BannedChod - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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28 Jun 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-14 18:44:31

I am so happy in my heart today,I meet it again beautiful hot hot girl in Centurion today.

And we have it the Mahaa sexs,only reaching home safe 30 minutes past.

Sexs was like superb wow,same-to-same feeling when you see it in picture "Namak Halaal" item bomb Parveen Babis singing it in shiny cocktail dress "Jawaani Jaaneman, Haseeno Dilruba",too hot,yaar.

I just share it to give happy ending here.
No extra charge.Free for you.
Fullmont - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-14 21:04:30

On 2024-09-14 17:47:29 Yvonne Xxx said:

I'm so happy you responded to this farce going on on the forum these days. I miss the punters from when i first started here. They were cultured and most did not even participate on the forum.

The fucknut crusade is started by a so called Russian gnome. Thats what she calls all punters . The same people who put bread on her table. Unfuckingbelievable.

Double.....triple like....most forum fights come from her......we on adult sex site buying n selling sex.....really want to use the fucknut word.......? Not everything need to be suspected.....n n have fun....
Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-14 21:08:26

Fullmont,,,,,whom are you talking about?
Fullmont - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-14 21:20:09

On 2024-09-14 21:08:26 Yvonne Xxx said:
Fullmont,,,,,whom are you talking about?

Not u.... u r too pic no 3 makes me fantasize.....
2old2 - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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18 Feb 2017
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Posted: 2024-09-15 11:17:13
Edited: 2024-09-15 11:18:07

On 2024-09-14 17:47:29 Yvonne Xxx said:

I'm so happy you responded to this farce going on on the forum these days. I miss the punters from when i first started here. They were cultured and most did not even participate on the forum.

The fucknut crusade is started by a so called Russian gnome. Thats what she calls all punters . The same people who put bread on her table. Unfuckingbelievable.


Please don't thank me!

I find your forum posts annoying at the best of times and for the last few days downright offensive (particularly towards the delightful Stalingrad whore).

There are plenty of certifiable fucknuts on this forum (here's looking at you Fullmont) and you, Yvonne are choosing to join them.

I expressed my preference to deprive them of oxygen, while you seem intent on blowing smoke up their collective arse!
J_J - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-15 13:01:43

On 2024-09-15 11:17:13 2old2 said:

I expressed my preference to deprive them of oxygen, while you seem intent on blowing smoke up their collective arse!

Always thought 2old2 meant "2old2 give a fuck"

Interesting stance you taking 2old2 ...


Must say I'm drawn to strong women and admire RBs stance against cyber bullying even if it risks her own livelihood. Sometimes I feel like suggesting to her 'back off a bit, you could be hurting yourself'; but that's not my place, just my weakness.


My wife's an amazingly strong women. Even takes on Taxi drivers, to the point where she'd get out of the car and picks an argument with them. And they gang up fast. Soon you surrounded by a whole bunch of drivers, owners, marshalls, which regresses to where they tell her if she were a guy they'd fuck her up. But because of GBV we'll leave you alone.

And then they look at me, and I just lift may hands saying 'I'm non binary and I'm feeling like a woman today'. Diffuses the tension with some humor and I grab her arm to nudge her away (no offense to the LGBTQA(2S)+ community, but sometimes you have to use what you can to get out of a difficult situation).

Back in the car I'd be like "what the fuck, do you want tog get us killed?" And she'd just role her eyes "what do you want me to do, just accept their shit?"

I guess that's what the "to death do us part" marriage vow means.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-15 14:13:48
Edited: 2024-09-15 14:14:33

Most dearest J_J

How you know to make me laugh most sweetly and blushing and in all of that I DO get your lesson shared.

As i do need to, in the same breath acknowledge the lesson 2old2 has shared .


As I DO acknowledge MANY MANY good gentlemen that message me......"be careful and back down a bit , it may be detrimental to your business. "

(I wonder which business they referring to considering my eggs ain't all in one basket...)

You see all beautiful men and is not about " cutting off my nose to spite my face"
It is not a knee jerk reaction. It is not revenge. What a waste of my good energy.

It is from a place where I have witnessed and worked with families who have lost their dear ones to suicide due to cyber bullying.....younglings that didn't know how to deal with the pressure of sociopathic attacks on them.

People, and I mean adults, falling into depression and becoming a recluse due to cyber bullying. Alienating themselves from family members, not knowing how to reach out and explain.

If standing up against bullies, If my intentions are not understood and will cost me a person or two, then so be it.

I don't say that lightly and i have NEVER looked a gift horse in the mouth and am ever grateful to be a preferred SP but am prepared to pay the price in this case.

The Almighty made me this crazy and I prefer to be public about it and for those out there that feel as if their world is crumbling , don't give up hope. Don't resort to knee jerk reactions.

In this industry the women go through so so much that I am sure many men will never be aware of.

It being about a fantasy, your place of letting go and relaxing....exactly how it should be.

But at the same time the humanness of who the women are, actually ALL the Service Providers are, makes me protective, even if it makes me a target, and I do hope to share my belief that good will always conquer. The idea is to share some loving strength and support in a kind word or two if nothing else.

You see J_J ...where you and your wife were in real danger of being attacked , I know I would have played it down a notch or two as well....I am very calculating in most things I do AND, How I do them.

But when it comes to cyber bullying... mmm.

That is just me...."The whore from Stalingrad"....I am actually VERY fond of that title and smile thinking how it came from a place definitely not flattering but, I do hope it makes me lots and lots of money!

Loving you all...and I promise

I DO HEAR YOU....but cannot make light of another person's pain and sufferings.

Blessed day to all.

The Whore from Stalingrad
Russian Bridgitte.


Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-15 14:19:08

Glad you like your can thank me now or later. Whatever floats your boat.
Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-15 14:24:03

On 2024-09-15 11:17:13 2old2 said:
On 2024-09-14 17:47:29 Yvonne Xxx said:

I'm so happy you responded to this farce going on on the forum these days. I miss the punters from when i first started here. They were cultured and most did not even participate on the forum.

The fucknut crusade is started by a so called Russian gnome. Thats what she calls all punters . The same people who put bread on her table. Unfuckingbelievable.


Please don't thank me!

I find your forum posts annoying at the best of times and for the last few days downright offensive (particularly towards the delightful Stalingrad whore).

There are plenty of certifiable fucknuts on this forum (here's looking at you Fullmont) and you, Yvonne are choosing to join them.

I expressed my preference to deprive them of oxygen, while you seem intent on blowing smoke up their collective arse!

Choosing to join who?

Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-15 14:26:26

Choosing to join who,,,2old2?


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