JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-06 16:43:32
Edited: 2022-02-06 16:48:33

That said I think we might have different definitions of what "forced" means. I don't think that barring people from travel/venues etc constitutes 'force'. Its just saying "you can choose as you wish, but we're going to minimise your ability to put others at risk".

It's no different from saying "you can choose to smoke, but you have to go over there away from others so you don't impose your choice on others". Just in the case of covid your threat to others isn't momentary (ie just at the moment you light up), it's every moment you're around, so the "go over there and come back when you're done" has to become "don't come here at all"
triton242 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 17:01:48

On 2022-02-06 16:25:54 JP82 said:
On 2022-02-06 15:53:05 triton242 said: JP
Well reasoned argument there, except for what you think people do/don't deserve. Not your decision to make, and luckily not how life works either

Again, I think you have missed the point. I haven't just arbitrarly claimed certain people deserve things, nor have I pretended that I have the right to be the one that decides how resources get allocated. What I have done is made an argument showing, on a moral basis, *why* I think resources should be allocated in a certain way. You can disagree if you want but what you need to do to do that successfully is show why my moral reasoning is faulty, not just point to the trivial fact that I am not the one who gets to decide.

(ps when you say "luckily not how life works", I assume you mean "lucky" for the antivaxxer who has chosen to put himself in danger? Cos it seems to me to be not just unlucky but decidedly unfair on the guy who has a heart attack but dies because there aren't any ambulances or hospital beds available)

Well said. Fair enough
Churchill - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 17:29:15

JP. 1 the vaccines dont work. 2. The whole thing is over. 3. What dont you get?
Churchill - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 17:32:01

Its over. You may love the fear and trying to get people to inject experimental poison into themselves but it is over. What lies ahead now is the criminals being held accountable.
Churchill - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 17:42:12

How do you put others at risk when you have stated preiously that these vaccines dont work in stopping getting infected. Sorry but you are retarded.
JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-06 17:52:23

On 2022-02-06 17:29:15 Churchill said:
JP. 1 the vaccines dont work. 2. The whole thing is over. 3. What dont you get?

I know that this is an entirely foreign concept to you, but for most people actual evidence carries significantly more weight than some random guy on the Internet. So...

(for some reason it defaults to SA, but change the country setting to "worldwide" and then let's discuss how "over" this is.)
3) I listen to evidence not comforting fairytales from people on the internet. What is it that you don't get?
JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-06 18:04:40

On 2022-02-06 17:42:12 Churchill said:
How do you put others at risk when you have stated preiously that these vaccines dont work in stopping getting infected. Sorry but you are retarded.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? That's the exact opposite of what I have previously stated. All I've conceded is that they aren't 100% effective (like every vaccine, and in fact every medicine, ever. I get that reading comprehension is not your strong point but please at least try.
Churchill - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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6 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-06 18:08:47

The makers of the vaccine admit it does not work. Omicron now is no more than a mild cold. Countries are getting rid of their ristrictions. Every model regarding the danger of this virus had been proven wrong in the real world. CDC etc. Are now stating dieing of Covid and dieing with it are 2 totally different things. Something that anyone with any reasoning ability could have told you 2 years ago.
JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-06 18:12:51

Literally all of that is bullshit. Maybe get your head out of Tucker Carlson's ass and look at the actual evidence. (I note you haven't actually shown any evidence to support any of your claims, you just keep restating the same baseless assertions)
Teletubby - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-06 19:02:18

On 2022-02-06 17:29:15 Churchill said:
JP. 1 the vaccines dont work. 2. The whole thing is over. 3. What dont you get?

You just keep repeating the same bullshit without any supporting evidence. And ignore the facts that other people put forward. I know you're a Trump fan, but that's not how things actually work.


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