pizzaboyza - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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23 Jun 2013
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Posted: 2022-02-05 23:42:49
Edited: 2022-02-05 23:44:46

I am for the vaccine 100%,but not sure with forcing people to take it. Their bodies etc.

From what I have learned dealing with anti vaxxers, logic and fact do not help. No credible research supporting their claim exists. Provide some supporting your claim and it is about down as fraud, manipulated, lies, government propaganda etc etc.

For me, the best reason for getting vaccinated is that you reduce your risk of needing hospital care. Which means freeing up medical resources for somebody desperately in need.

This is all its about, people will die in all sorts of ways but let's try and help others by doing our part to free up medical resources and keep ourselves healthy.

In other words, if you have covid and choose not to be vaccinated and die, then that is literally nature taking its course. Do not let us stop you and don't go back on your belief that you can fight covid on your own. Have faith in your conviction that your are on the right path, ie you don't need medical intervention to survive. Die quietly too, while you gasp away please.
triton242 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-05 23:57:58

Seems like you have a greater chance of survival staying at home to recover instead of going to a hospital.
pizzaboyza - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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23 Jun 2013
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Posted: 2022-02-06 00:06:38

On 2022-02-05 23:57:58 triton242 said:
Seems like you have a greater chance of survival staying at home to recover instead of going to a hospital.

If anti vaxxers refuse the vaccine (as is their right), why would they feel the need for hospitalisation if its serious?

If even 1% of infected people needed hospitalisation, we would still be overwhelmed and unable to make ends meet.

I would find it amusing if an anti vaxxer needed emergency medical help for something, but they died because other anti vaxxers were using the resources needed to save their life.

I feel no sympathy for people who choose not to be vaccinated. That is their right, it is their choice and they should explore it fully, especially if they experience a serious case.
Teletubby - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-06 00:23:58

On 2022-02-05 23:57:58 triton242 said:
Seems like you have a greater chance of survival staying at home to recover instead of going to a hospital.

Annnnnnnnd we're back to explaining the difference between causation and correlation. Tell me Triton, do you look at a labrador and think "they seem like great dogs, but they must be really dangerous - just look at how many of their owners are blind."?

Yes, a higher rate of people with covid die in hospitals, but its because its the REALLY sick people who are going to hospitals in the first place, not because the hospital is less safe than their homes.
JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-06 00:28:47

Lol. I'm definitely stealing that labrador example for future use.
pizzaboyza - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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23 Jun 2013
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Posted: 2022-02-06 00:29:47

On 2022-02-06 00:23:58 Teletubby said:
On 2022-02-05 23:57:58 triton242 said: Seems like you have a greater chance of survival staying at home to recover instead of going to a hospital.

Annnnnnnnd we're back to explaining the difference between causation and correlation. Tell me Triton, do you look at a labrador and think "they seem like great dogs, but they must be really dangerous - just look at how many of their owners are blind."?

Yes, a higher rate of people with covid die in hospitals, but its because its the REALLY sick people who are going to hospitals in the first place, not because the hospital is less safe than their homes.

Your problem is that you are using logic

What you really need to do is share random links from dodgy, unverified websites and YouTube channels :D
Tobago - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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23 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2022-02-06 08:40:23

Most telling part for me,
"Natural immunity is the only true immunity. Everything else is an artificial attempt to cheat nature. Nature is never cheated. If we think we can fool Mother Nature we only fooling ourselves" [/QUOTE]

Akin to natural selection... survival of the fittest etc. All the unvaccinated will die and the vaccinated will survive.
For ONCE I agree with these 2 geniuses (je & ww)!
triton242 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 08:45:57

On 2022-02-06 00:06:38 pizzaboyza said:
On 2022-02-05 23:57:58 triton242 said: Seems like you have a greater chance of survival staying at home to recover instead of going to a hospital.

If anti vaxxers refuse the vaccine (as is their right), why would they feel the need for hospitalisation if its serious?

If even 1% of infected people needed hospitalisation, we would still be overwhelmed and unable to make ends meet.

I would find it amusing if an anti vaxxer needed emergency medical help for something, but they died because other anti vaxxers were using the resources needed to save their life.

I feel no sympathy for people who choose not to be vaccinated. That is their right, it is their choice and they should explore it fully, especially if they experience a serious case.

Such a sad, angry, vengeful little man you are. As is the case with a lot of the pro vaxxers.
Johnlennon - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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21 Nov 2017
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Posted: 2022-02-06 08:47:48
Edited: 2022-02-06 08:55:06


Your logic is totally flawed.

Obviously no none wants to go to hospital- a person only goes to hospital when you have no other choice .

Another sad story -
Got a frantic call from someone asking me for advice .
Boyfriend 31 yo battling to breathe .
They finally decided to call an ambulance but none was forthcoming .
Told them get him to the hospital asap .
Unfortunately he passed away 30 min later - 31 yo unvaccinated.

A persons chance of survival improves with early intervention and hospitalisation - that's a FACT.

During the run up to the US 2020 elections do you think Trump wanted to go to hospital . Obviously not - it was a public relations nightmare for him but he had NO choice .
Here is the most powerful man in the world with the top medical personnel and resources having NO choice but to go to hospital .

As to provaxers feeling little sympathy for the unvaccinated who get seriously Sick from covid .
Lets say two equally sick covid patients require hospitalisation and one is vaccinated one unvaccinated - is it fair to say that the vaccinated patient should get preference ?

triton242 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 09:02:56

Finally someone who can argue a point without getting all worked up. Or winging bad on others out of fear.
Fair point re hospital care.
Although I don't see much point with people sharing examples one way or the other because they go both ways.
Elderly patient with pacemaker and lung issues from smoking. Unvaxxed. Battling to breathe etc, calls ambulance and is told the only thing the hospital will be able to do is supply oxygen. So he gets his own, makes a full recovery at home.


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