Merlot - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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26 Mar 2003
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Posted: 2022-02-09 08:50:49

On 2022-02-09 08:07:43 wild_one said:
@Merlot you really think my parents are still alive my child
no wonder you fall for all this BS , did mommy tell you to take the vaccine ? is mommy also scared of the rona

Yes, they must be, as your replies to anyone who challenges you is name calling, you have to be still learning, nobody can be this ignorant who has lived a long life ..... now where did they put the soap!!!
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-09 09:06:17
Edited: 2022-02-09 09:07:20

Part 2 (of 4) of the transcript as promised to bikers, roosters, surfers and others :

"Ladies and gentlemen, this case is about a long planned agenda of a group of ultra-rich people and their financial mafia, based in the City of London and on Wall Street, to use a pseudo-pandemic as a guise behind which, while our attention is on the pandemic, they want to complete their decades-long efforts to gain full and complete control over all of us.

There are numerous platforms on which this group has been meeting and discussing this agenda, but the most important one is that of the World Economic Forum, which was invented in 1971 by a then 33 year old Klaus Schwab. Its members are a 1000 global corporations with at least $5 billion in annual sales, politicians, media representatives, scientists, and other so-called high profile personality. They meet once a year in Davos, but there are other such meetings, for example, in China.
And since 1992, they have created and presented to us their own group of political leaders for the world. Among the first graduates, as I mentioned before, are Angela Merkel and Bill Gates in 1992. Others are Sebastian Kurz, up until recently chancellor of Austria, Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, Francois Macron, president of France, and many, many more.

This group, which is now called the Davos clique is openly, the publication, The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, is one of the most important sources for this information, promoting the shifting of the world's assets to this group of super rich people, so that in 2030 ordinary people will own nothing and be happy, as it explicitly states there, under their one world government with a digital currency given to us by their one world bank.
And they're also openly promoting in close cooperation with people like the putative defendant, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and others, the drastic reduction of the world's population and the manipulation of the remaining population's DNA, all the way into transhumanism.

Their most important goal is however, the controlled, by them of course, implosion of the completely looted financial system and simultaneous introduction of a digital currency issued by one world bank controlled by them. And just as important, the introduction of a world government under the UN, which has come under their full control in 2019.
For this purpose, they have made concrete plans for this Corona plandemic, since at least the spring of 2001, Operation Dark Winter, followed by another such rehearsal, the Lockstep Exercise by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. Finally, Event 201 in October 2019 in New York at a concert [crosstalk 00:08:38].

These experts will tell us how right from the start, members of the jury, we will call a number of different, highly renowned, expert witnesses from all walks of science, but also witnesses who will testify to the damage that they suffered as a result of getting the experimental injections in this trial."

And in more good news, there are still 2 more episodes of this agenda to come, where info that's been suppressed will surface.

JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-09 09:27:42

Johnny, it would be a more productive use of your time to be providing us with a transcript of the latest episode of Judge Judy because even though that's not a real court either the people sign a contract before hand agreeing to abide by her decision so they are legally bound. This "court" has fuck-all.

So let's call this what it is - It's a phony trial, in front of a phony court. It's play-pretend. It's not a trial. It's theatre for idiots who don't know the difference.
wild_one - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-02-09 11:52:57

JP my boy , how old are you son ? you do realize that the most powerful nation on earth came into existence because of "it's a phony trial, in front of a phony court"
that was according to the KING of ENGLAND , the most powerful man on the planet at that stage , but his ignorance was almost equal to yours and today his descendants rule over less than a tenth of what he did
so mock all you want , all that it shows us is your ignorance
of how the world works
BikerBrian - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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30 May 2017
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Posted: 2022-02-09 11:58:49

For one brief moment the first page was absolutely clear of this bullshit. Only posts about pussy, eating pussy, some about someone being a pussy, but mostly just posts about pussy.

And then, the peace was gone.

Fuck off with your paranoid shit, please.
wild_one - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-02-09 13:57:14

sounds like biker dumbass ( aka Karen ) is the janitor of ESA , " for a brief moment the first page was clear"
for a brief moment your pants must have been dry too I guess f8 Karen
BikerBrian - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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30 May 2017
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Posted: 2022-02-09 14:09:43

On 2022-02-09 13:57:14 wild_one said:
sounds like biker dumbass ( aka Karen ) is the janitor of ESA , " for a brief moment the first page was clear"
for a brief moment your pants must have been dry too I guess f8 Karen

Buddy, you think we care about your rants and insults? You are just a meme here.
JP82 - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-09 14:29:49

On 2022-02-09 11:52:57 wild_one said:
JP my boy , how old are you son ? you do realize that the most powerful nation on earth came into existence because of "it's a phony trial, in front of a phony court"
that was according to the KING of ENGLAND , the most powerful man on the planet at that stage , but his ignorance was almost equal to yours and today his descendants rule over less than a tenth of what he did
so mock all you want , all that it shows us is your ignorance
of how the world works

Oh good - the brilliant legal mind that can't spot the difference between a question asked in parliament, and parliament adopting a position, is here to educate us on how the world works.

You can see that there is a difference between a legally constituted (through statute), and duly empowered court that some people (even a King) contest the legitimacy/standing of, and some nut-jobs with a video camera declaring themselves to be a court, right? You can see that? Surely? Oh no wait, I remember the "parliamentary report "that wasn't, so I'm not holding out much hope that you can see the difference here.
wild_one - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-02-09 18:13:22

JP I hope you are not a lawyer , I have made a complete ass out of you on several occasions , because you read things and only see what you want to see instead of seeing what is actually written there
if you actually read and tried to comprehend it the shoe would have been on the other foot , but you DON'T READ
silly smuck
Teletubby - Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
Re: more misinformation and lies , feel free to ignore it all you "educated
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29 Jun 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-09 18:21:20

On 2022-02-09 18:13:22 wild_one said:
JP I hope you are not a lawyer , I have made a complete ass out of you on several occasions , because you read things and only see what you want to see instead of seeing what is actually written there
if you actually read and tried to comprehend it the shoe would have been on the other foot , but you DON'T READ
silly smuck

Bwahahahahaha. "made an ass out of you". Lol. You're too stupid to even see when someone runs rings around you. But since you tried to pass off the transparently juvenile "I don't feel like it", when asked for evidence that's not all that surprising.


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