Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-12-30 15:59:28

It has been forever since my last comment due to, as mentioned, non disclosure of knowledge and goodwill shared.

My work in this field has taken a bit of a break now in December.

Most of those that have kindly given of their services and advise are taking a well deserved holiday.

The paperwork and formalities required to register this foundation which centre's around assisting, guiding, educating SP's looking to rejoin the mainstream of society, is near completion.

If only things could move on much quicker considering the many that could have done with a helping hand be it through emotional support, financial guidance and support or, simple assistance in daily challenges, and a kind word or two, this year end.

BUT. It is never too late....and best a solid foundation is created for the excellent work that shall happen thru the goodwill of many.

It is a daunting task and am ever fearful of failure.

When all has been finalized and registration has taken place then begins the hard work getting the buy in from SP's and Punters alike.

I am fully confident it shall happen and by December next year a platform will have been created, led by trustworthy professional SP's , Punters and other parties,with invested interest to better the lives of many a SP.

There is no reason an SP does not deserve the acknowledgement rightfully earned and deserved.

This one is for all who may feel they floundering and could do with that little bit, that push, to get them back on track.

Hopeful and Blessed to go into 2023.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-01-26 08:01:30

Please note: all is and shall be vetted, utmost privacy and confidentiality applied regulations applied as per constitution.

It is NOT a sale of services NOR a money making scheme .

IT IS a need identified and a longterm solution sort for SP's.

The interest has grown and thus to put it out there for all to read.


To the SP's that have reached out.

Now a little bit of where everything is at.

The idea of the foundation is not a "Safe house " in the traditional sense.

BUT...rather a "network " of services and assistance afforded to the SP .

They are as follows :

Assistance to SP's in times of crisis while working as SP's eg monetary, babysitting, transport

Mentoring and life-coaching.

Basic education eg financial management, job applications, marketing

A network of professional assistance eg medical, legal

Network of vetted job offers .

The main aim of the Foundation is to assist, guide and be the stepping stone toward a life back into the mainstream of things.

Baby steps to self realistic of aspirations and desires to grow in other ways .

Being a SP is a life skill in itself and I am of the belief that those skills garnered make a formidable achiever in any space in mainstream living.

At present moment the legal paperwork is in the final stages of completion for registration.

The domicilium et citandi is being confirmed as an address is required for legal purposes and registration as well as having a base office and "home " for the Foundation.

Then begins the handwork of getting the buy in from credible SP's , Punters and public as a whole.

It shall not be an easy feat for everything about the Adult space is taboo and questionable but, we know who we are and what we have to offer to society on the whole, hard working business SP's that can conquer any setback and do whatever it takes to get back on ones feet.

How can you become part of the Foundation?.... once the registration is complete to help with getting the buy in from CREDIBLE SP's and anybody else who shall understand the importance of what the Foundation hopes to achieve.

In doing that you will find your sweet spot as to what appeals to you and you shall run with it

I trust the above makes sense and that we shall all become a force to be reckoned with .

Thank you for showing interest and looking fwd to working on the same team.



And to the Punters that have reached out.

Now a little bit of everything .

The idea of the foundation is not a "Safe house " in the traditional sense.

BUT...rather a "network " of services and assistance afforded to the SP .

They are as follows :

Assistance to SP's in times of crisis while working as SP's eg monetary, babysitting, transport

Mentoring and life-coaching.

Basic education eg financial management, job applications, marketing

A network of professional assistance eg medical, legal

Network of vetted job offers .

The main aim of the Foundation is to assist, guide and be the stepping stone toward a life back into the mainstream of things for the SP.

Baby steps to self realistic of aspirations and desires to grow in other ways .

Being a SP is a life skill in itself and I am of the belief that those skills garnered make a formidable achiever in any space in mainstream living.

At present moment the legal paperwork is in the final stages of completion for registration.

The domicilium et citandi is being confirmed as an address is required for legal purposes and registration as well as having a base office and "home " for the Foundation.

Then begins the hard work of getting the buy in from credible SP's , Punters and public as a whole.

It shall not be an easy feat for everything about the Adult space is taboo and questionable but, we know who we are and what we have to offer to society on the whole, hard working business SP's that can conquer any setback and do whatever it takes to get back on ones feet.

How can you become part of the Foundation?.... once the registration is complete i would like to fwd the documents and you can have a read and then one can work out where your asistance may be most appreciated, affective and effective.

All is done vetted, privacy and confidentiality in check.

I trust the above makes sense and that we shall all become a force to be reckoned with .

Thank you for showing interest and looking fwd to working on the same team.


I have solely financed every step to date and have NOT asked for ANY monetary input from ANYBODY.

At the same time I have financially assisted those SP's who I personally feel may do with a little financial assistance wherever I am able to and can afford to which is so little and wish I could do more....especially in present times.

Looking fwd to this network gaining traction.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-09-24 08:30:24
Edited: 2023-09-24 08:31:23

Let us do this on Heritage Day.

With vehemence I call out the hypocrisy of Punters,claiming to care for the SP's

I call out those who have received messages from me and ignored me.

I call out those that come onto the forum and boohoo about the plight of the SP and yet, shall ignore any initiate vetted and audited, to assist legit needy and desperate SP's.

I call out the sociopathic psychotic bullies who will shoot an initiative down because all the know is to be cowards sniveling in dark corners tryna be relevant . By the way...if you think you a bully...remember this there is ALWAYS a bigger bully...I promise.

I call out every man who claims to have a deep pocket successful and oh! So ready to create soup kitchen and all and yet, his ego will NOT allow him to come on board with respect to an initiative led by a woman. ..especially one from the fuckery business...?

God forbid he is seen as less worthy and a failure simply because he did not start it.

I call out all who have made suggestions as to help yet...should I reach out...I will be ignored as would my VETTED INIITIAVE.

We are in September...year end. The SP 's possibly in a more dire situation than beginning of this year.

And my initiative?... dribbling with assistance of a few snd much of my own money that is running out with respect to helping to a very few. ...and my need to look after myself first, as I am not immune to the challenges we all face.

On this heritage day...let us see who has the balls of a man and reaches out to help those they CLAIM they would help.

Ps. You may question my street cred and who I may be.


Have u taken the opportunity to talk to me?

Know me?....ask me.

Read all of the above posts and familiarise yourself as to what good YOU can do in a community that needs it, even though I had hoped it would have been a solution already on the go....who knows...maybe just maybe it still can be.

jasimo - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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29 Sep 2009
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Posted: 2023-09-24 18:53:36

Read the whole post again now.

I admire the commitment and all that you show. Wish I knew how to verbalise what runs in my mind as old age is bringing less boldness and more caution to my veins.

I believe a foundation of sorts could be most beneficial if it is strong in cashflow and investments to be sustainable. But how does one establish such a strong foundation?
jasimo - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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29 Sep 2009
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Posted: 2023-09-24 18:54:20


I saw the heritage post and it made me think.

I try to treat others hoping that when my name appears they may smile and think back upon time spent with me as having been a good use of their time.

We are here not just to spend time but to leave a legacy for the world is not ours we borrow it from our children and our grandchildren.

Is our legacy one of good teaching, making time for those that matter and doing good even on small scale.

We are like tenants as we do no own the earth and that which is one it....custodians for a short period of time.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2023-09-25 07:31:35

Greetings jasimo

Thank you for engaging me in conversation.

As you have rightly stated, a strong monetary base with a constant cashflow that can be utilized for the purposes of the foundation is a MUST as is , in this case, the ever growing membership database.

PLEASE, PLEASE , the above as to the structure and purpose .


It is not ONLY focused on money to ensure the success of what could be.

From the onset I need to emphasise NDA's ARE required to be signed.
Discretion and privacy is implemented.
Vetted and audited is any assistance offered.
Your assistance is tax deductible.

ALL of the above put in place as would be for ANY organization, corporate, company, business no matter its structure or aim.

Looking to the industry meaning , Punter and SP, was the first approach and then looking to broader society.

After all, it is to assist the prostitute and thus the expectation that they themselves MUST make an effort to help self and others in the same space. The result of that can only be growth and having THE CHOICE TO CHOOSE .

This is where the conversation needs to be held as to how and what has happened to date....too lengthy and layered to put on paper.

I have been fortunate enough to have had numerous conversations with a few punters.

To know everything is impossible and, the success of any effort or organisation is not only in the cash flow BUT, the "brainpower and concrete experience " of others AND using ALL resources, both monetary and otherwise ensuring longterm sustainability.

BUT....NOT DROWNING IN INFORMATION OVERFLOW and rather, applying RELEVANT and DYNAMIC information and support to the growth and purpose and AIM of the foundation.

I have been told this will never lift simply because , need I say it...?...these are "prostitutes" and...well.

To ask for assistance for a prostitute takes "balls of steel" ....i don't have the balls but i do have a steely resolute personality and am of unwavering character ....... with a background many would imagine i have made up and am delusional...when it comes to hopefully being part of a team that CAN make a longterm positive impact.

I firmly believe, in helping those that turn to this industry due to economic challenges and possibly being forced into prostitution, may result in a different mindset , empowerment and understanding of any system available and how to USE it for the good of self.

I firmly believe the positive ripple effect on society and community is a definite and, new dynamic public conversation can be held that would address teenage pregnancies, sexual abuse, human trafficking and much more that is swept under the carpet or remains a fearful enigma.

Possibly fast tracking decriminalization and never knows...legalization of sex workers.

Looking fwd to hearing from many more


Who knows....

That energy and organizing of a social , might be applied in organizing a small conference of like minded men and women looking to become part of a team putting in place a sustainable solution.

If one has no fear to show face at a social, then why would there be fear of showing face at a conference ......?

Same principle of anonymity would be used as at the socials.

What might happen from there....much.

But that initial will and step is what is needed first.


Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-10 07:55:10

We are sitting about 4 months from 2024 year end.

I shall not say more


To the businessmen who talk about their successful businesses, the men and women who get offended by words taken out of context

Such as

Prostitute....Unnecessarily takjng it out of context and giving it meaning to suit THEIR narrative

To those who claim to want to help and care for the plight of the SP in this industry / "institution"

The ones that sympathise, empathize and claim to understand that ALL SP's are no different than any other individual on this fine earth and need just as much assistance to help in times of need.


I CHALLENGE YOU TO ORGANISE A ROUND TABLE , just like the socials organized, and let us talk about the real.

If labels raise such passion and put you on the warpath defensive and angry

Then I challenge you to put that passion to good use and work toward a vetted infrastructure to help those that don't care to be offended by labels but, I KNOW would be grateful knowing the hard times can be seen through with the assistance by ones own



Service Provider alike.


It takes US, the punter and SP, to help our own.

Let's see.

J_J - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-10 12:08:32

"Balls of steel" ... you can have my balls, but bring your own steel ...

@Kickass @PeterB, what do you say about organizing a social around this. Even just a side engagement of a hour or 2 at one of your next get togethers.
therodent - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
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29 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-10 13:35:13

OMG what a load of horse shit.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ...I am not romanticising.
Re: ...I am not romanticising.
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-10 13:54:35

On 2024-09-10 13:35:13 therodent said:
OMG what a load of horse shit.

Who else would it be...therodent who called himself a classless punter who has labeled the women he fucked as classless whores.




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