Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-05-24 23:37:00

On 2023-05-24 21:41:35 9cloud9 said:
BRILLIANT as always Sweetheart.

Thank You 9CLOUD9 ... xxx

Another *STORYTIME* to follow shortly :)))))))))))))))))))
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-05-26 23:06:49
Edited: 2023-05-26 23:25:08

(The International Escort)

Some years back, a certain globe-trotting Canadian escort, Miss T, visited our Sunny Republic. She is of Phillipino descent.

I had a photoshoot scheduled with one of the photographers. In our conversation, it came up that he was doing T's photos next. I asked if I could tag along - with prior permission from T, of course.

Got to her place, introduced myself and we seemed to hit it off. I watched, mesmerised, as she posed for fotoman. I wished that I could be that amazing with my poses. She was a natural. She told me that she had worked in the modelling industry, so posing was something she had to learn to ace for her work.

Photos done, we had a drink (juice! FFS). I suggested we go for a drinksicle somewhere. She changed into something suitably sexy and I said that I would like to go pass my place and slip into something a bit more "bling-a-licious".

We walked from my place to this bar/club around the corner. It's called *the thing a caterpillar emerges from as a butterfly* if you follow? (can't mention clubs and websites on ESA).

"I would like to try out some local fare please", T requested. I told her that RSA is THE RAINBOW NATION, so she would have to decide whether she wanted white chocolate, caramel, milk chocolate or dark chocolate. "Dark chocolate baby!" She replied instantly.

At the caterpillar/butterfly place, I got our drinks, we nestled into a nice spot and I asked whether she saw anything she fancied. " The tall one with the tight jeans over there," ordered Miss T. Told her to watch my drink while I invite the selected prey over.

(ME) ... "Hi, I'm xyz. My friend from Canada, over there, would like you to join us for a drink."
(STRAPPING DUDE) ... "Pleased to meet you babygirl. I'd rather buy you a drink."
(ME) ... "My drink! Thanks for reminding me - I left it unattended. Please excuse me."

Told T that he was here with a girlfriend. "Bummer!" She then pointed out another muscular gent. Off I trotted (the things I do for my girls).

(ME) ... "My friend from Canada, over there, blah blah blah ... "
(STRAPPING DUDE2) ... "You looking good ... Saw you when you came in."
(Nooooo! Oops again)

(ME) ... "He's gay dear! Let's rather dance and just enjoy ourselves." By this time T was nicely tipsy. From my experience with my Asian friends - just one glass of vino can cause a hangover for them ... Hahahaha. They get all red in the face from just a bit of alcohol ... lol.

I was dancing on one of the raised platforms (I've got me some moves) when the "gay" strapping dude came and watched. (YIKES!!!) I whisked T and our drinks to the other section of the bar/club, hoping to engage with some other guys (didn't want to get "found out"). No good deed goes unpunished.

Story ended well though. T loosened up, found some dark chocolate to sample. She took her dark chocolate slab back to her lab ... heehee. Me? I enjoyed my dancing. I always have to be swept out ... LMAO. I only want to go home when the Sun rises. #PartyAnimal

That's all for now folks :-)
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19 Apr 2017
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Posted: 2023-05-27 16:50:12

Empress, I think I remember the globetrotter you're referring to. She subsequently underwent gender reassignment surgery and lost 99% of her clientele. That one?
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-05-27 21:02:39
Edited: 2023-05-27 21:56:57

On 2023-05-27 16:50:12 Lanavol said:
Empress, I think I remember the globetrotter you're referring to. She subsequently underwent gender reassignment surgery and lost 99% of her clientele. That one?

I knew that you would recall who "Miss T" is :-)

You engaged with her on your V.A.S. thread.

I have to say this; when transsexual escorts undergo SRS, they will inevitably lose some of their clients, but they will also gain some, as they will then appeal to a different segment in the market, albeit a much smaller segment than the *cock n tits combo* SEGMENT (in capitals because the *cock n tits combo* lovers segment is a HHHHHHUUUUUGE SEGMENT)

Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-05-31 22:14:21
Edited: 2023-05-31 23:07:56

***QUESTION #12***

"What do you look for in a lover?"

*MY ANSWER* ... I look for different things in a long term partner compared to what I look for in a sexual playmate, but there is an overlap, as always.

(1) ... I prefer "average looking" men over very goodlooking men. I am fortunate enough to have more than one mentor - and my Afrikaans mentor (transwoman) likes to say, "n MOOI MAN IS ALMAL SE MAN." (a goodlooking man is everyone's man). Very true.

Goodlooking men (I'm generalising here) tend to feel even more entitled than your average looking man - and they can suck in bed (NOT in that good way ... lol).

(2) ... One of my quirks is that I really dig short guys. Short guys can make up for lack in vertical measurements when they are horizontal ...

(3) ... "Dad bod" over body of a Greek god. Don't get me wrong - I have nothing (absolutely nothing) against a 6-pack. I could lick/eat things off of 6-packs. I might be vegetarian, but a little bit of animal protein now and then won't hurt. I'm allowed to chEAT :)))))))))))))))))))))))))

(4) ... TRANS-EXPERIENCED guys over newbies.

"I've never been with a shemale before, wouldn't you like to take my virginity?" Yes, I would, as long as it comes along with your HardColdCash and your HardHotCock - the cherry on top for me.

Some men equate their "virginity" with that of a ciswoman's. Doesn't work like that. From what I understand, a ciswoman's virginity is HIGHLY PRIZED and some men even revere these virgins.

Speaking for myself, as a transwoman, I would much rather "do the deed" with a trans-experienced lover. So much more fun and games to be had without the preconceived notions and hangups ;-)

That said, I do go out of my way to make sure that a first-timer's first time, hopefully, won't be his last time :-)

(5) ... Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene (I'm a Virgo FFS ... we are "clean-freaks")

Good hygiene AND good grooming - not a single inch of your anatomy will be left unsavoured :))))))))))))))))))))))))

(6) ... I love a sexy derriere. My 3 favourite things on a man - nice ass, HardHotCock and HardColdCash ... #KeepinItReal

(7) ... TATOOS. OMG - I <3 tatoos (on men and women).

I will have to do a separate post in praise of tatoos (and piercings)

Yours Desirably,
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-06-04 20:25:11
Edited: 2023-06-04 20:32:46

***QUESTION #13***

"Have you ever been in love?"

Hasn't everybody been in love?...At least once in their lifetime?


'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, they say.

I'm Virgo, and according to astrologers, Virgo makes the worst wife of the 12 sunsigns. I suppose we are too self-contained. Most men like to rescue damsels in distress.

I read somewhere that if a man has to choose between two women, he will choose the one with the weaker mind.

The sign that makes for the worst husband of the 12 sunsigns is Gemini (the sign with 2 distinct sides - one day a GEM ... the next a N(aa)I) ... LMAO

Funnily enough, Virgos and Geminis are almost always attracted to each other (also my personal experience). We are both ruled by Mercury (messenger of the gods) a ruling planet that makes for quick mental processing. Maybe that's the reason for the mutual attraction?

There is more than one kind of love. The Greeks have the words Philia/Storge/Agape/Eros that describe the different types of love. EROS (romantic love)is the love that our society worships and seeks out the most.

I read the following words some years back, but I can't recall the author or the book that it comes from. It goes something like this, "What is love? What we call love is nothing more than the delicate, pink lace covering the grotesque face of a union between a pervert and a slut."

Harsh. But maybe the author and others whose hearts have been wounded too many times by Cupid's arrows would feel that way? Or maybe most of us just don't dare to look behind the "delicate, pink lace"?

Despite that cynical quote above, I choose to be a realistic idealist. Love will find you when you least expect it. Promise :-)

Yours Romantically,
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-06-07 22:28:15
Edited: 2023-06-07 23:04:27

***QUESTION #14***

"Is it gay or straight to date/f**k a transwoman?"

"Wait a minute LB, you already asked this question (#4 ... on page 6)."

That's correct, but this question must be in the top ten questions of all time - right up there with "why are we here?" and "where did we come from?". Sheesh ... or rather, EISH ... #ProudlySouthAfrican

*MY RESPONSE* ... First of all, if you are not magnetically drawn to us T-girls in a sexual way, then why does it matter so much to you??? Something you not telling us, hmmmmm? Is it that famous African river - De Nile? Watch out for the crocs boys.

To my intrepid sexplorers, the men who own their desires - you like what you like. Finish and klaar!

I like what I like. Finish and klaar and end of story.

Grown ass strangers policing other grown ass strangers' bodies. How strange :(

In the video below, the Beautiful BLAIR WHITE nails it with the most perfect answer/explanation I have heard to date ...

[EDIT] ... As BLAIR WHITE says in her explanation, "it is it's own thing/sexuality"... the actual word used is GYNANDROMORPHOPHILIC. Quite a mouthful. MOUTHFUL ... maybe just what the doctor ordered ... *SLURP*
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-06-11 22:19:24
Edited: 2023-06-11 22:41:01

So I was at my GP the other day. I have to see my endocrinologist for my hormone therapy, but for all other health concerns, I see my GP. He has a background in psychiatry, so he is always amazing to consult.

He was telling me that I should really consider writing a book one day, "it would be a bestseller", he said. LOL

I am always completely open and upfront with my doctors (everyone should be). That way I get the best, most appropriate treatment and advice from them.

My TTBT (TransTitBitsThread) has reached page 26. Nothing compared to the other thread dedicated to *cock n tits creatures* ... LANAVOLs *VISITING A SHEMALE* thread (currently at page 326!)

Anyhow, I have done 2 *STORYTIMES* so far. Sneak peeks into the life of yours truly, LB :-)
I will post my next *STORYTIME* once this thread reaches page 40.

Lemme whet your appetite ...

The story will involve my favourite club (name has 3 letters). It will be about a nite out with 3 of my transgirlfriends - 2 pretty AF and the other one, I sort of "dated". It also involves me DFK-ing a MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ-esque lesbian on the dancefloor ...

Sounds yummy? Please do let me know :-)

Yours Yummily,
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7 Aug 2020
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Posted: 2023-06-12 16:32:00

You are so unbelievably sexy.
Leila B (shemale Seductress)
Leila B (shemale Seductress) - Re: TRANS TITBITS
24 Nov 2016
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Posted: 2023-06-12 21:47:46

On 2023-06-12 16:32:00 Frinch said:
You are so unbelievably sexy.

Thank You FRINCH :-)
You're too kind. Mwah!


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