[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 22:33:23

_- ***** SuperFuck ***** -_

On 2021-11-30 22:20:21 NoddyFS said:
On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.

Yo NoddyFS...Hahaha.

Calm down

You sound so angry, aggressive, frustrated, enraged, sad and pathetic therefore I achieved my goal.



#### ###
Indian Chanel
Indian Chanel - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
19 Mar 2020
Posts to Date: 83
  View Profile  
Posted: 2021-11-30 22:34:54

Sadly yes there are some ladies that do offer bareback and its actually really scary because you dont know what people have been exposed to theres also a drug called prep where if you have unprotected sex it prevents you from contracting hiv.Dont know how effective it is.
Not saying im on it lol but the sad part is also clients also request this from working girls also,like where is ghe logic in all of this and married men at that.
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 22:35:06

On 2021-11-30 22:26:20 Sunnymike said:
On 2021-11-30 22:20:21 NoddyFS said: On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.

True story, I scroll past when I see his handle.

Aaahg you are an old story, I always piss you off...lokl.

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 22:40:27
Edited: 2021-11-30 22:48:55

On 2021-11-30 22:06:42 Russian Bridgitte said:
[QUOTE;3327635;SuperFuck] Most WG's are very cautious so much so that you wouldn't know if they are admiring your cock or if they are inspecting

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! sentence i have read in a long long time....damn!

Good standup comedians that are seriously funny know to take everyday occurrences and turn it into their brand of comedy and have the audience in fits of laughter...Thank u SuperFuck!x

For every one billionth person I set to piss off I am bound to unintentionally bring joy to just one in the same minty breath. ;)...Russian Bridgitte...Pleasure!

Gents don't forget to go with breath mints or something to freshen your shitty attitudes...

...It will exponentially improve your chances of passionate kisses, I assure you.

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:13:59
Edited: 2021-11-30 23:19:17

_- ***** SuperFuck ***** -_

I must tell you this to piss you off even more...

I often get DM's from punters asking me for recommendations, advice and opinions.

Not only that but I also get DM's from SP's who claim to be eager to meet with me while others do it openly.

That's not all, there are punters and SP's who send me DM's thanking me for my contributions, laughter, recommendations and general persona whilst others do it openly because they don't care about who thinks what about them and neither do I so go ahead and spread your hatred while I go ahead and spread my love all over your face like a COF...Bwaha...ha.

Now this is me fucking you in the ass, how do you like me now. :)

I am a SuperFucking...

***** BOSS *****

Don't stop being nasty because what it indicates keeps my rhythm going.

Bucket Of Stinking Shit

#### ###
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:21:27
Edited: 2021-11-30 23:22:27

I haven't replied to your DM's plz forgive me and if my response is not enthusiastic it's because I'm pressured with time.

I will get to it soon.
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:24:30

On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:
Most WG's are very cautious so much so that you wouldn't know if they are admiring your cock or if they are inspecting

You will often get it wetwiped by her at the onset and everytime there's a condom change no matter how healthy or how clean you are or look.

Yes!!! You will be offered bareback more times then you think. Some will ask for extra while others will serve it freely especially if you are circumcised.

There is no need for bareback, seriously. The sex can be so good with a condom that the lady is even shocked and assumes that the condom came off and when she checks and sees that the condom is still on she is amazed!!!

On your second visit she doesn't care to check anymore because then she knows what's what because you have earned her confidence and trust and you continue to honour it.


Ensure that you will have a powerful erection by living a healthy lifestyle, etc.


Pick the right lady that is true to your specific taste because these women are obviously going to be a huge turn on for you when chosen in accordance to what really turns you on. Know your true taste or what is truly delicious according to your chemistry. If you are uncertain then fine go and try different shapes, sizes, ethnicity/personalities, ages, shades, skin textures, etc...and determine what or who or which type of women really, really, REALLY does it for you.


Ask for the condoms before she even thinks of taking it out and tear one open before you even take off your clothes and before you get your hands all oily. This indicates to her that you are cautious and not careless. Women admire this characteristic even if they themselves might be careless of which most of them are not.


Apply just enough lube NOT oil, LUBE!!! Not too much and not too little. The right amount of lube is essential and so crucial for a sensational experience. If it does get dry stop before she stops you and relube...

...Some women are naturally over moist while other women are just naturally dry...

...Some women can be so horny and wet for you that fourplay is totally unnecessary.


Did I miss anything?

Looooonnnnggggg post zzzzz started to read but stopped.
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:30:35
Edited: 2021-11-30 23:31:31

That's because I took my shit and posted all over your face so it must be the

I do it and I do the same quite often.

[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:31:14

On 2021-11-30 22:26:20 Sunnymike said:
On 2021-11-30 22:20:21 NoddyFS said: On 2021-11-30 21:58:42 SuperFuck said:


Did I miss anything?

Yes, the fact that you wank on so much that any post by "SuperFuck"is now deemed ignorable by so many folk, that very few, bar the exotic few who are anal about their valued user names, actually read your posts any more. Time to change the handle or the MO or both. This nom de plume may have run its course and you are now only wasting your own time and not the time of many, formerly, avid readers by typing a heap of shit that isn't being read. Take it or leave it - doesn't affect me in any way (Or does it, and hence the above verbage? Riddle me this...)

Or does it not really matter if it is read, as the point is your time has been used up in a pursuit that satisfies you and you alone? Hmmmm..... maybe that IS it. Something akin to being asked by a WG "who are you satisfying with that tiny tool" and you defiantly responding "me". In which case well played - but you still talk kak and I believe few read past the byline nowadays. Looking forward to seeing the next alias though.

Any questions above are purely rhetorical and do not require your input Mr SF.

True story, I scroll past when I see his handle.

Lol me too when I see this handle and long stories
[deleted] - Re: Bareback horror stories
Re: Bareback horror stories
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-11-30 23:36:44
Edited: 2021-11-30 23:39:51

SuperFuck does it again.

Continue to highlight/discuss/comment on me on every thread I comment on, I like it...Hahaha.

This is toooooooo much attention.


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