kevman - Re: virus
Re: virus
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19 Nov 2015
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Posted: 2021-12-01 12:05:28

On 2021-12-01 08:00:39 Johnny English said:

"This article utterly misrepresents its source data. Its first graph is based on the absolute numbers of cases / hospitalisations / deaths among the vaxxed / unvaxxed but ignores the fact that a far greater proportion of the general population has been vaxxed. It also ignores the MOUNTAINS of caveats to inferring vaccination success based on that data. It's made so clear in the source, it's hard to imagine this is anything but a deliberate misrepresentation.

This article does mention the case rates per 100,000, but cherry picks this data by omitting hospitalisation and death data -- clearly the most relevant data. In fact, it's clear that the rates of hospitalisations and deaths are MUCH higher among the unvaccinated (p33 of the source). The article literally reaches the opposite conclusion to the source."
johnyafrica - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-01 13:48:47

On 2021-12-01 12:05:28 kevman said:
On 2021-12-01 08:00:39 Johnny English said:

"This article utterly misrepresents its source data. Its first graph is based on the absolute numbers of cases / hospitalisations / deaths among the vaxxed / unvaxxed but ignores the fact that a far greater proportion of the general population has been vaxxed. It also ignores the MOUNTAINS of caveats to inferring vaccination success based on that data. It's made so clear in the source, it's hard to imagine this is anything but a deliberate misrepresentation.

This article does mention the case rates per 100,000, but cherry picks this data by omitting hospitalisation and death data -- clearly the most relevant data. In fact, it's clear that the rates of hospitalisations and deaths are MUCH higher among the unvaccinated (p33 of the source). The article literally reaches the opposite conclusion to the source."

Fully agree kevman, with 90% of England vaccinated, the analysis done in that article was always going to be skewed.
[deleted] - Re: virus
Re: virus
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-12-01 14:46:50

I wouldn't believe any of these so called stats, especially not stats pushed by the corrupt WHO or big pharma.
oraljim - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-01 15:02:43

On 2021-12-01 09:49:22 Sylvia said:
I am sick and tired of your negativity!

And we are sick and tired of the same from you. Always doom and gloom, never citing *CREDIBLE* news sources, always stirring shit with other forum members who don't agree with you. You have your opinion, other people have theirs. Instead of just mocking people who don't agree with you, have you by *ANY* chance actually sat down and LISTENED to them and seen if they have any valid points?
Sylvia - Re: virus
Re: virus
26 Sep 2010
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Posted: 2021-12-01 16:16:57

oohhhhh you crawled from the woodwork origym ha ha. been very silrnt on this and othr threads about the covid. You had the Jab then???? just asking. s
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: virus
Re: virus
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-01 16:36:03
Edited: 2021-12-01 16:38:41

On 2021-12-01 12:05:28 kevman said:
On 2021-12-01 08:00:39 Johnny English said:

"This article utterly misrepresents its source data. Its first graph is based on the absolute numbers of cases / hospitalisations / deaths among the vaxxed / unvaxxed but ignores the fact that a far greater proportion of the general population has been vaxxed. It also ignores the MOUNTAINS of caveats to inferring vaccination success based on that data. It's made so clear in the source, it's hard to imagine this is anything but a deliberate misrepresentation.

This article does mention the case rates per 100,000, but cherry picks this data by omitting hospitalisation and death data -- clearly the most relevant data. In fact, it's clear that the rates of hospitalisations and deaths are MUCH higher among the unvaccinated (p33 of the source). The article literally reaches the opposite conclusion to the source."

No matter whether you are a vaxxer or an anti-vaxxer, no matter what side of the fence you stand on, it is imperative to be told all sides of the story. In this new omicron variant, which is now in about 19 countries, the reporting is slanted in one direction.
Having looked at the countries affected the reporting either avoids the vaxxed status of the infected or it is mentioned fleetingly that they were fully vaccinated. The football team in Portugal that has a number of infections, travelled abroad and as as avid football fans know, most players are vaccinated. They failed to mention this but some nondescript publication "vaguely hinted" that most if not all were vaxxed. If we are to overcome this health crisis everything should be laid down on the table, whether its palatable or not and maybe then a solution may be found.
oraljim - Re: virus
Re: virus
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-12-01 16:38:51

On 2021-12-01 16:16:57 Sylvia said:
You had the Jab then???? just asking. s

This is me just not answering. None of your freakin business what I have done with my body. Nobody else's business either.

What's your date of birth, maiden name and bank details? Just asking. o
Sylvia - Re: virus
Re: virus
26 Sep 2010
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Posted: 2021-12-01 16:52:36

Oh my lord having a bad wednesday or many bad days. AH. Stupid moron
Arizona - Re: virus
Re: virus
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2021-12-01 18:09:07

Why are you all still even entertaining this debate? Vaxxer's have made their choice! Anti Vaxxer's have made their choice. No amount of debating or posting links defending your stance is going to change anyone's mind. All this is doing is inviting name calling, mud slinging, derogatory insults and causing a divide between friends and families.

Just respect each other and the fact that everyone has the right to Choose what they feel is right for them and leave it at that! If you don't agree with them. Move on and Mark them Absent!

Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: virus
Re: virus
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-01 18:52:32

On 2021-12-01 18:09:07 Arizona said:
Why are you all still even entertaining this debate? Vaxxer's have made their choice! Anti Vaxxer's have made their choice. No amount of debating or posting links defending your stance is going to change anyone's mind. All this is doing is inviting name calling, mud slinging, derogatory insults and causing a divide between friends and families.

Just respect each other and the fact that everyone has the right to Choose what they feel is right for them and leave it at that! If you don't agree with them. Move on and Mark them Absent!


Irrespective, this is not just a pandemic or vaccines or virus', it's the future of humanity and our freedoms which are at stake and the consequences will reverberate for generations to come. Whether it will change anyone's stance is not determinable and it needs to be debated (without the insults if possible, lol).
And on that note, let's meet Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale :


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