~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-07 12:54:10
Edited: 2024-09-07 12:56:49

Bitch in this context is a complement, the highest achievement anyone can attain in life.

Please don't underestimate the term.

Instead, lets give the term justice.
~ SuperFuck ~
~ SuperFuck ~ - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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8 Aug 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-07 13:04:51
Edited: 2024-09-07 13:05:10

"Bitch" is a complex, multifaceted word with various meanings, depending on context, culture, and tone.

*Negative connotations:*

1. Derogatory term for a woman, implying annoyance, anger, or disrespect.
Example: "He called her a bitch during the argument."

*Neutral/mildly negative:*

1. A strong-willed or assertive woman.
Example: "She's a tough bitch in business."

*Feminist/reclaimed usage:*

1. Empowered woman who stands up for herself.
Example: "The feminist activist was proud to be called a bitch."


1. Friend or companion (male or female).
Example: "What's up, bitch?"
2. Expression of frustration or annoyance.
Example: "This traffic is a bitch."

*Historical origins:*

1. From Old English "bicge" (female dog).
2. Initially used to describe a female animal, later acquiring human connotations.

*Cultural variations:*

1. Regional dialects and cultural contexts influence usage.
2. Some communities use "bitch" as a term of endearment.

*Important note:*

1. Context and tone determine the word's impact.
2. Using "bitch" to degrade or demean someone is harmful.


1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
2. Oxford English Dictionary
3. Feminist scholars and linguists


Mike Hope
Mike Hope - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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15 May 2020
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Posted: 2024-09-07 13:10:06

LOL SF at his best
J_J - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-07 14:25:27

On 2024-09-07 12:36:02 peterb said:

I totally hate people calling them whores/sluts /prostitutes -

Mr PeterB, apologies, I'm gonna pick a little on you to make a point ...

Who are the "them" you referring to. For me "them" are my aunt and and her daughter and my cousin's daughter; and other family I may not be aware of.

==> Side track, when I punt in CT, my standard enquiry message changes from "Hi, I'd like to enquire about your rates and services " to "Hi, are you related to any of the following surnames: ...."; lol

"Them" are all the beautiful ladies I've had the honor of companionship with. And all the acquaintances I've made on the forum. Yes, it's not nice when someone calls a family member, a friend, a lover ... a prostitute, but uhm ... it's kinda true ... (no disrespect intended). Personally I hate labels, but there's no point in running from them. Rather just own it. It is what it is. It is who I am. I love prostitutes and whores and slutty bitches, why try to hide it by fighting off labels. It's just language ....language describes, it'd doesn't define (not everyone will get that).

Now this is going to be offensive to some gals and guys on here. What's the difference between a street hooker and an ESA escort? MONEY!

Sure you can add a bit of class with money, but it comes down to the same thing ...

I hope that didn't hurt to much. Bottom line is we should respect everyone. I've read some gals here taking pain with disrespect but on other posts they disrespecting street gals. What the difference "Bitch". That would be my definition of bitch; slightly different to SF.

When it comes to acceptable language. As a society we settled on the following words as not being acceptable for public use: Kafir, Nigger and Charo (not sure about the spelling and there may be a few more, but these are the common ones). Every thing else is fair game. It would be a bit hypocritical for an adult site to be going beyond this.


Once met a lady who used the K word way to often and it irked the living day light out of me. But once I built up tolerance for her offense exterior I got to discover the absolutely beautiful soul that lied beneath. As donald would say "such a beautiful person, so beautiful, not as beautiful as the first lady, but so beautiful, so so beautiful". Donald's been called a bitch a few times ... wondering if the president's forums are also up in arms ...

Anyway, I'm off track again. I could have been "fuck this bitch" and walked away; but I'm glad I didn't. I'm so much more enriched by having had a full moment with her. It's like I was blind and she took my dark glasses off only discover I wasn't blind, just wearing really dark glasses (filters).


For comedy lovers look up Aneesh Singh's show called Gaslit. He jokes about whores and prostitutes towards the end in a very insightful manner; and progresses the societal conscious, particularly in the Indian culture, quite a bit. Even my wife had to laugh. Now wondering if she will accept.

peterb - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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6 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2024-09-07 14:38:13

So I own 5 different companies. Everyone here knows me as I have never hidden behind names

Lets respect the institution and all the people behind it

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-07 14:43:07

May I ask peterb....what does that make you?

I mean, owning 5 companies?

Does that benefit me or anybody else?

I can also share many a thing I own , surprisingly so...does it earn me respect and if so why?

Singles me out above the "institution"?

J_J - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-07 15:00:06
Edited: 2024-09-07 15:00:57

On 2024-09-07 14:38:13 peterb said:
So I own 5 different companies. Everyone here knows me as I have never hidden behind names

Lets respect the institution and all the people behind it


Oh Peter. What does money matter. Are you trying to say fucking an ESA escort is better than fucking a street hooker? Are you trying to justify your actions through the false illusion of "class". It's the same thing dude. You will only be at peace when you accept it. Own it and then you can come to grips with true purpose ... how can I serve the community I love. Then you can use all that money you have for good.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-07 15:29:54

Hey J_J

U know me a little better than most.

That thread of mine

"I am not romanticing "....u know the one about helping SP's in difficulty?

What is it now...2 years later?

To this day not one of the big businessmen have reached out to me to find out about it, question me,assist or anything at all.

I have promoted it , spoken to many and tried my utmost to get it off the ground.

It can ONLY work if the punters and the SP's alike make a concerted effort to apply themselves.

Do you think it is an ego thing?

The punters feeling what the fuck does Russian Bridgitte know?

I have money , money, money and I pay her to "fuck" my she stay in line.

Mmmmmm....if Only they knew...

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-07 15:32:19

Oh!....and yes

We ain't supposedly in the 12th century....GRIN.

Kylie @ Elements
Kylie @ Elements - Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
Re: BITCH of the year - Nominations now open.
7 Oct 2020
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Posted: 2024-09-07 17:49:43

On 2024-09-07 13:04:51 ~ SuperFuck ~ said:

"Bitch" is a complex, multifaceted word with various meanings, depending on context, culture, and tone.

*Negative connotations:*

1. Derogatory term for a woman, implying annoyance, anger, or disrespect.
Example: "He called her a bitch during the argument."

*Neutral/mildly negative:*

1. A strong-willed or assertive woman.
Example: "She's a tough bitch in business."

*Feminist/reclaimed usage:*

1. Empowered woman who stands up for herself.
Example: "The feminist activist was proud to be called a bitch."


1. Friend or companion (male or female).
Example: "What's up, bitch?"
2. Expression of frustration or annoyance.
Example: "This traffic is a bitch."

*Historical origins:*

1. From Old English "bicge" (female dog).
2. Initially used to describe a female animal, later acquiring human connotations.

*Cultural variations:*

1. Regional dialects and cultural contexts influence usage.
2. Some communities use "bitch" as a term of endearment.

*Important note:*

1. Context and tone determine the word's impact.
2. Using "bitch" to degrade or demean someone is harmful.


1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
2. Oxford English Dictionary
3. Feminist scholars and linguists



Making someone your bitch.
Forced submission.
Taking someone's control to what happens to them, their time, their body, their money ect.
Belittling them and their voice to speak out. In a nutshel= narcissistic control over another human.

Now... thread carefully. Not everyone takes shit lightly. I hope you learned something.


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