On 2023-11-17 09:22:14 Cleopatra ( Your Royal Affair) said:
This is so scary on so many levels
On 2023-11-17 10:38:44 Angie said:
In reply to the above:
The actual story goes, from first hand experience:
Punter tried to deceive sp for a second time. Sp refused to pay back money. Sp got torn apart by sad lefties. Sp decided that shes still going strong, drinking tequila on holiday, while being entertained by clowns, all brought to her with compliments of ESA.
Main clown claimed to be refunded by bank. That now the matter has been closed. Main clown have yet to discover condoms with face pic and real name and user names reading: PE's Bareback Legend, with a big red bow at his local postnet.
Because Im now loaded, I Will only return from holiday for mr @MikeHope's banging session, or when ESA gets their shit together and apologize to all their loyal patrons. (I don't expect one myself,as I know I entertained the bullshit)
Other than that, Thank you, lefties and righties, and have yourselves a lovely weekend :)
On 2023-11-17 11:04:06 SolCandy said:
I think this is the beginning of the end of Angie. Literally this is a play of her downfall. This is what pride does to one.