Bullfinkle - Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 07:44:49

The forum is an incredible place for discussions information and the occasional jokes.

Gents & Ladies is there anyone you've grown fond of or would be excited to meet based solely on their forum posts, be it an eloquent way of writing,thoughts on a subject or manner of speaking.
Bullfinkle - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 07:49:28

I'd like to kick off with BBW Nadia. Shes not my usual cup of tea as we come from different backgrounds and age ranges but I simply love reading her insights and would love to have a chat or booking with her.
Raphael_ Xclusive
Raphael_ Xclusive - Re: Forum Administration
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2 Feb 2022
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Posted: 2022-02-09 08:01:17
Edited: 2022-02-09 10:02:03

I love this!

Since my first run on ESA, I have made so many pen pals, from both punters to fellow advertisers. All of whom, continue to show me love and support, which I truly appreciate.

In terms of punters: I would love to meet Jakeburns78, he is such a gentleman and someone I truly admire. One day when I grow up, I hope to be like him haha.

I am not sure if Frank White is still on here, but we had the best conversations about any and everything, especially about films and script writing. Ps. I actually write in my personal time, so it was wonderful to make a friend with the same shared interests.

I am sure now with my second run on here, there will be many more pen pals to make.

As for fellow advertisers:

I have had the pleasure of meeting Laura Love, who is my go to for advice and just has such great energy. If I feel down and I get a voice note from her, my spirits are lifted.

BBW Nadia made a lasting impression on me because she is genuinely such a nice person. She often posts things that are informative and doesn't run anyone down. I'm not sure if we have spoken, but her posts always stand out for me.

These are just a few mentioned. I could go on a tangent about all the wonderful people I have seen post on the forum. So many people have shown me so much love and support on here, I can't tell you how much that means to me.

So to those of you I have not mentioned, I see you, I appreciate you and thank you for your human decency. As well as wit and intellect.
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 08:12:54
Edited: 2022-02-09 08:33:12

Why thanks, dear sir. You haven't said enough for me to get a glimpse into you,but I smaak you stukkend.
Of the ladies I'd like to meet Russian Bridgette, Miss Red, Laura Love, Claudia GD and of the younger group Tisha Desai, Carmen Lex (I know who she is, know what she looks like but we have never met. That's a funny story. When she started she had blue extensions and one day she was right in front of me at the bottle store. I check on my phone and yes that was the same braids. Turns out we were neighbours actually, she never worked from home though).
Punters I'd like to meet outside the purple world Kommerq, Kooni, Oraljim, Semensquirter, Cunnilinkiss, Evil angel.

Hi Raphael, nice to see you back. I think we would get along swimmingly.i find you quite intriguing.
Kooni - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 09:23:11

@BBW Nadia

Wow, feeling honored that a ledgend such as yourself wants to meet me, and you are also on my list of people I want to meet.

Got loads of respect for you. I find your forum contributions straight to the point, always "playing the ball, never the man".
Mike Hope
Mike Hope - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 09:50:19

I would love to go on a 2 week beer drinking punting binge with SF I reckon there could be some good humour
Teletubby - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 10:11:22

On 2022-02-09 09:50:19 Mike Hope said:
I would love to go on a 2 week beer drinking punting binge with SF I reckon there could be some good humour

I would rather eat one of my own testicles.
Jakeburns78 - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 10:14:37

On 2022-02-09 08:01:17 Raphael_ Xclusive said:
I love this!

Since my first run on ESA, I have made so many pen pals, from both punters to fellow advertisers. All of whom, continue to show me love and support, which I truly appreciate.

In terms of punters: I would love to meet Jakeburns78, he is such a gentleman and someone I truly admire. One day when I grow up, I hope to be like him haha.

I am not sure if Frank White is still on here, but we had the best conversations about any and everything, especially about films and script writing. Ps. I actually write in my personal time, so it was wonderful to make a friend with the same shared interests.

I am sure now with my second run on here, there will be many more pen pals to make.

As for fellow advertisers:

I have had the pleasure of meeting Laura Love, who is my go to for advice and just has such great energy. If I feel down and I get a voice note from her, my spirits are lifted.

BBW Nadia made a lasting impression on me because she is genuinely such a nice person. She often posts things that are informative and doesn't run anyone down. I'm not sure if we have spoken, but her posts always stand out for me.

These are just a few mentioned. I could go on a tangent about all the wonderful people I have seen post on the forum. So many people have shown me so much love and support on here, I can't tell you how much that means to me.

So to those of you I have not mentioned, I see you, I appreciate you and thank you for your human decency. As well as wit and intellect.

Thank you for that, one day you and I will sit and chat and put the world to right :)

peterb - Re: Forum Administration
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Posted: 2022-02-09 11:10:41

And that is why we have socials

Couple of drinks, good food, talk kak, love laugh and have fun

No expectations on anyone's side and meet all the people

Bullfinkle - Re: Forum Administration
Re: Forum Administration
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14 Oct 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-09 11:28:28

On 2022-02-09 11:10:41 peterb said:
And that is why we have socials

Couple of drinks, good food, talk kak, love laugh and have fun

No expectations on anyone's side and meet all the people

I've always wanted to participate in the socials but fear I would be too out place as most people already know each other. And I wouldn't wanna be the odd one out.


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