you53 - When to pay
When to pay
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5 Jan 2017
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Posted: 2021-12-31 16:43:39

I always give a lady her fee upon arrival but have heard that some punters do so when leaving.
To the punters out there, at what stage do you hand over the fee?
To the ladies, at what stage would you prefer (or even demand) to get your fee?
[deleted] - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-12-31 17:03:40

I'm easy going with it, and if it's up to me it can be pretty arbitrary, however I have noticed that when I get a cold greeting and she wants the money upfront, 99% of the time the booking's going to be trash. There are some really great ladies who prefer money upfront though. I do appreciate the surprisingly high number of equally awesome girls who do trust me enough to let me pay after. There's a charming subtle gesture there, especially with so many punters (including regulars) being chancers. I've given some pretty generous tips just being in a great mood when paying after, although I'll admit to being a bit more frugal with recent punts.
Vicky Vee
Vicky Vee - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
16 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-31 17:09:34

If i have to choose i would prefer paying upfront. I have alot of clients paying only after the session though. The problem with that is that I have such an enjoyable time with the gent and then afterwards when he takes out the money it feels a bit akward...haha i know it sound weird but yeah. Otherwise i dont long as i can make my naughtie leave happy and with empty balls!
PurpleCabbageMon - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
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17 Nov 2002
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Posted: 2021-12-31 17:27:00

I pay at the start. I've been lucky, I never had to cancel.

I try and put the money in an envelope, then hand it over with a flower. Then the lady can go put the flower in water and count the money.
It makes it easier.

But sometimes at the start I will say,"Let's finish the paperwork" and hand over the money, sometimes they say put it on the table or something. The only one who ever count it in front of me was also the most boring one.
Vicky Vee
Vicky Vee - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
16 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2021-12-31 17:51:50

On 2021-12-31 17:27:00 PurpleCabbageMon said:
I pay at the start. I've been lucky, I never had to cancel.

I try and put the money in an envelope, then hand it over with a flower. Then the lady can go put the flower in water and count the money.
It makes it easier.

But sometimes at the start I will say,"Let's finish the paperwork" and hand over the money, sometimes they say put it on the table or something. The only one who ever count it in front of me was also the most boring one.

Oooh the flower gesture is so sweet! But i never count the money upfront. Only after the gentlemen leaves. I dont even take it from him. I let him put it on the table.
So far i havent had any bad experiences yet with gentlemen paying short.
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-12-31 20:55:05

A few weeks ago I had someone wrap my money in a handwritten note. I also remember a client putting my money in a handmade card with feathers and beads. Maybe I am just a sucker for these little special touches.
I do prefer money upfront.
ilovemywoozle - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
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26 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-12-31 21:47:29

Upfront, in an envelope with a box of chocolates.
Johnboi - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
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20 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-12-31 22:19:19

I guess there is a risk with this. I paid the lady once upfront and 5 minutes into the booking she said that she can't offer what we originally agreed on said that I can leave and that she will refund me. I settled to leave but she refused to refund me. I threatened to call ESA so she took my phone threw it and broke it. I walked away to prevent further drama.So as much as I will like to respect a WG request for upfront payment. I just don't trust any of them anymore. That is why I prefer to go to venues now.
oraljim - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
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3 Sep 2013
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Posted: 2021-12-31 23:00:29

It totally depends on the situation. If it's the first time I am visiting a lady I ask her which she prefers. If she's in a house the house rules are usually to collect the fee first as she has to pay for the room. I try to avoid those, not least of which because for some reason giving the "madam" the cash always seems to take 10 minutes or more just to waste time. I find that the really good providers just don't care because they know you will be happy to pay. The only ones that ever seem to make a thing of it are ones who inevitably disappoint.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: When to pay
Re: When to pay
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-12-31 23:23:59

I honestly ask first timers to leave the "admin" fee in the coffee table before going up to room. Just because I don't know them yet and I dont want no nasty surprises after the session.

Won't check it though.
I trust people to have honest and good intentions.

Regulars most do that automatically.. some pay after.. I ain't full if nonsense with when people want to pay.

But if you have done a sneaky on me once by short paying me or want to renegotiate my fee after the deed. I will in future..

1) when you contact me send you my fee & service list again or tell you my fees again.

2) I will ask upfront payment when u arrive.

3) I will check the money infront of you.

Should it not be right I will tell you so and give you the opportunity to fix the situation. And if you then can't or won't, I will reduce your session time or adjust the service to fit the money or give you your money back and ask you to leave.

No lady ever wants a client to leave.. it is time and money lost.. but sometimes it is the only way to teach people to respect our time, service and in the end our income.


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