On 2022-12-05 08:57:53 Russian Bridgitte said:
What would mainstream media be without a shitload of propaganda, playing to the hand of the impressionable, sensation seekers and of course....the bullies.
How foolish one would be to imagine good news sells media content. It is the shady, a touch of taboo, the war mongering the corruption and another's downfall and tragedy that sells....and a pock or two of goodness.
Mankind professes to be innately good. What utter rubbish.
And the belief that good conquers bad, only the romantic still live in that euphoric fantasy ?
To sneer in on the supposed " care-keepers" of society as a whole, or in specialized spaces, the audacity to call out indiscretions painting a picture biased, tarnished with pull toward doubt and non belief that "truth" may have a narrative of another hue.
Critical thinkers are labeled pariahs and the bane of a sheeplike society baaaaing to those applying the psychological "needs and desires" pyramid of which one of the highest would be to BELONG and be popular and liked at any cost....even at the cost of ones character and name.
Truth...does truth matter?
....Is there such a thing as truth?
There is.
I wonder how many dare to bank on truth without playing to political correctness or to the masses?