Kim Foxx
Kim Foxx - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
24 May 2019
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Posted: 2022-01-13 01:57:52

Eggplant, I can't stand it. Tried it different ways. Even fancy Greek restaurants that serve eggplant parmesan thingy. Nope nope and nope. But a very big yes to chicken, roasted,deep fried, on the braai, strips. I have chicken 4 times a week
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-13 06:10:19

@ Jake. ... Now that explains it;) hehehe

@ Kim.. eggplant I nogals like that. Many years ago there use to be pikeled curry baby brinjals on the market (think it was made by packo) that was delisious.
Jakeburns78 - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
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7 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-01-13 07:28:45

On 2022-01-13 01:57:52 Kim Foxx said:
Eggplant, I can't stand it. Tried it different ways. Even fancy Greek restaurants that serve eggplant parmesan thingy. Nope nope and nope. But a very big yes to chicken, roasted,deep fried, on the braai, strips. I have chicken 4 times a week

Awww Ms Foxx you should taste my Baba Ghanoush with toasted pita, you will change your mind about aubergines :)

Vrik - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
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10 Feb 2019
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Posted: 2022-01-13 08:11:47

This will upset many -LoL- but i cannot understand why people like popcorn. I have probably tried it a 100 times. But it is terrible! Tastes like foamalite (spelling?). Yes i know how that tastes - once eaten my TV packaging!
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-13 08:29:02
Edited: 2022-01-13 08:37:37

Whahaha..why would anyone eat their TV packaging, you just weird lol??? Popcorn is nice.. butter and aromat popcorn my favourite. It is lot healthier than a lot of other snacks;)
Kooni - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2022-01-13 08:33:57
Edited: 2022-01-13 08:34:12


@Vrik why would you eat your TV packaging.

But then got to agree, I'm also not a fan of pop corn, not do.much about the taste, but rather the little "dopppies" getting stuck between my teeth
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-01-13 08:53:10
Edited: 2022-01-13 09:06:24

I don't necessarily like everything too much but I eat almost everything except banana anything and offal. I do like pan fried liver though and tripe curry. I have to add that I there is not a vegetable that I don't eat. I don't always like how some people prepare it. I am not a fan of atchar either. Goes back to my childhood.I got tired of polony on my school lunch, so dad thought he'd step it up by adding atchar. Finances were low so it was polony several times a week. Then my friend who came from a very poor family and had red jam every single day and I would swop with her. I recently had a chat with mom about this. This little girl's family were family friends and they one day told mom how we swopped sandwich and how they enjoyed our lunches.
I am also not much of a pickle lover.
I was about 14and went with the church on a mission to take clothes and food to a rural community. We were divided up and spent the night between some families there. My mom gave me a lecture that whatever they serve, I must eat cos it's a helluva sacrifice for these families to host us. So we arrive and the chief in charge aunty served lunch and a pudding. The pudding looked divine. I took the first spoonful and there was banana in it. I just gulped it down. And then Chief Aunty pipes up. Ek sien jy like my poeding. Hier kry vir jou nog and before I could say anything she filled my bowl. Luckily I had the team glutton sitting next to me and he finished it.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-13 09:17:47

Ouch.. was taught the same thing, eat what you get and be grateful and did just that as a kid.

My one Antie made this jelly mold beet salad that was just yuk (and I love beets so when I say beets are yuk I ain't just being full of nonsense) I ate that never ever complaining, The very first time I said I don't want any, I actually blush because it was not something we do
. she turn to my Dad and said.. "Ai, die kind is siek of iets, kyk hoe koorsig lyk sy. Sy eet altyd my slaai, wag Ek Gaan Vir haar n disprintjie haal"

As a grownup I have learned that it is okay to say no thank you and not feel quilty for not wanting or liking something.
Galaxy The Original @ Be-sensu
Galaxy The Original @ Be-sensu - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
31 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2022-01-13 11:33:34

I will die for sushi! I will honestly have it for breakfast, lunch and supper.... also nice if someone else eats it off me before we get to the strawberries and cream #naughtygrin

One thing I don't like is asparagus... what is there to like about it?
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
Re: Food .. Yes Please!!! or Yak No!!!
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-01-13 11:45:04

Naughty girl you are

I love asparagus.. but fresh not tinned. Fried in Carlic butter wrapped in bacon and sprinkled with Parmesan or dress in a cheese sauce!!


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