Mistro - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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18 Dec 2006
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Posted: 2024-08-05 15:11:23

Case in point about right pricing combined with good service. Both are needed!

Lady I visited last month charges R1000hr and has to LIMIT her bookings to 5 clients a day.
Mon to Sat, so that's at least R30k a week.

Her service was excellent so she now has me hooked as a monthly revisit.
Cutchies Tushies & Boobies
Cutchies Tushies & Boobies - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
22 Mar 2024
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Posted: 2024-08-08 10:44:06

Negotiating is good in some places. But to much negotiating in this business spoils the mood and it can also spoil the service the punter might be recieving.
There is a thin line between the two.

But guys when u call or whatsapp. Dont just ask the rates then dissappear. Sometimes u can get extras inculded for free. Just ask.
Going somewhere else the rate might be low but they kill u on the extras.

Just saying

Rachel - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
10 Feb 2017
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Posted: 2024-09-13 20:22:05
Edited: 2024-09-13 20:27:11

On 2024-08-02 20:35:21 undercoverpta said:
So Sp's would you rather have R1000 than nothing, because you believe you are worth R1400 or more?

The punter with only R1000 available will simply keep looking until he calls someone who will take the R1000. Now if that lady provides a reasonable service, next time he only makes one call, which means you have now lost R2k.

Sorry no I dont agree. Please note that I am ONLY speaking for myself here and not on behalf of the female race pr entire sp genre.. I for one charge what I charge because that is what I feel my time is worth, whether I see one client a day or 5 does not affect my service, mood or pricing.

Now as to your point of just taking the knock and rather just accepting the new first time client who only has a portion of what I usually charge for the hour.. No. "Why" you say? I'm so glad you asked! :) Well that's very simple, I dont want to.
*If I was happy taking a different lower price for my sessions, then I would make that my price and life would go on happily and probably busier too, but I'm not and I havent and it doesnt. Que sera sera..

*1) I charge what I charge because it's the lowest possible amount that I can leave a session with even the most dreadful of clients holding and still feel that it was a worthwhile endeavour.

*Anything less than that and one quickly begins to dread the fast approaching arrival time and despise every client who pays you that exact amount that you forced yourself to charge and that is not a life I want to lead. As it now stands I can either sit on my bed listening to youtube in the background while plugging away at my blog, or murdering zombies and nazis in my favourite online first person shooting game, suntanning outside, or seeing a client with whom I have little to no rapport but pays me in full and I can still enjoy them all equally as much.

*2) When I get the inevitable messages of I see your price for this is X but I only have Y then I happily respond with several suggestions of perfectly wonderful, if shorter sessions that he can actually afford for the client to consider instead. Most of the time though this will be met with, "But I wanted X, I just wanted to pay less" to which I, equally happily, respond with blocking - no mess, no fuss.

*3) Say I do, out of pity or desperation, evetually take on the client offering me less for X, all that I'm doing is a)teaching him that my No actually means Probably Eventually, which is the very last thing I ever want to be doing, and b)possibly now also missing out on potentially seeing another client who might call 15 minutes later but can actually afford my full fee; and lastly c)I'm disrespecting every single other client who has ever paid my full price as little did those fools know that if they had just taken the time to pester and wear me down then they too would have saved themselves some money on all their sessions aswell- silly buggers..

*4) If you come to me for even just three sessions I will likely start dropping the prices of my own accord and charging you less anyway as by then we both obviously enjoy spending time together and that relationship is one worth nurturing for me - the more you see me the easier I want to make it for you to see me more. Simple.

...And just one more funny thing I wanted to point out, wrt the poster who commented saying that they even haggle with their lawyers over pricing, my god man what are you saying here?! I just had to catch a giggle at that one, I cant think of a better way to make even your own lawyer hate you. But boy do I want to see your divorce agreement - must be an all out laugh riot!! Lol.

balasbak - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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21 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2024-09-14 08:14:31

Never a good idea to haggle with your lawyer about a fee ... pretty simple analogy, you get what you pay for in life, nothing is for free ...
Vrik - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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10 Feb 2019
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Posted: 2024-09-14 08:31:58

On 2024-09-14 08:14:31 balasbak said:
Never a good idea to haggle with your lawyer about a fee ... pretty simple analogy, you get what you pay for in life, nothing is for free ...

But i have seldom seen a lawyer not trying to over charge, or try to charge way above their league....It is fine paying a good lawyer good money. Never been keen paying a bad one a lot.
balasbak - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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21 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2024-09-14 08:45:32

Even if you are a specialist attorney, people still try.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-14 10:39:21

On 2024-09-14 08:31:58 Vrik said:
On 2024-09-14 08:14:31 balasbak said: Never a good idea to haggle with your lawyer about a fee ... pretty simple analogy, you get what you pay for in life, nothing is for free ...

But i have seldom seen a lawyer not trying to over charge, or try to charge way above their league....It is fine paying a good lawyer good money. Never been keen paying a bad one a lot.

What makes a good lawyer?

And I am asking a serious question here, not trying to be funny.

FMS - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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11 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2024-09-14 10:49:12
Edited: 2024-09-14 10:51:39

What makes a good lawyer?

And I am asking a serious question here, not trying to be funny.


The answer is an attorney who always has his clients best interests at heart.

And who is knowledgeable in the areas/specialities of law that his client needs.

Who discusses alternatives with his client and does not choose the option that will increase his fees.

Who does pro-bono work for those desperately in need of legal counsel.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-14 10:54:22

Thank you FMS.

In all of that, considering the attorney then has to possibly appoint an advocate for certain cases to be represented in the higher courts....does "winning" play any role in choice of attorney and advocate appointed?

FMS - Re: Economy Gone To Shit
Re: Economy Gone To Shit
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11 Jan 2016
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Posted: 2024-09-14 11:05:53
Edited: 2024-09-14 11:06:58

In all of that, considering the attorney then has to possibly appoint an advocate for certain cases to be represented in the higher courts....does "winning" play any role in choice of attorney and advocate appointed?


"Winning" is obviously the objective. As it is in all aspects of life.

However there are numerous ways to "win" in the legal world.
Stalingrad tactics, while costly, are effective and often cause the plaintiff to forget about the matter.

Negotiating a settlement or arbitration is often quick and relatively cheap, certainly cheaper than going to trial.

With regards to advocates the right attorney for the matter will know the right advocate for the matter.
And certain advocates also do pro-bono or pro-amico work if they believe it is in the interests of justice.

Not all legal professionals are only out to make a quick buck.


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