Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-01 14:24:00

I am on a mission to upgrade my bathroom;)

Earlier this month a had a very nice gentleman over for a visit that almost got stuck in the bath after the session!

It was hilariously funny and we both giggled our asses off.. but it made me realise that I will have to do something. That old narrow bath has to go! Even when using the temp overhead shower it is dangerously slippery!

I don't want that little moment of panic and giggles to maybe one day turn in to me really having to call the fire department to help me get a client out of the bath!

I have a very nice and accommodating landlord, but he is old school .. if it ain't broke, he won't "fix"... it at his cost. He has however agreed that I can make changes at my own cost, providing it is done professionally by a certified pluming company.

So I need some help raising the funds to do this;)

I have gotten 3 different qoutes already by using that site ( u know the one that is named after the sounds that dogs make).
I need to raise another 4000-5000 on top of what I already have saved up.

So here is me hoping to trade sets of photos or short video clips or small discounts on future appointments for small donations towards this project.

Starting as small as R50 I will only need only 80-100 gentlemen to contribute to reach my target;)

I am so excited to get this done.. this will be my Xmas gift this year;)

Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 09:03:31
Edited: 2021-12-02 09:05:30 is in motion!)

Thank you You53 for buying the content, payment recieved keep eye on your whatsup it will be sent in a few minutes,was nice having that chat last night, been a long time contact ever since the Xmas drive, but haven't spoken in awhile.

Thank you ##### ( Have edited name out, don't know if freeloading count if a guy does not have membership lol) thanks for the donation and not wanting anything in return, lol sneaky reading forum but not having membership, you should really get membership you don't know what u missing, see you on
AnthonyEdwards - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-02 13:30:06

Bathrooms and kitchens are what sells houses.

Bathrooms cost a lot. If you know what you doing and DIY you can save a ton of cash. Maybe a few barter and bangs
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 14:04:31

On 2021-12-02 13:30:06 AnthonyEdwards said:
Bathrooms and kitchens are what sells houses.

Bathrooms cost a lot. If you know what you doing and DIY you can save a ton of cash. Maybe a few barter and bangs

It definitely is gonna cost alot of money..;) but the change will be so worth it..
I will manage do it somehow.

Definitely willing to Bater& Bang for stuff needed to to this. That's why I was not just asking for donations but offering exchanges;)

Had one very nice guy offer me the taps I need a few minutes ago;) and he offered to help with other handyman things( he is very handy;)) if I need help. But I must use a registered and certified plumber/builder to keep my landlord happy.. so just DIYing this project won't fly;)

Kooni - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2021-12-02 14:38:08

Does the property belong to you, if not you will need the owners permission. Why pay for somebody else benefit, if it is not your property.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:01:41

On 2021-12-02 14:38:08 Kooni said:
Does the property belong to you, if not you will need the owners permission. Why pay for somebody else benefit, if it is not your property.

Have the permission;)

And why?

Because it is to my benefit and those of my clients, I am staying here and plan to stay for a very long time.

I have spent thousands on making places pretty wherever I stayed in the past and it is always worth it.

Just because a property don't belong to me does not mean I should not do things ( with permission) to make it my home for the time I am there.

The worst thing in the world is tenants that don't give a shit about looking after your property and making it pretty for themselves atleast..

I know, I have a property in a Northwest town and have had crappy tenants that did not even care to cut grass and had wonderful people that painted and fixed( I always ended up redusing rent for a month or two if they did something that improved my property) it was not expected from me as they did things that made them happy and I don't expect it from my landlord either to compensate me for what I want to ain't broke I just want it pretty and more comfortable for my own reasons.
SMLover - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
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30 Sep 2017
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:33:02
Edited: 2021-12-02 15:35:17

Say you spend R10k fixing up the kitchen and bathroom - if your lease expires in 6 month time and the landlord does not renew it then you have lost this money.

My theory is that you do not spend any money renovating somebody else's property. If the property is not up to your standards then rather look for something else to rent that meets your standards.

Like you said you have spent thousands fixing other people's property in the past. If you do not change your logic you will continue spending thousands fixing other people's properties. Does not make sense to me
SMLover - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
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30 Sep 2017
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:33:43
Edited: 2021-12-02 15:35:01

Double post
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-02 15:51:33

@SML. I respect your view.:) And would definitely not be doing this if I don't have a long term lease in place. And if you ever looked for places to rent in CPT you will know how costly an exercise that can be and how unbelievably expensive accomodation in CPT is.

I stroked it lucky when I found this place..My place is perfect, Good area, super nice landlord, quiet building, spacious all that . Just that silly bath..!!

Whole place was tiled and laminated flooring done just after I moved in on the landlord's expense which he did not have to do as I signed a lease on the place as it was;)

This won't cost that much, part of the labour bill is being done as a bater and bang deal. The rest is costs for fixtures and that I will get come hell or high water..with or without donation or people buying content.

This makes me happy.. and that is all that matters not the cost;)

It will pay for itself with the pleasure I will get from it once it is done.
you53 - Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
Re: A little Xmas Bater & Bang /Crowd funding..
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5 Jan 2017
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Posted: 2021-12-02 20:22:13

On 2021-12-02 09:03:31 Miss Red (aka Louise) said: is in motion!)
Thank you You53 for buying the content, payment recieved keep eye on your whatsup it will be sent in a few minutes,

Received, thanks


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