On 2021-11-15 16:25:48 DevenM said:
What they said --- reputable venues, Punting phone, Uber and Fake name ...
Don't be that guy rocking up in a Lambo / of Aston Martin SUV (be nondescript)
Go one step further - create a fake Facebook Account from your punting phone, fake email address, your face (obscured) and your punting name - e.g. Frances Adam Kistenblum Edwards
They will follow your digital bread crumbs to fake hell.
On 2021-11-16 09:38:53 ASASH said:
This is why i have a punting car, well that and my other vehicle has tracking devices :/
On 2021-11-15 15:56:10 [email protected] said:
Good Day all, currently new to the punting world. I have a big fear of going to the WG venue due to the fact that there might be secret recordings which could be used for extortion at a later date. I'm looking for something to put me at ease as i cannot afford to continue booking hotel rooms.please help