Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ...Nothing is for free.
...Nothing is for free.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-02-20 09:49:31

My Sunday musing share.

A few days ago, I received a most intriguing telephone call where the first words were..." My name is (...) and i got ur number off ESA. If I share a few random facts with u, will u then tell me if u can trust me?"

I listened for a while and asked no questions. In return i was then told to ask one question of which, i can imagine, i did not ask the question i was supposed to have asked. (THAT i know for definite),

It struck me, immediately that only a 'fool' would imagine trust could be bought, across a telephone line, with sweet words, compliments and supposed truthful fact share, keeping it as real as possible....and this all between two strangers.

Or, was i the fool for not buying into his tale woven and giving him the benefit of the doubt when it came to his ' sincere intentions'?

Flattery does know to rub the ego the right way. Makes one feel mighty proud and boastful....dropping ones guard and rather, believing that the person showering one with all these big words without wanting anything in return, can only be truthful.

To butter the bread the right way up, i was paid R500 via ewallet...even though i said I DO NOT WANT ANY PAYMENT FOR MY TIME SHARED TELEPHONICALLY...and that it was my choice to indulge in a conversation without intent to charge.


Was the intent truthful and all this person wanted was to get to know me as he claimed.


have i singled myself out, on this forum, as a target for a sort of "tinder swindler"...sort of thing?...

And the reason for this share?

Nothing comes for free and being accepting and naively trusting in these difficult times, can get one deeper into trouble believing there is light at the end of the tunnel and ones knight in shining armour might have arrived.

And to that caller...who says he reads but, does not comment on the ESA was my last statement to u...."waiting for that call, that booking and meeting in person...nothing overthought, simply that conversation u asked for."....FOR FREE...considering u have paid me R500 already...for 'nothing'.


Forsyth P Jones
Forsyth P Jones - Re: ...Nothing is for free.
Re: ...Nothing is for free.
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9 Feb 2022
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Posted: 2022-02-20 10:22:29

I'm scared to get close
But I hate being alone
I long for that feeling
To not feel at all
The higher I get
The lower I sink
I can't drown my demons
They know how to swim
Can you feel my heart?(by Bring me the Horizon).

Self pity?Perhaps

Loneliness/Horniness combo?Likely

Someone just reaching out?Probably.Who knows?

Is it just the sex?You know the answer to that already.

On with the Fuckery in this thing called Life.
Charl_ - Re: ...Nothing is for free.
Re: ...Nothing is for free.
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5 May 2019
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Posted: 2022-02-20 11:53:23

On 2022-02-20 09:49:31 Russian Bridgitte said:

Was the intent truthful and all this person wanted was to get to know me as he claimed.

I truly believe this is the case and you must have left a good impression! Maybe I should give you a call as well...
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...Nothing is for free.
Re: ...Nothing is for free.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 2884
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Posted: 2022-02-20 18:53:39

Forsyth P Jones

As u rightly say..."On with the Fuckery in this thing called Life."...and if i could i would underline that word...FUCKERY...

fuckery - a brothel

fuckery - sexual intercourse

fuckery - nonsense

fuckery - unfair or morally wrong action

and my favourite :-

fuckery - Bullshit with an element of gaslighting. When someone tells a blatant lie and you know they're lying, and they know you know they're lying, and you know they know you know they're lying, but they stick with the lie.

The new trend of GOP Senators objecting to Biden's Cabinet nominees based on a handful of Twitter insults is pure fuckery.
(The stand4Network -Submitted by anonymous on March 11, 2021)

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...Nothing is for free.
Re: ...Nothing is for free.
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 2885
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Posted: 2022-02-20 19:20:56


quoted - "I truly believe this is the case and you must have left a good impression! Maybe I should give you a call as well..."


As to u giving me a call...please do, it would be my pleasure to take it


do not ask for my trust.

Would be foolish if u did. Does not mean though, our conversation will not be sincere, intimate in its personal share and confidential.

Like respect, trust has to be earned. over how long...? can never tell.

And who knows...

Our conversation may lead to a most rewarding indulgence i have been fortunate to have shared with quite a few from the Purple world, without charge... a dinner date simply for company ....UNLESS it leads to erotic intimacies requested and shared, then a fee would apply.

This non-charge DOES NOT APPLY DURING WORKING HOURS ...i do have to earn my keep after all...wink.

looking fwd to hearing from u.



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