On 2023-11-06 07:55:15 SolCandy said:
I'm fairly new here and I have to say, this topic is pretty much interesting as this is a situation that puts a man in an extreme situation. The question is, was the bareback request made before the funds were transferred to Angie or after Angie received the funds? Thing is, the problem seemed to be the bareback request here. So if Angie was asked/given the option of bareback or nothing why did she even proceed with taking funds from the guy. As soon as the guy mentioned something wasn't comfortable with why didn't she politely just say sorry I don't offer such services and then return the funds if the funds were already on her end? Like this gives scammer vibes on Angie's part because to her it seems like it's the money that she was interested in from the get go.
On 2023-11-06 07:36:28 Baziel said:
Angie... Why am I not surprised. Dodgy thang that one.