Fullmont - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:04:55
Edited: 2024-09-15 17:05:28

The forum is a free resource, you can not expect protection from us for debates which you voluntary start yourself, in which you vigorously take part in and which other parties vigorously take part in. When things dont go your way and not everyone blows sunshine up your bottom you cant cry wolf at a whim.

There are people on this forum who think that the sun shines out of Russian Bridgitte bottom with regard to her writing and there are those who think her writings are utter semi plagiarized rubbish.

When Russian Bridgitte published her writing on this forum surely she was not so naive to expect everyone to like or appreciate her work, weather its truly her work or not.

Her writing if original is hardly classical literature, its actually called, pulp erotic fiction, a lower grade mills and boons type of content. Its the female equivalent of a stroke mag for men.(This is not meant as and insult to her) That being what it is many enjoy it and good for her and good for them. Many need fantasy to escape the mundane, part of ESA exists is to full fill just that.

My belief is live and let live, If there are people who believe Russian Bridgitte's writings are akin to the second coming of Christ then so be it, but let those who think its utter crap be entitled to there belief also.

Kind regards

The link of the original source
....second last post...bottom of page....
Fullmont - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:06:44
Edited: 2024-09-15 17:07:10

Dear Ladies and Gentlman

This matter has now got completely our of hand. My staff members are receiving threats of death over this issue.

I have made the following decision, RB is not welcome on my platform and neither is anyone who supports her.

Fair, unfair I could not give a hoot, threaten my staff and the line is drawn. I have taken all threats made as credible. If you wish to blow 7 shades of sunshine up her bottom pick up the phone, email her visit her site which is advertised in this thread.

If you wish to threaten anyone threaten me, come be tough with me. I've been doing this for 17 years, I've dealt with pimps, drug dealers, tough guys, criminals, killers etc etc and I am still here.


The link of the original source
....second last post...bottom of page....
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:07:49

On 2024-09-15 17:00:53 Yvonne Xxx said:
I'm not going to have a cat and mouse game with you Bridgette. It's over. Let's agree to disagree that we are both 51 and hate each others guts. Goodbye.

I don't hate your guts.

Never have and never shall.

Peace Yvonne.

Nor have I ever insulted or belittled you nor even shall.

Be blessed.

Yvonne Xxx
Yvonne Xxx - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
16 May 2013
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:11:00

Be blessed too, RB.
Have a wonderful week. Let's put all this shit behind us.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:14:34

On 2024-09-15 17:11:00 Yvonne Xxx said:
Be blessed too, RB.
Have a wonderful week. Let's put all this shit behind us.


Let's do it!

Strength and power in unity .

Successfully prosperous be your week Yvonne.


Hazel Arabia
Hazel Arabia - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
2 Jun 2022
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:18:08

At the risk of making myself a target once again, I want to thank @JJ and @2old2 for their acknowledgement of the matter, at the very least. Us strong women lokely dont want to be spoken FOR. sometimes all we want is to know that the public degradation and dehumanisation of women, upsets yall even half as much as chippef toenails or altered photographs do. I completely respect your stance and choice not to interfere, whilst simultaneously being frustrated at the lengths these fake profiles go to, only in an effort to abuse and tarnish the names of women who are here TO WORK.

Unlike the gorgeous Ms RB, mine doesn't come from a place of protecting others, per say, but rather from a place of active healing from my own people-pleaser upbringing. I myself have been the vulnerable one, hurting myself, deeply affected by people mistreating me - publically. Only since joining this industry have I started embracing the backbone I was given - so that does mean, for me at least, refusal to stand back and watch bullies abusing others.

Because really, seriously. Who the fuck do they think they are, coming into our place of work to call us slurs and treat us as any less, when they fucking rely on us for companionship? I'll be damned. You WILL respect sex workers in a space where we are the larger demographic. I said to @MBD on another post, its crazy to me how easily we can try to shut Hazel or RB up with "save your energy, why respond blah blah blah" - a lot easier than it is, to call out derogatory remarks or slurs from a punter, evidently.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-15 17:44:49

Beautiful Hazel Arabia.

I have read your post 4 times now.

Slowly and carefully

Forever in your corner. I stand...the woman you are, the person you are.

From reading your first post many many moons ago, the quality of the human behind the write was obvious.

The fact that you would challenge many made me cringe a little because, strong people, people with a sense of critical thinking and asking questions , usually don't garner fans.

But. I got to have an awesome way about you.

You are friendly, welcoming even when putting another in their place.

And don't personalize writes or responses

YOU I would share company with any day.

You make me feel safe. You make me feel are authentic. There are no games.

And thus hugs to you Beautiful human being and may your light shine strong and your success be bountiful.

R2D4 - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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5 May 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-16 08:12:32
Edited: 2024-09-16 08:12:31

By now most of the forum see through RB except a couple of simps like 2old2 and J-J, some people just remain stupid for life.
styffrichard - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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20 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 08:28:30

On 2024-09-13 16:44:18 Russian Bridgitte said:
On 2024-09-13 15:23:04 Russian Bridgitte said: On 2024-09-13 15:05:45 R2D4 said: Hope RB takes note.

I thought u said bye.



Hey R2D4

Don't bother sending me DM's fucknut...I ain't gonna read them.

Keep it public.



No please keep it private - we really don't want to have to scroll through pages of drivel
Fullmont - Re: ancient ones
Re: ancient ones
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20 Nov 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-16 08:48:23
Edited: 2024-09-16 08:55:53

On 2024-09-16 08:12:32 R2D4 said:
By now most of the forum see through RB except a couple of simps like 2old2 and J-J, some people just remain stupid for life.

Simps or simply wussys.....QUOTEd from JJ below....

"My wife's an amazingly strong women. Even takes on Taxi drivers, to the point where she'd get out of the car and picks an argument with them. And they gang up fast."

"I'm feeling like a woman today'."

No which man wants to b married to a woman tht acts like a street gangsta......note he said im feeling like a women today.....
Thats y he stands with RB....he is a wussy....RB looks like a man...acts like a man...built like a man...and he is women....

There's a difference between a strong women and a wounded woman....i see many strong women on fact...i think all women that put themselves out here on this site....are brave and strong....difference is they are gracious. Dont confuse strong with wounded and times being soft and gracious is considered stronger....


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