JP82 - Re: virus
Re: virus
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-12 10:07:55

On 2021-12-12 09:26:38 wild_one said:
@Churchill , in the beginning when I realized what the elites are trying to do I thought it was unethical , but watching this group of idiots i am more inclined to think they have a good thing going here

it's already quite obvious in my community that it's mostly the dead-weight who are taking the vaccines , good riddance I say

why argue with an idiot when life will be better without them around ?

Posting this again, just for wild_one's benefit:

I listened to a podcast about the psychology of conspiracy theories (based on K. Douglas "Psychology of Conspiracy Theories" and R Imhoff's "Too special to be duped").

They point to four reasons why people fall for this bullshit:

1) Lack of information ("when there's a lack of info conspiracy theories fills that missing gap)
2) anxiety (when something causes anxiety, a conspiracy theory attempts to explain/predict where that threat is coming from so it doesn't feel so random)
3) following an in-group (so if your political party for example believes a conspiracy, then you are more likely to believe it. Notice how there's a huge overlap between MAGA idiots and the anti-vaxx crowd?)
4) ego (" ... People who believe conspiracy theories believe they are in a special group of independent thinkers who know the truth. They think they have a superior knowledge while the majority of people are just sheep who are foolishly gullible and easily manipulated...Imagine someone who wasn't particularly successful in school or their career. So, deep down, their ego feels inferior. But if they believe the conspiracy theories, well, now they feel like they're smarter than most others, and a small group of people tell them so".)

Does no 4. remind you of anyone? *Cough* wild_one *cough*
NoddyFS - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-12 10:40:19

On 2021-12-12 10:07:55 JP82 said:

3) following an in-group (so if your political party for example believes a conspiracy, then you are more likely to believe it. Notice how there's a huge overlap between MAGA idiots and the anti-vaxx crowd?)

@JP82 interesting point this one. I was watching a podcast recently where the question was asked what if Trump had supported masks from day 1 and had been the first in line to have a jab and broadcast the occasion for all of the US of A to see? Chances are the liberals, lefties and pro-Biden camp would have been the ones yelling and screaming about masks, vaccines and conspiracies merely because of following their political ideologies.
Interesting times indeed.
JP82 - Re: virus
Re: virus
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-12 10:48:47

On 2021-12-12 10:40:19 NoddyFS said:
On 2021-12-12 10:07:55 JP82 said:

3) following an in-group (so if your political party for example believes a conspiracy, then you are more likely to believe it. Notice how there's a huge overlap between MAGA idiots and the anti-vaxx crowd?)

@JP82 interesting point this one. I was watching a podcast recently where the question was asked what if Trump had supported masks from day 1 and had been the first in line to have a jab and broadcast the occasion for all of the US of A to see? Chances are the liberals, lefties and pro-Biden camp would have been the ones yelling and screaming about masks, vaccines and conspiracies merely because of following their political ideologies.
Interesting times indeed.


Quite possibly. It's shameful, how what really should just be simple straightforward public health measures have been turned into a political battlefield.
wild_one - Re: virus
Re: virus
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-12-12 11:23:58
Edited: 2021-12-12 11:26:01

blah blah , funny how the words of dead men walking carry no weight
it's a case of mind over matter , I don't mind and you don't matter

what is interesting is that the vaxers are a tiny minority who keep speaking like they are the majority while the facts show otherwise

so even though this "vaccine' will rid us of quite a few imbeciles , it seems quite a few more will still remain
330guy - Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-12 11:29:20

On 2021-12-12 09:08:29 BurningMan said:
Lol great one Tobago

Interesting that you are still re-visiting a thread that you found sooooo boring.

330guy - Re: virus
Re: virus
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Posted: 2021-12-12 11:30:39
Edited: 2021-12-12 11:35:51

On 2021-12-07 16:00:07 BurningMan said:
Yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn boring topic................................yawn

Just in case you forgot...
330guy - Re: virus
Re: virus
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1 Dec 2012
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Posted: 2021-12-12 11:32:15
Edited: 2021-12-12 11:40:50

And to make sure you had made your point...

On 2021-12-07 15:59:12 BurningMan said:
Yawn yawn yawn

I sincerely hope that nobody is holding a loaded gun to your head forcing you to read AND COMMENT in a thread you found so unbearably boring a few days a go. Cos that will surely be unbearable torture.
JP82 - Re: virus
Re: virus
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-12 12:38:42

On 2021-12-12 11:23:58 wild_one said:
blah blah , funny how the words of dead men walking carry no weight
it's a case of mind over matter , I don't mind and you don't matter

what is interesting is that the vaxers are a tiny minority who keep speaking like they are the majority while the facts show otherwise

so even though this "vaccine' will rid us of quite a few imbeciles , it seems quite a few more will still remain

This right here is the danger of existing entirely in your little online echo chamber and not in the real world. Anti vaxxers are an absolutely tiny (albeit very vocal) minority
wild_one - Re: virus
Re: virus
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-12-12 13:10:09
Edited: 2021-12-12 13:16:54

that is just your opinion son , the facts say otherwise
also remember that there are many like my friends who are not in the mood for the BS so they just paid for the fax certificate , f* knows what the doctors do with their vaccine , probably just flush it down the toilet
JP82 - Re: virus
Re: virus
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-12 13:19:48
Edited: 2021-12-12 13:21:47

wild_one you wouldn't know a fact if it walked up to you and kicked you in the balls.

Lol and another anecdote about your friends. The hardest part to believe isn't that someone bought a fake certificate, it's that you have any friends.


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