Brad Patel
Brad Patel - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
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28 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-02-15 15:23:02

Sounds fun.
Is is on TV1 or BOP TV?
Mistress Gail
Mistress Gail - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
20 Sep 2017
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Posted: 2022-02-15 16:10:37

He found their weaknesses easily and used that to exploit them. For one it was to be whooded and another it was exposure to the high circles for another it was a place to call home.

Miss Red.

just clicked there a word for this it called fractionation seduction that's the method he used ....

it's quite interesting too read
Here goes

Spice It Up

Fractionation Seduction -- How Does it work? Step-by-Step Guide To Use It

Angelina GuptaSeptember 23, 2021

Ever wondered how some guys get lucky with every girl they try to woo? You must have wished that you had the skill they do! You may think that these guys are natural charmers, perhaps it is a god's gift, but the truth is that wooing is an art that can easily be learned and with practice, you can become as good as them.

The secret is fractionation seduction, these guys are using fractionation seduction, either consciously or subconsciously. It is a potent tool to charm women and there is no rocket science to it.

What Is Fractionation Seduction?

Table of Contents

Fractionation seduction is a seduction technique used by men that have evolved over the years. It was invented by a Neuron Linguistic Programmer named John Grinder and then further researched and developed by Derek Rake. It is basically a psychological technique that uses the art of persuasion and hypnosis to unravel and unlock the female psyche.

It is known to cloud a woman's judgement through a flow of continuously mixed emotions so that she loses control and gives in to the seducer.

It gives men what they have desired through ages -- the power to attract or seduce women effortlessly. It involves a certain amount of mind control and works in a manner that it is the woman who wants to be with the man. If you have not heard about it, it is because the technique is not very common, but gaining more popularity by the day. Remember the line, 'what women want', the skill actually takes you in the mind of your woman and helps you understand what her reservations are and then respond accordingly. Once learned this is a powerful way toattract women.

Fractionation seduction is not just effective but also gives results a lot faster, sometimes in a matter of minutes. Barring the hook-up culture enthusiasts, regular dating means weeks of working on winning her confidence, pampering the woman, assuring the woman that you constantly think of her, give expensive gifts, buy her stunning clothes, beautiful jewellery and know that leather bags are always her weakness. This process traditionally takes days or weeks, sometimes months and years and that is when you are lucky! With fractionation, you can short-circuit a woman's brain and make her fall in love with you in literallyminutes on the hour. Unless a woman knows the internal workings of these tricks, it is unlikely that she will know what a skill she is dealing with. And she will fall head-over-heels for this person before she even grabs her wits about her.

If you are a woman reading this, take the opportunity to understand how you may be manipulated and perhaps find smarter ways to deal with the man. For the men pray that the women you use these on have not been to this page and make sure practice makes you perfect. You'd be dying to know how it works. Also, men folks watch this video and to knowthe qualities women admire in mento give you that extra edge in your efforts in winning the girl over. Let us look at how fractionation seduction works.

Examples Of Fractionation Seduction

An example of fractionation seduction is when you see a man talking to a woman and in less than 15 minutes she agrees to go out with him. This is the magic of this technique, before you know it you are under its spell. Another example is when women feel that they have shared too much too soon on their first date.

A client Kamini wrote to us that, 'I am normally a cautious and a reserved person but this man just had a way of making me feel comfortable and gish! I was attracted to him like hell and felt like I have known him for ages. It felt like we had some connection'. She mistook it for 'instant connection'. Needless to say that when he moved on she felt as if her instincts had betrayed her, how could she have felt what she did and be so wrong about him. Our expert explained to her how it was not her fault.

Sometimes, men just look for short relationships, it can be devastating for a woman to believe deeply in a relationship which is not so important for the other. Make sure you know when you are being manipulated into getting seduced.

He seduces you like a horse with blinkers

Though fractionation seduction has been given many names such as 'forbidden art' or the 'dark art', I would call it a devious art. This is because it is an act of deviousness where the woman doesn't know what she is tricked into. The person portrays an impression of himself that the woman wants to see and in the process gives in to the manipulations of the man only to follow where he wants to take her.

He would give her the impression that he would bring the world to her feet. She told him about that branded LBD she ogled at the store, she has it the next day. She always wanted an Alexa, how did he know it? Thai is her fave cuisine, he's already ordered online from every restaurant in town. Now tell us how can she not fall for him?

This guile of the man is so potent that even though she has an inkling of something not being right she cannot help but go his way. One girl wrote to us about losing her virginity to a man for whom she was just a number in his scoreboard.

Exactly what men want, huh!

Men, while we give you, hacks to impress a woman please do remember that the other person is a feeling, breathing person with emotions like you.

How and when to use fractionation seduction?

Though this tactic has been misused by many men, it also acts as a great hack for those under-confident men who have been in love with a woman for several years, but the idea of them beingout of their leagueis preventing them from approaching her. Let us see how fractionation seduction works and how the good ones can make good use of it.

Related reading:How to seduce a married woman with text messages?

This technique, as charming and tempting it seems, is not that easy to master. The key to master this skill is through practice. Before working this technique on women, you need to work on the following skills:

* Having strong interpersonal skills is a must in this technique. You need to be confident, sharp and social. No woman likes a man fumbling and stammering after each word

* Suit up.No matter what your appearance is, you need to look dapper.Women like men who have a good dress sense.
As they say, you can tell a lot about a man by his shoes

* Keep up with trends. You may not be a person who follows trends, but you need to have knowledge about the things people are talking about. Read on economics, politics, entertainment, and sports, etc. If your discussion ends up in you being on the polar opposite of your woman, don't just agree to their opinions, express your take on it, perhaps validate with some data and agree to disagree. As you know, confidence is the key

* Don't think any less of yourself. The moment you think of the woman as someone way beyond your league your actions will show that. Remember, fake it before you make it, even if you think she is better than you act as if the two of you deserve each other.

* Practice your conversations with other women. Try flirting with your best friend as practice or maybe the girl in your local store. The more you try it, the better you will be. Manik wrote to us about he practised cracking a joke with his women friends 4 times before he said it in front of his girlfriend.

Make the woman feel that she needs you and not vice versa. Your looks don't matter. It all comes down to your personality and how cleverly you confuse her with her own emotions.

Holding memories

Step By Step Guide To Use Fractionation Seduction Technique

Once you have mastered the above, you are now ready to use fractionation psychology on any woman you want to. There could be many steps to using the fractionation technique of seducing women, but the most effective are these three simple steps that will make her attracted to you in no time.

Step 1: Grabbing her attention

There are many ways in which you can grab her attention. Wearing an outfit that is easily noticeable in a room full of people will surely catch her attention. This approach is called peacocking. Make sure that your outfit is fashionable and not weird or you may end you being the laughing stock. If needed take professional help, there are many image consultants or you can even ask the saleswomen at the clothing store for their guidance.

Approaching her and starting a conversation with her is another way to initiate a conversation. If you see her at a party with an empty glass offer to bring her a refill, compliment her on her smile, or shoes or you can simply strike a conversation on something related to work. Complimenting her is a good start but remember you must sound genuine. This is where your rehearsed conversation will come into use.

Step 2: Engaging her in a conversation

Now that you have caught her attention, engage her in a fractionation conversation. Take interest in her life but do not grill her with questions. Women like men who want to know more about their likes and dislikes or what matters to them and what doesn't. It shows a holistic interest. Also, remember women normally love to talk about themselves. When she asks you questions, don't give away too much too fast, but tell her something that is personal and in all of this make eye contact. Create a sense of mystery. It will make her want to know more about you. And you will get more to converse with her. Here is a link you can use onhow to start a conversation on dating apps.

Making love again and again

Step 3: Emotional rollercoaster

You might have found the above two steps quite simple. It is because they are. The third step is the last and the trickiest one. You have to be very careful not to trigger emotions such as anger when you are using this step. The purpose of this step is to create emotional intimacy with her so that she feels comfortable enough to develop a deep connection with you.

The way to use this technique is to take her on an emotional rollercoaster. This is about finding a way to make her feel extreme happiness and sadness in a short period of time. And when she experiences this, she will develop an emotional dependence on the person who is putting her through that emotional roller coaster. This is often used by moviemakers who get us emotionally invested in them. Ask her about her precious happy moments from her life, celebrate that with her and then take her to the other extreme. Share something that was disturbing, she will naturally empathize with you by sharing something challenging from her own life. Repeat this for about 3-4 times. The combination of this cyclical exercise confuses the brain a bit and helps in creating a bond. This whirlwind of emotions is such a short span of time makes a person vulnerable and results in a need to deepen that connection. We must warn you, this is not as easy as it sounds. There is a risk of her being irritated or shutting down totally. It is best to begin with your sad moments, perhaps a bad breakup and then talks about how you have found this new relationship and how this positivity is changing the way you see everything.

Once a woman feels that she has shared her most joyous and vulnerable moments with you, she will begin to see you as her confidant. She will want to share more and you become her 'to go' person. And this will probably go into her hard drive as times when she had heartfelt and meaningful conversations.

How effective is fractionation seduction on women?

Now that you have gained her confidence, she is all yours but treats her with the sensitivity she deserves. Her feelings for you now go beyond just physical attraction. The emotional bond that you have created will last if you do not cheese her off with shallow behaviour. She trusts you with her secrets and subconsciously has in a way given you the control of her emotions.

The emotional bond prevents the woman from forming a definite opinion about her feeling about the seducer. She remains attracted to him as long as she believes him to be her confidant. This technique thus does its job in luring the woman towards the man.

Fractionation seduction is quite effective but is not fair if used by playboys or Casanovas who like to play with a woman's emotions. It should be used only by men who are serious about a woman. At the same time, this article can be used by women to understand when she is being manipulated into something that they may not want. Women,here is a piece based on their zodiac signs, how they express love. Be careful about who you share your feelings with, as it can just be a ploy to get you as a trophy and play with your emotions .
Mistress Gail
Mistress Gail - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
20 Sep 2017
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Posted: 2022-02-15 16:24:10

On 2022-02-15 15:23:02 Brad Patel said:
Sounds fun.
Is is on TV1 or BOP TV?

on Netflix
[deleted] - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-15 16:32:51

Very interesting Gail. Thanks for sharing. This gives insight as to how he hooked the ladies so quickly and they were prepared to do anything to keep him safe.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-15 16:53:39

@Gail.. very interesting read thanks for that.

I wanted to post a link to a book that was about exactly m that, but could not find the link and had a client almost on my doorstep, will go search again later ..

It is not just a skill used when wanting to "get the women" but it is a very effective business tool, used daily to broker deals, gain investors trust etc

[deleted] - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-02-15 17:12:18

On 2022-02-15 15:23:02 Brad Patel said:
Sounds fun.
Is is on TV1 or BOP TV?

Haha hahaha
Potatoejetguy - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
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8 Mar 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-15 17:16:48

He didn't exploit their weakness, he exploited their greediness for money.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2022-02-15 17:35:00

On 2022-02-15 17:16:48 Potatoejetguy said:
He didn't exploit their weakness, he exploited their greediness for money.

Oh no doubt he did that..but to get them to part with their money he had to use their own weaknesses against them;)
johnyafrica - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
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17 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-15 18:54:42

Their greediness is their weakness
Littlerascal - Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
Re: What's everyone take on Tinder Swindler
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29 May 2021
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Posted: 2022-02-15 20:23:16

All I want to know is how much Peter and the 'business partner" were getting paid by Simon.


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