majorjohn - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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11 May 2018
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Posted: 2024-09-13 20:37:31

On 2024-09-13 18:53:44 Fleur Sensuelle said:
How Ancient are we talking?

I have done this work in atleast one of my many previous lifetimes stretching as far back as Egypt BC....

So shit I am like easily 5000 years old.

God, why did I even come back to this planet again?
Jirre, I need to see the fine print on my next Soul Contract because I got fucked over Royal this time xo

You love this planet, admit it!
The other ones are all boring, they don't do any of the weird freaky shit.

As for the dodgy soul contract, lawyers! There is a special little bistro in hell reserved for them.
Tenielle - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
19 Sep 2018
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Posted: 2024-09-13 20:50:59

Says the man who came from a used condom. Lmao.
Miss Barbie Doll
Miss Barbie Doll - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 Feb 2016
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Posted: 2024-09-13 21:15:21
Edited: 2024-09-13 21:16:15

On 2024-09-13 20:50:59 Tenielle said:
Says the man who came from a used condom. Lmao.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please I still want to see heaven hehehehehehe
Fleur Sensuelle
Fleur Sensuelle - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
22 Jul 2022
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Posted: 2024-09-14 00:11:13

@ MajorJohn
Okay fine, I love certain things on our wonderful and crazy blue planet xo
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-14 10:01:34

On 2024-09-14 00:11:13 Fleur Sensuelle said:
@ MajorJohn
Okay fine, I love certain things on our wonderful and crazy blue planet xo

This crazy blue planet, this wonderful world we call our home, is all the better for people like you.

I like your style!

Happy weekend to YOU Ms. Fleur and those of the same good energies like yourself.

It does rub off in the most positive of ways.

Siidiijay - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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29 Sep 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-14 13:07:01

As much us some of us we are young we love them matured and beautiful
2old2 - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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18 Feb 2017
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Posted: 2024-09-14 16:57:09

@RB and @ Hazel

I understand your abhorrence of the behavior of some of the posters on this forum (I won't deign to suggest they are actual punters or even male without proof). I fully support your response to said "fucknuts" and both your right to respond as well as applauding the responses themselves (even though I don't frequent the forum often enough or remember all of the insults and vitriol aimed in your direction).

At the same time, please don't take my silence as support for said "fucknuts". I won't speak for other forum users, but in my case, I stay silent to avoid amplifying those comments. Maybe that is cowardly and maybe I do have an obligation to speak up! At the same time my experience of online trolls is that they thrive on negative attention and they relish the engagement. I found they are best dealt with by depriving them of oxygen.

That is my preference yet I understand why you would want allies to speak up and engage more directly.

While RB and I have not always agreed on the forum (or in person), I hold you in high esteem. Hazel and I have been very much aligned online and in person and I likewise hold you in high esteem! I think more of both of you for standing your ground - but I will not be drawing my sword and joining your fucknut crusade ....
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-14 17:45:24

Most dear 2old2

Pls read my response to the wonderful Ms Red (ad active).

Your response outweighs any sword drawing...I wonder if u aware of that .

Plus sword drawing is not what I call for but, rather an acknowledgement of being aware.

Thank you for response and speaks to that thing of mine that those that are bullied ARE NOT ALONE and should gain courage and confidence from what you have said.

Pls do reach out to those you may be aware are targeted, made victim of and are affected by such sick vileness.

I have.

Many many times.

But, apart from that..

My way of supporting and reaching out , not for me, because every time I have stood up it is in support of the person the sociopathic coward hiding behind anonymity has attacked, is to be heard.

I don't draw swords. It is not a fight. I hope to give strength and courage to the targeted person that they not alone.

We see it differently. And especially in this space where women are soft targets there is not a chance I shall keep quiet, irrespective of putting the target on my we have seen of late not only targeted by unknowns but even the whores who think they more equal than this whore...the whore from Stalingrad!

....damn, I love that title...

My next book title.

Anyways. You know I have respect for you too....ours has been a learning curve and for me, an excellent one.

I thank you for acknowledging me.



Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-14 17:46:28
Edited: 2024-09-14 17:49:04

Double post.
Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-14 17:47:29
Edited: 2024-09-14 17:48:23

On 2024-09-14 16:57:09 2old2 said:
@RB and @ Hazel

I understand your abhorrence of the behavior of some of the posters on this forum (I won't deign to suggest they are actual punters or even male without proof). I fully support your response to said "fucknuts" and both your right to respond as well as applauding the responses themselves (even though I don't frequent the forum often enough or remember all of the insults and vitriol aimed in your direction).

At the same time, please don't take my silence as support for said "fucknuts". I won't speak for other forum users, but in my case, I stay silent to avoid amplifying those comments. Maybe that is cowardly and maybe I do have an obligation to speak up! At the same time my experience of online trolls is that they thrive on negative attention and they relish the engagement. I found they are best dealt with by depriving them of oxygen.

That is my preference yet I understand why you would want allies to speak up and engage more directly.

While RB and I have not always agreed on the forum (or in person), I hold you in high esteem. Hazel and I have been very much aligned online and in person and I likewise hold you in high esteem! I think more of both of you for standing your ground - but I will not be drawing my sword and joining your fucknut crusade ....

I'm so happy you responded to this farce going on on the forum these days. I miss the punters from when i first started here. They were cultured and most did not even participate on the forum.

The fucknut crusade is started by a so called Russian gnome. Thats what she calls all punters . The same people who put bread on her table. Unfuckingbelievable.


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