Faye @ Elements
Faye @ Elements - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
10 Feb 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-20 11:46:17

Sadly I believe this has always been an issue but ladies are too scared to speak up because some gents pulls the "power" card when something happens.

I will however not stand back if anything like this happens to me or one of my colleagues.

We are service providers and will be respected as that.
Like @Kylie mentioned before... It's tiring having to listen to lewd remarks and constant pushing for "extras" we don't offer during a booking and even worse when they try or succeed to take it by force..
This makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe and also affects the whole booking....

It's so refreshing when we have respectful clients.
For those I say THANK YOU.
We walk out of our bookings with smiles on our faces and feel that what we do actually meant something to them.
There are quite a few punters that are real gems...

... It's just those that seemingly have no respect that makes my blood boil.
Arhwen - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2022-12-20 19:22:11

On 2022-12-20 08:48:22 Knightrider78 said:

I respect and have treated WGs with utmost respect over the years, but, it works both ways, don't disrespect us by changing what was agreed to up front, or using outdated pictures etc to lure us in and expect us to be fine with it.

If what was agreed to is delivered, and if by some chance my good attitude gets rewarded with a little extra, which has happened to me before, then all the better ;-)

I fully agree with you respect is a two sided story and if you are respectful then you have nothing to loose or fear ladies love guys who can respect them the same way they respect you.
Arhwen - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2022-12-20 19:25:48

On 2022-12-20 11:46:17 Faye @ Elements said:
Sadly I believe this has always been an issue but ladies are too scared to speak up because some gents pulls the "power" card when something happens.

I will however not stand back if anything like this happens to me or one of my colleagues.

We are service providers and will be respected as that.
Like @Kylie mentioned before... It's tiring having to listen to lewd remarks and constant pushing for "extras" we don't offer during a booking and even worse when they try or succeed to take it by force..
This makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe and also affects the whole booking....

It's so refreshing when we have respectful clients.
For those I say THANK YOU.
We walk out of our bookings with smiles on our faces and feel that what we do actually meant something to them.
There are quite a few punters that are real gems...

... It's just those that seemingly have no respect that makes my blood boil.

I conquer.

Though you need to remember that force is a crime.

What I normally do I politely help them right the 1 first time I feel they are out of line.

The second time I will be a bit more firm and the 3rd time I get up and get dressed because my no is just that.
JamesSpader - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
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20 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-20 20:29:46
Edited: 2022-12-20 20:31:43

On 2022-12-20 09:55:12 Kylie @ Elements said:

However what the ladies are discussing here is something COMPLETELY different.

This is about the ,so called
"respectful mutual touching " ending up in a doctors room with a torn vigania, serious infections caused by dirty nails and utter disregard to a women's boundaries.

This is about rough viganial play to the point that it is very clear it's done with the intention to hurt and cause damage.

Look, I am glad I am not a WG, MG or any other kind of girl for that matter, so I don't ever really have to deal with being sexually objectified and or having to deal with poorly behaved clients insofar as bodily harm is concerned, in my line of work.

Though admittedly I do enjoy it when someone slaps my ass and looks at me like a sexy lady Wolverine eyeing a steak, truth be told :-/

I know it isn't quite that simple (before you bite my fucken head off) but I think MG/WG should be firm with their boundaries : Once is a warning, twice is a final word, then you're out the door Handsy Mc Handserson.

Body language speaks volumes, if you're somehow confused by (what you perceive to be) the signals the lady is sending v what her mouth is saying was saying before the booking, err on the side of caution, and ask.

For me, I never push beyond what was discussed and clarified prior to the appointment, and even then, if I'm really unsure, I'll ask, but body language speaks volumes and so does energy.

I don't think the issue at hand or the thread in general is about the "average joe punter" stepping over the line, it is about the exceptional Dr Dickwad, who is intent on being a doos regardless.

While I appreciate the OPs need to ventilate her frustrations and emotional discomfort at what was clearly a traumatic and dehumanizing experience for her, one can only hope that a potential Dr Dickwad reads what she said and is somehow enlightened to nip the proclivity to that kak behaviour in the bud, immediately.

For the rest, and for the unrepentant retards : I hope any MG/WG that finds herself in this scenario sets her boundaries and then boots the bastards without discussion when those boundaries are purposely being ignored, as ultimately they control their space, their body, and what they allow into both.

Kylie @ Elements
Kylie @ Elements - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2022-12-21 09:17:31

you've got my respect...

Thank you

Kylie @Elements Spa
Arhwen - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2022-12-21 09:59:48

On 2022-12-20 20:29:46 JamesSpader said:
On 2022-12-20 09:55:12 Kylie @ Elements said:
However what the ladies are discussing here is something COMPLETELY different.

This is about the ,so called
"respectful mutual touching " ending up in a doctors room with a torn vigania, serious infections caused by dirty nails and utter disregard to a women's boundaries.

This is about rough viganial play to the point that it is very clear it's done with the intention to hurt and cause damage.

Look, I am glad I am not a WG, MG or any other kind of girl for that matter, so I don't ever really have to deal with being sexually objectified and or having to deal with poorly behaved clients insofar as bodily harm is concerned, in my line of work.

Though admittedly I do enjoy it when someone slaps my ass and looks at me like a sexy lady Wolverine eyeing a steak, truth be told :-/

I know it isn't quite that simple (before you bite my fucken head off) but I think MG/WG should be firm with their boundaries : Once is a warning, twice is a final word, then you're out the door Handsy Mc Handserson.

Body language speaks volumes, if you're somehow confused by (what you perceive to be) the signals the lady is sending v what her mouth is saying was saying before the booking, err on the side of caution, and ask.

For me, I never push beyond what was discussed and clarified prior to the appointment, and even then, if I'm really unsure, I'll ask, but body language speaks volumes and so does energy.

I don't think the issue at hand or the thread in general is about the "average joe punter" stepping over the line, it is about the exceptional Dr Dickwad, who is intent on being a doos regardless.

While I appreciate the OPs need to ventilate her frustrations and emotional discomfort at what was clearly a traumatic and dehumanizing experience for her, one can only hope that a potential Dr Dickwad reads what she said and is somehow enlightened to nip the proclivity to that kak behaviour in the bud, immediately.

For the rest, and for the unrepentant retards : I hope any MG/WG that finds herself in this scenario sets her boundaries and then boots the bastards without discussion when those boundaries are purposely being ignored, as ultimately they control their space, their body, and what they allow into both.

If not for your disrespectful posts towards myself and other sp's on the forum this post would have earned my respect as this is exactly what I expected from punters in a session.

If this is the way you genuinely behave in person then good job but I highly doubt when I read a large number of your forum posts not just to myself but other sp's.

The disrespect shown when disagreeing with sps even when the lady was decent speaks volumes, in my mind that is exactly what you are like in a treatment and someine I don't ever want in my space.

JamesSpader - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
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20 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-21 11:57:38

On 2022-12-21 09:59:48 Arhwen said:

If not for your disrespectful posts towards myself and other sp's on the forum this post would have earned my respect as this is exactly what I expected from punters in a session.

If this is the way you genuinely behave in person then good job but I highly doubt when I read a large number of your forum posts not just to myself but other sp's.

The disrespect shown when disagreeing with sps even when the lady was decent speaks volumes, in my mind that is exactly what you are like in a treatment and someine I don't ever want in my space.

Stop derailing threads with your kak.

For one, If me being critical of what you post somehow and by some magic in your world of make believe then also makes me a bad guy, then thank god you're the only one that occupies residency in the figment of imagination you call reality.

Only in a particularly obtuse view of the world could you construe disagreement with disrespect, "just because you said so" but hey, we've established that your tenuous grasp on reality informs the unbecoming blabber that blurts from your beak.

It's clear to anyone with eyes that you draw deeply from the pipe of narcissism fueled delusion.

For another : I've put in record several times, you really run very little risk of ever encoutering me, so let me clarify :

By very little, I mean : Sweet blue fuckall nada never gonna happen not in a million years not even if the survival of humanity as a species depended on it.

Is that plain enough for you?

Now stop being so obsessed with me, really, I'm flattered, but you're not from the right side of the genepool.
JamesSpader - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
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20 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-21 11:59:52
Edited: 2022-12-21 12:01:04

On 2022-12-21 09:17:31 Kylie @ Elements said:
you've got my respect...

Thank you

Kylie @Elements Spa

Kylie, respect goes a long way.

I'm thankful that some remain in the industry without necessarily resorting to the putrid and sour predisposition of hating ALL men, just because of what they have to face or deal with from SOME men.
Arhwen - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2022-12-21 13:10:44

On 2022-12-21 11:57:38 JamesSpader said:
On 2022-12-21 09:59:48 Arhwen said:
If not for your disrespectful posts towards myself and other sp's on the forum this post would have earned my respect as this is exactly what I expected from punters in a session.

If this is the way you genuinely behave in person then good job but I highly doubt when I read a large number of your forum posts not just to myself but other sp's.

The disrespect shown when disagreeing with sps even when the lady was decent speaks volumes, in my mind that is exactly what you are like in a treatment and someine I don't ever want in my space.

Stop derailing threads with your kak.

For one, If me being critical of what you post somehow and by some magic in your world of make believe then also makes me a bad guy, then thank god you're the only one that occupies residency in the figment of imagination you call reality.

Only in a particularly obtuse view of the world could you construe disagreement with disrespect, "just because you said so" but hey, we've established that your tenuous grasp on reality informs the unbecoming blabber that blurts from your beak.

It's clear to anyone with eyes that you draw deeply from the pipe of narcissism fueled delusion.

For another : I've put in record several times, you really run very little risk of ever encoutering me, so let me clarify :

By very little, I mean : Sweet blue fuckall nada never gonna happen not in a million years not even if the survival of humanity as a species depended on it.

Is that plain enough for you?

Now stop being so obsessed with me, really, I'm flattered, but you're not from the right side of the genepool.

Lol obbessed with what your obvious disrespect which is what this thread is about is the disrespect of clients towards ladies and the forum trail of your obvious disrespect is their to be met. I have had many disagreements with people here who have behaved like gentleman during the disagreement and debate unfortunately you will never be one of them.

Please don't flatter yourself to me you are nothing but a cyber bully hiding behind a alias.

But that's my opinion of you based on your interactions with me. It's not what you say it's how you say it ;)
JamesSpader - Re: Disrespectful gents
Re: Disrespectful gents
Basic Member
20 Jan 2022
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Posted: 2022-12-21 14:20:10

On 2022-12-21 13:10:44 Arhwen said:

Lol obbessed with what ...

See, kind of silly when someone states some superiorly stupid shit, isn't it?


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