Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-03-26 19:41:51
Edited: 2023-03-26 20:17:03


Oh my goodness gracious me! My profile score is Sixty Nine, that's right, *69*! As those YouTubers say, "You can't make this stuff up!" I am going to take this as a sign from the gods of fellatio that I am xxxcelling at my craft. There can't be any other explanation folks :)

If there were an awards ceremony for the sex industry, something akin to the Academy Awards, then I could just picture myself walking towards the stage, after the MC announces, "And the award for fellator of the year goes to ... LeilaB!!!" ...[*APPLAUSE*]..."And I can vouch for her folks - I was, well, blown away by her skillset." (Hahaha)

I'd keep my acceptance speech short and sweet ... "I'd like to thank each and every phallus, in the Purple Palace, for helping me ... go down in history as the bestest, and for also going down in return. Much appreciated, you tasteful/tasty Dicks, Toms and Harrys.

Yours Lustfully,

[EDIT] ... Dearest Gents, I forgot to mention, please don't award me any further points when reviewing, as that will then change my ***69*** rating ... lol ... (silly I know). BTW ... I really do appreciate each and every review that I receive. Keep em cumming and I'll keep ya'll cumming - XXXplosively ... *Slurp*
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-03-31 09:48:37
Edited: 2023-03-31 09:51:04


Today, Friday 31 March 2023, is the International Transgender Day Of Visibility.

Keeping the conversation going when it comes to trans issues is important, as this helps all of us, irrespective of our gender identity or our sexuality, because we all have to live together in the same world.

The videos I post on this thread are mainly focused on transwomen (peeps can't seem to keep us out their mouths) but here is one by JAMMI DODGER, my favourite transman on YouTube. He has a PHD in psychology on the well-being and development of transgendered people.

In this video, he addresses a lot of the misinformation and outright lies regarding transgendered people ...

Shoutout to transman RAPHAEL. I enjoy reading your contributions on the forum and your positive representation of our community as well

Raphael_ Xclusive
Raphael_ Xclusive - Re: TRANS TITBITS
2 Feb 2022
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Posted: 2023-03-31 16:34:40

Hello Gorgeous <3

I'm absolutely honoured to receive a shoutout from you and to be on such an informative thread, with undertones of humour.

I appreciate you! <3

Ps. I'm also a major fan of Jammi Dodger ;)

I thought I'd share something I posted on my personal social media today:

" Trans Day of Visibility is dedicated to raising awareness, as well as celebrating / recognising the lives of transgender people

I only hope that our visibility "normalises" our existence as a whole. While we each face our own individual struggles, just the same as any other human does - collectively trans people face struggles that most may never fully understand.

Here's a few tips on how to be an ally to a Trans person:

1. Respect our pronouns. If you're unsure of what they are, just politely ask us. For those of you who don't know, I identify as "cat dad." While that may be mostly true, "he/him" works best for me.

2. In South Africa we say, "don't be a "doos" - I don't ask my cisgender friends what's in their pants, so please don't ask me what's in mine. If you're interested in how gender reassignment surgery works, well you can probably google it if it fascinates you. If I'd like to disclose details, I'll most likely do so on my own.

3. Don't "out" your trans friends. Not all of us are comfortable with others knowing that we are trans and some trans people can't afford to be public about their identity as they may come from abusive homes or live in an area where transphobia and violence is rife. Also, everyone has the right to tell their own story, because well you may not articulate it well and fuck it up so let us use our own voice please, unless we gave you consent.

4. While it is imperative that we educate others and we do have days like today to aid in awareness, you could also take the time to educate yourself. What do I mean by this? Here is an example in layman's terms: Let's say I have a friend who is important to me, they may have something that is deeply important to them - perhaps they are a vegan. I will do my best to understand this and do my own homework on the subject so I can find out how best to support them and to accommodate them. So if I'm having a get together at home and all of my friends have different dietary restrictions, I'm going to accommodate them to show that their choices and lifestyle is important and valid.

5. Don't tolerate disrespect towards us. Not even behind our backs. Gossip can and does kill."

Please note, in the purple world I have had many people ask me what's in my pants and that's okay, because I understand that when going into a sex shop you'd like to either purchase a pocket pussy or a a vibrator or perhaps both - so I do need to discuss what you're purchasing with you.

With that being said, respect is the key word.
Cock0075 - Re: TRANS TITBITS
Gold Member
17 Nov 2022
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Posted: 2023-03-31 16:35:11

On 2023-03-26 19:41:51 Leila B (shemale Seductress) said:

Oh my goodness gracious me! My profile score is Sixty Nine, that's right, *69*! As those YouTubers say, "You can't make this stuff up!" I am going to take this as a sign from the gods of fellatio that I am xxxcelling at my craft. There can't be any other explanation folks :)

If there were an awards ceremony for the sex industry, something akin to the Academy Awards, then I could just picture myself walking towards the stage, after the MC announces, "And the award for fellator of the year goes to ... LeilaB!!!" ...[*APPLAUSE*]..."And I can vouch for her folks - I was, well, blown away by her skillset." (Hahaha)

I'd keep my acceptance speech short and sweet ... "I'd like to thank each and every phallus, in the Purple Palace, for helping me ... go down in history as the bestest, and for also going down in return. Much appreciated, you tasteful/tasty Dicks, Toms and Harrys.

Yours Lustfully,

[EDIT] ... Dearest Gents, I forgot to mention, please don't award me any further points when reviewing, as that will then change my ***69*** rating ... lol ... (silly I know). BTW ... I really do appreciate each and every review that I receive. Keep em cumming and I'll keep ya'll cumming - XXXplosively ... *Slurp*

Hehehe slurp slurp... cumm every where.. lol gag,gag... 69 always a favourite number....

- 'Leila-B-69'
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-03-31 23:37:41
Edited: 2023-03-31 23:57:26

On 2023-03-31 16:34:40 Raphael_ Xclusive said:
Hello Gorgeous <3

I'm absolutely honoured to receive a shoutout from you and to be on such an informative thread, with undertones of humour.

I appreciate you! <3

Much appreciated Handsome ... xxx

RAPHAEL is my 2nd favourite ArchAngel and my 5th favourite hotel in Sandton Central, when it comes to travels. Just so you know ;-)

Great post :-) I'd like to respond to at few of your points.

[QUOTE;4086834;Raphael_ Xclusive] trans people face struggles that most may never fully understand.

They (cisgendered individuals) may not understand, but they can tolerate and choose to show compassion. That's always a choice available to all humans at all times.

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." (MAYA ANGELOU)

[QUOTE;4086834;Raphael_ Xclusive] For those of you who don't know, I identify as "cat dad." While that may be mostly true, "he/him" works best for me.

CAT DAD ... Meeeooow ... I like :))))))))

[QUOTE;4086834;Raphael_ Xclusive]

2. In South Africa we say, "don't be a "doos" [/QUOTE]

That request will fall on deaf ears around here, sadly. Welcome to "Box-ville". (Mostly, not always)

[QUOTE;4086834;Raphael_ Xclusive]

3. Don't "out" your trans friends. [/QUOTE]

Some people delight in doing this. OUR STORY IS OURS TO TELL.

[QUOTE;4086834;Raphael_ Xclusive]

4. While it is imperative that we educate others and we do have days like today to aid in awareness, you could also take the time to educate yourself. [/QUOTE]

Outside of this industry, I have all the patience in the world to inform and educate others on the transgendered community.

Prospective (lazy) newbies wanting to be educated via a phonecall - you should know better :-(

[QUOTE;4086834;Raphael_ Xclusive]

5. Don't tolerate disrespect towards us. Not even behind our backs. Gossip can and does kill."


Don't ever allow this. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (EDMUND BURKE)

Peace Out

Ps: Don't be a stranger R_X
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-04-06 00:29:11

On 2023-03-31 16:35:11 Cock0075 said:
On 2023-03-26 19:41:51 Leila B (shemale Seductress) said: ***69***69***69***69***69***69***69***69***69***69***

Oh my goodness gracious me! My profile score is Sixty Nine, that's right, *69*! As those YouTubers say, "You can't make this stuff up!" I am going to take this as a sign from the gods of fellatio that I am xxxcelling at my craft. There can't be any other explanation folks :)

If there were an awards ceremony for the sex industry, something akin to the Academy Awards, then I could just picture myself walking towards the stage, after the MC announces, "And the award for fellator of the year goes to ... LeilaB!!!" ...[*APPLAUSE*]..."And I can vouch for her folks - I was, well, blown away by her skillset." (Hahaha)

I'd keep my acceptance speech short and sweet ... "I'd like to thank each and every phallus, in the Purple Palace, for helping me ... go down in history as the bestest, and for also going down in return. Much appreciated, you tasteful/tasty Dicks, Toms and Harrys.

Yours Lustfully,

[EDIT] ... Dearest Gents, I forgot to mention, please don't award me any further points when reviewing, as that will then change my ***69*** rating ... lol ... (silly I know). BTW ... I really do appreciate each and every review that I receive. Keep em cumming and I'll keep ya'll cumming - XXXplosively ... *Slurp*

Hehehe slurp slurp... cumm every where.. lol gag,gag... 69 always a favourite number....

- 'Leila-B-69'

Thanks for popping in COCK0075 ;-)

Hope to taste you soon :))))))))))

Yours SucKulently,
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-04-06 01:08:46
Edited: 2023-04-06 01:22:20


There was an ambitious thread started a few weeks back on this forum, asking punters to disclose their jobs. Nobody honestly volunteered. What a surprise. Punters value their privacy greatly and rightfully expect discretion in "the floating world".

Notwithstanding the above, many clients might feel very relaxed and extremely comfortable with an escort, and then see them as just another fellow human being, travelling the same tricky path called Life. In such scenarios, much is shared and held in the utmost confidence.

So, sometimes, my clients tell me what they do or in which field of expertise they operate. Obviously, I would never dream of asking a client what they do professionally - this goes without saying. None of my effen business biatch. But many have felt confident enough in my company and have then told me more about themselves.

From what I've been told by many of my clients, I would venture a guesstimate that about 30% of them are in I.T. (if not a higher percentage.) I have also been led to believe that there is an inordinate amount of individuals in I.T. who are transgendered and who elect to undergo SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery). I have speculated as to the reasons for these (unofficial) statistics, but I'll keep my speculations to myself ;-)

So, apart from 30% of my client base being in Information Technology, what other professionals can I brag about? All kinds really ... Doctors, lawyers, advocates, mechanics, chefs, accountants, the usual I guess. I also have clients who are in very specialised fields, but their occupations are very unusual/rare, so it would be indiscreet of me to mention those.

There you go, my curious kitty cats :)

Yours Confidentially,
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2023-04-06 07:26:38

Leila B

While I have always loved your photo shoots your current one is soooooo Freakin sexy.

Have a amazing day stay blessed and beautiful

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-04-06 17:39:26

On 2023-04-06 07:26:38 Arhwen said:
Leila B

While I have always loved your photo shoots your current one is soooooo Freakin sexy.

Have a amazing day stay blessed and beautiful


Thank You Arhwen, much appreciated :-)
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-04-06 17:39:27
Edited: 2023-04-06 17:42:18



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