Vanessa Moabi
Vanessa Moabi - Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
17 Mar 2018
Posts to Date: 123
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Posted: 2022-09-12 02:36:36

It's tiring now. I have too much on my plate. I have a pending court case,and receiving calls or WhatsApp messages from fake cops is triggering.
WGs asking where is business? And Punters are scared to call. Blame? In one week I will have 5 to 6 different fake cops numbers asking for screenshots of my call log. I'm tired of blocking these idiots. If as a little community of misfits,can't flush WGs who are selling data and do something with this gang or person. I give up..
Is anyone or know of anyone hiring?
-I have a bcom in financial management
-0 experience because I was looking when I came across escorting and money made me comfortable.
-Do wish to study further
-Smart and if needed hard worker.
Please do let me know.
Heavypecker - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Gold Member
14 May 2012
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Posted: 2022-09-12 03:27:10

It got out of hand while ago !
The very 1st extortion call was the beginning of the end. I for 1 will not phone a WG as the trust is gone! I don't own a punting phone as a can't hide it and if found is a huge risk.
Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-09-12 06:13:18
Edited: 2022-09-12 06:20:19

Hirl, I feel you. Last wek I felt so defeated but I am begining to see the light.For now, do this business but broaden your horizons. Stay on top of matters pertaining to your degree. The learning doesn't stop after you fet a degree. If you are not happy here, take any job relevant to what you studied. Even if its a bank teller. Above all it doesnt matter what you do or if you decide this is your forever job strive to be the best at it. If you're gonna be a tealady, a teacher, a nanny, be the best you can be. How did you get your degree ? Sweat and hardwork and you stuck to it, right? This industry is no different.
So do this businesses with gusto and even read up on matters pertaining to the business. Read up to learn how to do the sex-for-sale thing right or better your skills. Learn from the older ladies who are successful.. I may have flopped but there are others you can learn from. Don't get stuck here. Keep growing personally, intellectually, spiritually ( and that doesnt have to mean religion), educationally. Top of my list is grow spiritually and you will get clarity and peace. I mishandled my affairs in this game. But so we live, learn and grow. Don't ever stop learning and growing. Use this game as a stepping stone, don't get stuck here like I did. I became psychologically addicted to this business. When business took a dip, I didn't know my worth as a person outside of the purple realm. Girl,us wgs are strong and tough we bounce back.
If I could do it over, I would have worked lessand been available less (as in working hours) and been available to myself more. I haven't read your ad but dont be available 24/7 to this industry. I know it sounds weird in these trying times but it's true. Have a life outside of this. It certainly helps with the type of service you give. If you work with others, pick up tips from the busy ones who have loads of regulars. Deliver what you say you deliver. None of us know everything. Read up, watch videos to learn how to deliver topnotch service and also how to enjoy this.
The scammers- unfortunately you will just have to keep blocking.
[deleted] - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2022-09-12 06:50:50

On 2022-09-12 02:36:36 Vanessa Moabi said:
It's tiring now. I have too much on my plate. I have a pending court case,and receiving calls or WhatsApp messages from fake cops is triggering.
WGs asking where is business? And Punters are scared to call. Blame? In one week I will have 5 to 6 different fake cops numbers asking for screenshots of my call log. I'm tired of blocking these idiots. If as a little community of misfits,can't flush WGs who are selling data and do something with this gang or person. I give up..
Is anyone or know of anyone hiring?
-I have a bcom in financial management
-0 experience because I was looking when I came across escorting and money made me comfortable.
-Do wish to study further
-Smart and if needed hard worker.
Please do let me know.

I got calls from 3 different numbers last week. Literally harrassing me with endless calls. Its definitely put me off punting for a while.

I hope you find your way though...
Vanessa Moabi
Vanessa Moabi - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
17 Mar 2018
Posts to Date: 124
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Posted: 2022-09-12 07:32:03

My apologies to gentlemen that will receive such stressful calls. To the WGs,stop selling data. If you want to expand your business and income;the is webcaming and club finessing. The is no need to destroy the relationships you have created. Because they do come in handy in tough times
[deleted] - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2022-09-12 09:03:40

On 2022-09-12 03:27:10 Heavypecker said:
It got out of hand while ago !
The very 1st extortion call was the beginning of the end. I for 1 will not phone a WG as the trust is gone! I don't own a punting phone as a can't hide it and if found is a huge risk.

I had a very nerve wrecking experience with a wg yesterday. She was drunk as a skunk and I should honestly have left upon arrival. I booked for 2 hours, the first hour was hearing her drunk ramblings about anything and everything including her advice to another wg to not drop fees in this environment, was also left alone while she was sending the longest voice note in the history of voice notes to this girl, which if the girl only listened to the first 5 seconds she would know what the message was about as the rest is just rambling the same thing over and over. She continued getting shit faced as she was telling me about this and about scams in the industry and how some of her clients got caught. Our session was about 15 minutes before I through in the towel. I honestly thought she was going to puke. Thereafter my nightmare started because I was locked in in the apartment and she didn't want to let me out because she's scared Oll do a bad review. I told her I am jot going to write anything she kust just please let me out. Finally found her keys and made it out the apartment but then she didn't want to open the gate. It was quite scary, every minute bring behind a locked gate felt like an eternity, but I kept calm and went and asked a neighbor who kindly agreed to open the gate. At 3am this morning she starts calling and messaging me. She must have women up with a moerse headache that time.

Lady, if you are reading this - I am not going to review you or even mention your name, but you, nor any other lady on this site will see me anytime soon. I'm done.
Kourtney B
Kourtney B - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
11 Aug 2021
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Posted: 2022-09-12 09:16:31

JHB22 I am so sorry that this happened to you. I cannot begin to imagine what this must have felt like! Absolutely horrendous
[deleted] - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2022-09-13 12:12:42

On 2022-09-12 09:03:40 JHB22 said:
On 2022-09-12 03:27:10 Heavypecker said: It got out of hand while ago !
The very 1st extortion call was the beginning of the end. I for 1 will not phone a WG as the trust is gone! I don't own a punting phone as a can't hide it and if found is a huge risk.

I had a very nerve wrecking experience with a wg yesterday. She was drunk as a skunk and I should honestly have left upon arrival. I booked for 2 hours, the first hour was hearing her drunk ramblings about anything and everything including her advice to another wg to not drop fees in this environment, was also left alone while she was sending the longest voice note in the history of voice notes to this girl, which if the girl only listened to the first 5 seconds she would know what the message was about as the rest is just rambling the same thing over and over. She continued getting shit faced as she was telling me about this and about scams in the industry and how some of her clients got caught. Our session was about 15 minutes before I through in the towel. I honestly thought she was going to puke. Thereafter my nightmare started because I was locked in in the apartment and she didn't want to let me out because she's scared Oll do a bad review. I told her I am jot going to write anything she kust just please let me out. Finally found her keys and made it out the apartment but then she didn't want to open the gate. It was quite scary, every minute bring behind a locked gate felt like an eternity, but I kept calm and went and asked a neighbor who kindly agreed to open the gate. At 3am this morning she starts calling and messaging me. She must have women up with a moerse headache that time.

Lady, if you are reading this - I am not going to review you or even mention your name, but you, nor any other lady on this site will see me anytime soon. I'm done.

Damn bro, this sounds terrible! Dont reveal her name but she should be reported to ESA atleast!

Im done with punting for now too... theres just too much shit going on. I just read another members post about the same thing and about court officials being involved and paid off. Thats too much.
wild_one - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Basic Member
13 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2022-09-13 13:38:40
Edited: 2022-09-13 13:38:30

I have a pretty good idea who the ladies are who are selling the numbers
, to me it doesn't matter I am single and I have friends who are cops
the last fuckface that called me got n earful , I told him to make the case and stop wasting my fucking time
Cleopatra (your Royal Affair)
Cleopatra (your Royal Affair) - Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
Re: Enough.. This is getting out of hand. Or going there
1 Apr 2022
Posts to Date: 713
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Posted: 2022-09-13 13:43:21

I keep getting these random calls/whatsapp messages too, it's so annoying truly! Like: GET A LIFE!


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