On 2023-11-15 13:40:25 Mattx said:
Angie stole in order to put her ad off to go on leave haahaa
On 2023-11-15 13:55:08 Cheshire Cat said:
She wasn't banned silly billy. She just no longer a SP. registry attendance for that one is over here ...Aww you disappoint me! When i laugh and make jokes out of something or someone , i like people to know its coming from me. Otherwise wots the use of it all. Pffft boring, lame, no fun in that. Its no fun if you under cover.
Your aim is off though, You want some popcorn and coke?
Edit: for the purpose of this thread I'll be mattx - so we can skip that boring topic and guessing games. Move onto the next chapter / season
On 2023-11-15 14:38:02 StaalBurger48 said:
What this thread is accomplishing quite sadly is exposing the dark underbelly of the punting world. Respect and decensy seems to be a thin veneer all to easily removed
On 2023-11-15 13:40:30 styffrichard said:
Well if only Angie had realised that the cheaper option would have been to repay the client as she had promised - I think her behaviour has made many of us decide to never book her
On 2023-11-15 13:40:13 Pleasureandpain007 said:
Unlike some I aint suprised that this thread is still active.
This kind of thing has become normal.
People live for shit like this.
Just have a look what happens in the streets around you.
How people will stop to watch a mugging or a high jacking or a robbery or a roit or a fight between some random people.
Some will just watch. Others will encourage and fuel the fire.
A lot will even end up participating.
Very few will try calm the persons involved or try to help or stop or defuse it or even assist in some way.
This is life.
There is no winners.
We all end up loosers.
We show the next generation how to behave and they will show the next.
Leading to communities that have lost their sense of belonging, their sense of social responsibilty.
Communities that dont build community bonds but rather just sit back and watch it fall apart or worse yet help to break it down.
This is the legacy we will leave behind.
Every person for himself and damn the rest.
It is a sad to see that rot even reach "virtual" communities like this.