[deleted] - Bareback horror stories
Bareback horror stories
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 17:14:20

Every now and then I think back to a WG I got with years back who offered Greek.

I'm still shocked at how casually she asked me if I wanted Greek with or without a condom, her reasoning being that it's difficult to do Greek with a condom on.

I didn't take the offer up because WTF. Got my COB and then hightailed it outta there.

This is pretty mild a story I'm sure so wondering if anyone is brave enough to share their own stories with offers, coercion or actual experiences with BB between WG and punter.

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 17:28:08

Lucky....... Usually that costs extra
AnthonyEdwards - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-11-30 17:56:31
Edited: 2021-11-30 17:57:08

It can be a slippery slope, depending on how much lube you use
Potatoejetguy - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-30 18:29:33

What's more shocking girls (married ones aswell) out of this industry and in the corporate world, who likes to pomp Without a condom, and they initiate it.
Nissi - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
22 Aug 2017
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Posted: 2021-11-30 18:48:13

On 2021-11-30 18:29:33 Potatoejetguy said:
What's more shocking girls (married ones aswell) out of this industry and in the corporate world, who likes to pomp Without a condom, and they initiate it.

So true and you wonder if they think of their partner. I was even thinking about this earlier on.
Kooni - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-11-30 20:59:41

Where is all the conspitacy theorist on this.

Why is bareback the biggest sin to mankind. 20 yrs ago, using a condom was predominantly to protect against unwanted pregnancies, now sex without is taboe.

Greek was then taboe, now its the rated by some as the "best thing since slice bread".
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 21:58:42
Edited: 2021-11-30 22:20:02

Most WG's are very cautious so much so that you wouldn't know if they are admiring your cock or if they are inspecting

You will often get it wetwiped by her at the onset and everytime there's a condom change no matter how healthy or how clean you are or look.

Yes!!! You will be offered bareback more times then you think. Some will ask for extra while others will serve it freely especially if you are circumcised.

There is no need for bareback, seriously. The sex can be so good with a condom that the lady is even shocked and assumes that the condom came off and when she checks and sees that the condom is still on she is amazed!!!

On your second visit she doesn't care to check anymore because then she knows what's what because you have earned her confidence and trust and you continue to honour it.


Ensure that you will have a powerful erection by living a healthy lifestyle, etc.


Pick the right lady that is true to your specific taste because these women are obviously going to be a huge turn on for you when chosen in accordance to what really turns you on. Know your true taste or what is truly delicious according to your chemistry. If you are uncertain then fine go and try different shapes, sizes, ethnicity/personalities, ages, shades, skin textures, etc...and determine what or who or which type of women really, really, REALLY does it for you.


Ask for the condoms before she even thinks of taking it out and tear one open before you even take off your clothes and before you get your hands all oily. This indicates to her that you are cautious and not careless. Women admire this characteristic even if they themselves might be careless of which most of them are not.


Apply just enough lube NOT oil, LUBE!!! Not too much and not too little. The right amount of lube is essential and so crucial for a sensational experience. If it does get dry stop before she stops you and relube...

...Some women are naturally over moist while other women are just naturally dry...

...Some women can be so horny and wet for you that fourplay is totally unnecessary.


Did I miss anything?

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2021-11-30 22:06:42

[QUOTE;3327635;SuperFuck] Most WG's are very cautious so much so that you wouldn't know if they are admiring your cock or if they are inspecting

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! sentence i have read in a long long time....damn!

Good standup comedians that are seriously funny know to take everyday occurrences and turn it into their brand of comedy and have the audience in fits of laughter...Thank u SuperFuck!x

NoddyFS - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
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20 Nov 2021
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Posted: 2021-11-30 22:20:21
Edited: 2021-11-30 22:23:30

On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 22:26:20

On 2021-11-30 22:20:21 NoddyFS said:
On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.

True story, I scroll past when I see his handle.


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