AnthonyEdwards - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-01 18:52:43

On 2021-11-01 18:42:04 buzzy64 said:
if you okay with it and deep down youre genuinely want to help then treat her like any other human being out there and tell her this is what you would like to do.offer the help or contacts

let her decide if she does want it or not or digest what youre offering and get back to you. you will not know until you try

i do hope it works out for both of you. however you dont have to restrict yourself you could do more for others as well. create a scholarship fund or non profit or what ever you have some interest or passion about and could help others like her or their kids too.

you will enjoy the feeling, your legacy will be appreciated and continue also

Thank you bro. Every lady in my opinion deserves to be treated like a human being. I have met so many amazing people on this platform.

I get there are the dodgy ones, but they are just a handful.

The part that I am scared of is that she will be thinking I want something in return, and that is not the case at all.

When she sees this she might even bite my head off. I certainly hope not, I want to keep her anonymity.

I understand a lot of people have been messaging me about doing this and the big break up, etc. The child gets hurt. I dont want that.

What I want is to be able to give a truly amazing mom the opportunity to make her dreams come true, to have her be able to raise her child and give him the best chance he can get. Absolutely no strings attached, if she wants to be with me great, if not that's also ok by me. Wherever or whatever happens, life still has to carry on.

I just want to make that smile on her face that I saw permanent.
[deleted] - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-01 18:56:48

_- ***** SuperFuck ***** -_

This is a sweet thread so I will protect it with sincerely.

Mahn!...Trust your intuition because it's sounds like it's well developed.

Put your best foot forward (the right one [intention]).

Life is magical, is it not?

#### ###

AnthonyEdwards - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-01 18:57:57

On 2021-11-01 18:31:32 Miss Red (aka Louise) said:
Never a good move to make promises to any women's child, directly or indirectly unless you 1000% sure you can keep that promises regardless of how things workout between you and her, and how your feelings might change towards her over time.

Breaking a women's heart is one thing, they get over that eventually..but breaking her child's heart that is a totally different thing, women don't get over that.

My advise would be to empower her, by helping her get her career off the ground, so she can get to a position financially to do it for herself and her kid.

Should things later developed between you two to a point where you see a future together and are both committed to that future. Then by all means open trust funds.

I wish you happiness on this path you sound very ready to travel;)


100% agree with you. I like the idea of helping her kick off her career. I just hope she is not mad at me, for posting this, or anything that I said to her.

Since we finally met there has been some radio silence, her messages seemed to be toned down a lot. I'm not forcing anything, so I will reply and chat when she wants to.
[deleted] - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-01 19:04:32
Edited: 2021-11-01 19:09:44

_- ***** SuperFuck ***** -_

...Every actions has a reaction causing a chain reaction...




***** Inertia *****




...All the dots will connect, it always does...




Philanthropy can be highly addictive. That feeling it brings both who offers and point to remember should you read inbetween the lines.

#### ###
buzzy64 - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
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9 Sep 2012
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Posted: 2021-11-01 19:12:22

100% i get you thats why i said treat her like an ordinary human that you doing something for make it clear you dont want anything its a one way gesture and nothing more, if something does happen thats wonderful but if not you both surely can be amicable and your gesture still remains intact.

go for it. you dont need anyone's permission or approval to do something your heart genuinely wants to do. if you do then you know its not genuine. all the best to you both
seanc - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
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13 Oct 2011
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Posted: 2021-11-01 19:49:57

Sounds to me like a food gesture. I say do it!
[deleted] - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-01 20:05:54
Edited: 2021-11-01 20:09:13

How well do you know her?

Are you sure you can trust her?

How many other guys are trying to "save" her?

If like you said life is always giving her the tough end of the stick then that's her karma \fate, she has to figure it out and solve her problem. All you will do is put bandaid on those problems and end up carrying the burdens of her poor life choices (that she will continue making and you will continue fixing until you burn out). Ask yourself, what is it that I am bringing into my life? Ask yourself why is she always on the tough end of the stick? What is her character flaw that causes this repeating cycle? Its like jumping into the water to save someone who doesn't know how to swim and they start pulling you down and preventing you from saving them or yourself.

Maybe she just needs a second chance...

You can't save everyone...
vampirezn - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
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23 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2021-11-01 20:26:23

Make sure you don't end up like that R430K dude..

semensquirter - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2021-11-01 20:33:13
Edited: 2021-11-01 20:33:40

On 2021-11-01 16:49:19 AnthonyEdwards said:
...I have met this really amazing lady,...................................................................
I also don't think she is that into me...

AE...You mean well. Lets hope it's not an emotional decision.

1.THIS part here(quote from your post) will be your most challenging obstacle!
When you have doubts of how she feels towards you, this will always be an "unanswered question", no matter how amazing you feel that she is.
Get that out of the way, then proceed accordingly.

2.Success as a step parent or father figure, is usually depends on your relationship with the parent of the child.
Treat her well, the child will see this, and warm up to you.
Treat the child bad and the mother drifts away from you.
A vicious circle, as they say!

3.Furthermore, opting to be a father figure is a lifelong commitment.
Even if the relationship breaks down, the child will still need your ready for that!

4.Then there is the father of the child...always will be around, even if he is not part of her life.
Consider this, as the law will be a factor here too!

All the best...I'll pray for you!
[deleted] - Re: In a bit of a pickle
Re: In a bit of a pickle
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-01 20:49:23

Tough one AE. All I can save is do this if you truly want to not just because you hope that your help makes her grateful or care about you. Also as SS said been a father figure is a life long commitment. With regards to your estate there are many worthy causes out there where your assistance would be greatly appreciated and you can leave a wonderful legacy. Best of luck


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