silentbouncer - No apartments to rent for cash
No apartments to rent for cash
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25 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:39:52

I was wondering, why do you need to have proof of income/payslips to rent an apartment.

Surely you don't need a payslip when you book into a hotel/motel. You mostly still pay deposit, so there's the 1st month's proof of payment already.

The reason for asking, so many girls gets exploited, even when sharing an apartment. You have to pay 400+ even when sharing, so basically you're paying for the rent and some profit, and the girl renting it out doesn't have to do anything.

Girls who can afford an apartment for 7000+ doesn't have payslips to get a lease.
kevman - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-10-24 08:46:39

Cause by law, if they are in there and do not pay, you cannot evict them.
If they have payslips you know they can afford to pay and have a steady income.

A hotel can just kick you out.
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2021-10-24 09:15:44

The laws always favour the losers.

Those who cannot afford accommodation.
PIE -prevention of illegal eviction act.
You cannot evict a non paying tenant.

Those who are unemployable.
BEE. Black Economic empowerment.
silentbouncer - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
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25 Feb 2012
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Posted: 2021-10-24 11:29:51

So the hotels can kick you out for not paying, but you can't get kicked out of an apartment for not paying...

Having a payslip doesn't guarantee you'll still have employment. You could be unemployed next month, and then live happily ever after, knowing they can't kick you out ;-)
Sugar Xtreme [queen Of Muff]
Sugar Xtreme [queen Of Muff] - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
17 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2021-10-24 11:38:00

The reason why girls pay daily rent is for tur uokeep of the house the breakages. A house is also a business. And the owner if the house must also money. Just like any business. Its not a case of exploiting the girls. Its a case of providing them with a safe inviroment to work from. Yes some places probably do exactly that. But most houses just take a daily rent.
Courtney - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
12 Jan 2021
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Posted: 2021-10-24 15:40:24

Coming from working in the rental industry for 8 years, it is very simple.

Because to have a tenant evicted is incredibly difficult, time consuming and expensive. And while having a payslip isn't a gaurantee that the person will have employment moving forward, any decent agency looks at far more than that. Your bank statements get combed through and if you constantly overspend and end up living off micro loans then you're likely to not pay rent and it will be much harder to get a lease approved.
If it comes to the point where you end up at the housing tribunal to have a tenant evicted, the more proof you can have showing that the tenant was fully capable of paying when the lease was signed, the better chance you have at getting them out. Just as the tenant stands a good chance of being allowed to stay if it shows that the agency gave them the lease when it was clear that they actually couldn't afford to pay the rent. It covers the agencies ass as well as the landlords.

Now, being on the other side of things, it's very frustrating. I am desperate to find a flat to work from that I can sign a lease and just settle there long term, but because of what I do etc it's nearly impossible. So instead I am forced to rent daily and move around and I end up paying more than double in rent than what I would pay for a nice 2 bed 2 bath apartment 12 month lease.

So people who have flats they rent out to girls can rip us off because they know we have very few options.

It's one of the biggest problems that alot of us ladies face and is what makes it harder to actually earn well unless we are prepared to either compromise our standards or we pay an arm and a leg

JackParrow69 - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
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3 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2021-10-24 15:45:10

On 2021-10-24 08:39:52 silentbouncer said:
I was wondering, why do you need to have proof of income/payslips to rent an apartment.

Surely you don't need a payslip when you book into a hotel/motel. You mostly still pay deposit, so there's the 1st month's proof of payment already.

The reason for asking, so many girls gets exploited, even when sharing an apartment. You have to pay 400+ even when sharing, so basically you're paying for the rent and some profit, and the girl renting it out doesn't have to do anything.

Girls who can afford an apartment for 7000+ doesn't have payslips to get a lease.

You obviously never rented out property or owned a hotel/motel. should pick a topic you're more knowledgeable about.

In that case, banks should just finance cars and houses to anyone who got first month's premium and deposit cash on hand.

Risk, risk, risk!!! This is why you need that. Salaried tenants with affordability are less risk are preferable. If I'm lesson cash without income, I'm asking the full 12 months upfront which I'll discount to 11 months for upfront payment. Same way if I intend to rent without providing a payslip, I'll offer to pay upfront to let the owner know he doesn't need to worry about nme defaulting plus I want to pay less because I'm paying in advance.

If you not running daily accomodation with high traffic like a b&b or hotel where there prices are inflated to cater for unused time, you need certainly that someone is staying long term or you'll be spending more time looking for tenants than tenants living in the property and paying you.

AnthonyEdwards - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-10-24 16:42:26

In Dubai you have to pay up to a year's advance so you don't abscond and skip the country
beachlife818b - Re: No apartments to rent for cash
Re: No apartments to rent for cash
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31 Jan 2018
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Posted: 2021-10-25 09:13:29

As the courts get weaker in there ability to evict the Deposit and requirements will get more. My Ghana upmarket properties require two years paid Up front (Never negotiated).


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