonable. There are no second thought who it will be.

Yes I know each lady can decide there price, but if your price is high dont complain you dont get bookings.

For those ladies that dropped there prices and try to accommodate you someway. We appriciate it.
Just my 2c.
Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 11:52:39

On 2021-10-21 19:07:25 Vickey ( The Original ) said:
On 2021-10-21 13:34:01 Kaycee (the Original Milf) said: Business is really down, I never ask for anything,and don't expect anything for free, I'm really asking for support with my video content..
Even if it's R100
I'll still send my fulll package
Of 64 videos and pics...

Please guys I'm not the only lady having almost no business for 2 weeks. Support us with our content

I was wondering what is going on. Things are very dead :-(

Keep ur head up and believe things will get better.


Thanks babe......
Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 11:57:07

On 2021-10-21 22:03:38 Arizona said:
So many new ladies joined the industry when Covid lockdown hit us due to retrenchment and financial difficulties. It was bound to become an over supply and less demand. Clients are working from home. Less freedom to punt. Clients took salary cuts or were retrenched or business slowed down due to Covid restrictions. Therefore less disposable income = less punting funds. Clients are afraid of getting Covid from a lady as they assume we are seeing many clients and that equals higher risk for infection. There are so many factors that have created the decline in business. I tried to encourage and offered to help ladies to look at other opportunities and income avenues. Only one contacted me.
Ladies have far more time on their hands with business being quiet. Spend that time educating yourself, do an online course, study and look for alternative income or flexible online hours of employment outside of this industry. It will only benefit you in the long term. Nothing ventured... Nothing gained!


I keep myself busy by marketing myself on a few platforms,spend time gardening which totally chills me out. I make my candles which I sell as an additional income...
I try not to just sit and think about the circumstances...I go for daily walks to clear my mind, watch a documentary or listen to relaxing music. I meditate alot too.....
GhostLicker - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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11 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-22 11:59:17

I know their is retainers deal, but for some it's still to high.
Another special I think may work is:
Say your 1hour booking is a R1000, way not make it if you take 2 booking you pay then R1500.
You only get then R750 per booking, but it's better than have nothing at all.
Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 12:09:35

My extras are included in my basic rate
Half hour R600 Inc one extra at no additional cost
One hour R900 with 1/2 extras at no additional cost
90 Min R1300 includes 2/3 extras at no additional cost

I reckon those are reasonable rates
I never charge extra for extra's its part of the package
I heard today that some charge extra for a bare blow,now come on,a bj with or without a condom in my eyes is part of the package,not an extra

Why charge extra, really rediculous

Again I want to say thank you for all the support I've received

Every cent helps

Also heard from various punters that ladies,once payment has been received, don't even send what they promised.

That's another thing that makes life harder for the honest ladies,like myself
Come on ladies don't you realise that what goes around comes around
Scam one client and it is over for the honest ladies,do you not understand that these guys want to help,but you screw them over. No wonder alot of guys are sceptical about buying content
Please stop making life difficult for us honest ladies
Remember karma is a biaaaatch....
ilovemywoozle - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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26 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-10-22 12:20:54

[QUOTE;3232855;therodent] The creative marketing is also part of the problem. What really irritates me is so called "specials" which some WG's say they are having for a month. This is not a special, it is your new asking price. Also, these extras that are offered are absolutely ridiculous. I am not ordering a big mac meal so why have axtras? Just ask a price which is fair and throw in all the so called "extra" so as not to make the encounter a mechanical drive through affair. This is the biggest thing that has gone wrong in my opinion other than the shitty economy. Things like "specials", "extras", "retainers" and all this other crap is just so off putting.

Agree. A venue here, sends out an "available today" whatsapp every day, and it's worked for them
Kaycee (the Original Milf)
Kaycee (the Original Milf) - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-10-22 13:12:24

On 2021-10-22 12:20:54 ilovemywoozle said:
[QUOTE;3232855;therodent] The creative marketing is also part of the problem. What really irritates me is so called "specials" which some WG's say they are having for a month. This is not a special, it is your new asking price. Also, these extras that are offered are absolutely ridiculous. I am not ordering a big mac meal so why have axtras? Just ask a price which is fair and throw in all the so called "extra" so as not to make the encounter a mechanical drive through affair. This is the biggest thing that has gone wrong in my opinion other than the shitty economy. Things like "specials", "extras", "retainers" and all this other crap is just so off putting.

Agree. A venue here, sends out an "available today" whatsapp every day, and it's worked for them

I totally understand......
AnthonyEdwards - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-22 13:35:38

On 2021-10-22 11:59:17 GhostLicker said:
I know their is retainers deal, but for some it's still to high.
Another special I think may work is:
Say your 1hour booking is a R1000, way not make it if you take 2 booking you pay then R1500.
You only get then R750 per booking, but it's better than have nothing at all.

That is a really good idea
landy - Re: WTF IS GOING ON
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4 Dec 2006
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Posted: 2021-10-22 14:19:44

I still am not sure some get it.

Looking at active adds in Gauteng
JHB Girls (686), Massage (322)
PTA Girls (347), Massage (133)

Essentially just short of 1500 options available for any punter in a fairly close proximity. You have to box clever, think out of the box and I promise you economics in these times are coming into play.

I am sorry Kaycee but R 900 per hour is not the going rate for the average person after close to two years of COVID hardship

Just my thoughts


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