Lisa - Re: LISA
25 May 2021
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Posted: 2024-09-17 10:16:15

On 2024-09-16 22:27:32 Russian Bridgitte said:
On 2024-09-16 22:09:30 Lisa said: On 2024-09-16 15:52:22 Russian Bridgitte said: Dearest Lisa.

Not that J_J shared anything in person about you.

BUT all I have read on the forum speaks to every reason I know i would be in good company when our paths cross.

Maybe just maybe it shall be a meal and drinks and you, me and J_J.

Care and love your way.


Sounds AWESOME!!!


Now to get J_J on board and let's have an outing!


J_J.....all balls are in your court babe:)
BannedChod - Re: LISA
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28 Jun 2024
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Posted: 2024-09-17 12:50:21

If he do not respond in time, I take it you to lunch,both of you two ladkis.

But light lunch ok?

Restaurant these days too expensive and I will pick place.

Chal mere bhai JJ,hustle karlo,varnaa both these ladkis I charm them with my Energies if you do not respond quick quick,ok?

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: LISA
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2024-09-17 15:53:08

I just love the word


Hey Lisa

BannedChod might treat us to kfc...a finger lickin' meal for 3.



JP82 - Re: LISA
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2024-09-17 17:07:22

On 2024-09-15 08:46:40 J_J said:

Now you made it weird ...

We are all capable of LOVE Mr. Hefner.


Nah bro, it was pretty weird from the get-go (and a story about deciding to stop being shitty to flies, doesn't make it any less weird)

J_J - Re: LISA
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-17 17:27:40

On 2024-09-17 17:07:22 JP82 said:

Nah bro, it was pretty weird from the get-go (and a story about deciding to stop being shitty to flies, doesn't make it any less weird)

At least I found my fellow weirdos ... so I'm gonna make it more weird. Let's take weird to the limits ...
J_J - Re: LISA
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-17 17:32:27

Yesterday was an interesting day in the purple world for me.

One lady tells me I'm "special" to her, another calls me a wuss/pussy, another tries to organise a 'meal and drinks' and another, whom I carelessly hurt with my weird behavior and thought I never hear from her again, sends me a random email on some IT matter. I guess the latter one really impacted me the most. Maybe, just maybe forgiveness is possibly on the table. Forgiveness being the most powerful thing we could ever do ... and the most healing.

All in all lots of thoughts and emotions bombarding me today.

J_J - Re: LISA
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-17 17:42:32

Now to deal with the issue of being a wuss. Initially I just had a good giggle, but then my crazy mind went into overdrive and one thing I don't deny myself is some 'good mental masturbation"

Yeah I get that most women don't like wimps like me. Socialization and survival instinct causes many women to be attracted to someone who can protect them. But that's not the topic I want to explore today. I want to talk about bitches! SF you around ...

Two philosophies/ principles come to mind.
Survival of the fittest (accredited to Darwin mostly). No need to explain, I'm sure most know about it. If you don't, open an encyclopaedia or as the youngster would say, google it.

And then the newer one, not well documented and hence not easy to credit it properly:

Survival of the friendliest.

To explain this I'll use an example of the second most successful species on this planet, after humans:

The DOG.

Dogs are the more evolved versions of wolves. Wolves are quite a fierce species and in the survival of the fittest game, they do stand their ground. But one day a bunch of wolves approached a human camp with a different understanding. Instead of attacking they befriended the humans. And so the story evolved. Today some dogs enjoy lifestyles many humans can't even achieve. Some get taken care of as if they were our own children, and they don't even have to do anything or have any expectations placed on them like go to school, get good grades, etc. They may get a scolding if they take a shit in the kitchen, but then we clean up after them.

Many species who live off their 'survival of the fittest' instinct tend to become extinct. And at the individual level, you may be on top today, but one day someone else will be, and take you out.

Longevity, survival and a better life is more achievable from a survival of the friendliest mentality. And this is seen through out nature. The species that survive are the ones that cooperate -- science labels it as symbiosis. The birds and the bees, if you wish.


My own story. I wasn't born with any great physical attributes and have always shied away from violence. But as a coloured boy I grew up in gang infested environment. Not wanting to join a gang and disappoint my parents, I needed a different approach. I also didn't want to live in fear like most of the community. So I befriended one of the gang leaders who was struggling with school. He was like 20 (probably younger) when I met him in my standard 6 class.

I helped him get through high school, first the easy way by just passing him all the answers during exams and using my rapport with the teachers to look the other way. I think they also wanted to get him out of school. And then later to actually write an exam using his own brain. In return I got safe passage between home and school, and various parts of town. I was his bitch so to say. And nobody dared touch me.

Life could have been very different for me. In primary school I've been stabbed a few times and had cigarette butts put out on my hands. To the ladies who spent nude time with me you probably wondering where the scars came from. I guess I got lucky or just had a different survival instinct.


Now back to dogs and a previous thread about bitches.
Pondering. Why do we use bitch as a derogatory term. If bitches are human's best friend, then surely it should be a term of endearment. The youngsters should be saying, my BFF is my bitch.

Credits to the ladies on the forum who got me thinking about this

Lisa -- the friendliest person I know. Such an inspiration to me.

Rachel -- your love for dogs got me thinking a lot about dogs during our moments together

Fullmont -- for calling me a wuss and getting me to think a bit about being one.

J_J - Re: LISA
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1 Jan 2023
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Posted: 2024-09-17 17:50:25

On 2024-09-17 10:16:15 Lisa said:

J_J.....all balls are in your court babe:)

What balls are we talking about babe, lol


Most definitely would love to do this. Let's chat and see how it could work best.

My initial thoughts. A Korean or Chinese hot pot. Something nice about eating a meal out of the same pot.

JP82 - Re: LISA
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24 Jun 2018
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Posted: 2024-09-17 18:43:46

On 2024-09-17 17:42:32 J_J said:
Now to deal with the issue of being a wuss. Initially I just had a good giggle, but then my crazy mind went into overdrive and one thing I don't deny myself is some 'good mental masturbation"

Yeah I get that most women don't like wimps like me. Socialization and survival instinct causes many women to be attracted to someone who can protect them. But that's not the topic I want to explore today. I want to talk about bitches! SF you around ...

Two philosophies/ principles come to mind.
Survival of the fittest (accredited to Darwin mostly). No need to explain, I'm sure most know about it. If you don't, open an encyclopaedia or as the youngster would say, google it.

And then the newer one, not well documented and hence not easy to credit it properly:

Survival of the friendliest.

To explain this I'll use an example of the second most successful species on this planet, after humans:

The DOG.

Dogs are the more evolved versions of wolves. Wolves are quite a fierce species and in the survival of the fittest game, they do stand their ground. But one day a bunch of wolves approached a human camp with a different understanding. Instead of attacking they befriended the humans. And so the story evolved. Today some dogs enjoy lifestyles many humans can't even achieve. Some get taken care of as if they were our own children, and they don't even have to do anything or have any expectations placed on them like go to school, get good grades, etc. They may get a scolding if they take a shit in the kitchen, but then we clean up after them.

Many species who live off their 'survival of the fittest' instinct tend to become extinct. And at the individual level, you may be on top today, but one day someone else will be, and take you out.

Longevity, survival and a better life is more achievable from a survival of the friendliest mentality. And this is seen through out nature. The species that survive are the ones that cooperate -- science labels it as symbiosis. The birds and the bees, if you wish.


My own story. I wasn't born with any great physical attributes and have always shied away from violence. But as a coloured boy I grew up in gang infested environment. Not wanting to join a gang and disappoint my parents, I needed a different approach. I also didn't want to live in fear like most of the community. So I befriended one of the gang leaders who was struggling with school. He was like 20 (probably younger) when I met him in my standard 6 class.

I helped him get through high school, first the easy way by just passing him all the answers during exams and using my rapport with the teachers to look the other way. I think they also wanted to get him out of school. And then later to actually write an exam using his own brain. In return I got safe passage between home and school, and various parts of town. I was his bitch so to say. And nobody dared touch me.

Life could have been very different for me. In primary school I've been stabbed a few times and had cigarette butts put out on my hands. To the ladies who spent nude time with me you probably wondering where the scars came from. I guess I got lucky or just had a different survival instinct.


Now back to dogs and a previous thread about bitches.
Pondering. Why do we use bitch as a derogatory term. If bitches are human's best friend, then surely it should be a term of endearment. The youngsters should be saying, my BFF is my bitch.

Credits to the ladies on the forum who got me thinking about this

Lisa -- the friendliest person I know. Such an inspiration to me.

Rachel -- your love for dogs got me thinking a lot about dogs during our moments together

Fullmont -- for calling me a wuss and getting me to think a bit about being one.

Just to clear up one confusion in your thinking - "Survival of the friendliest", does not sit in contrast to "survival of the fittest". It *is* survival of the fittest. "Fittest" does not mean "the physically strongest" or "the one that would win in a fight", it means "the best adapted to its environment" - it doesn't matter what that adaption(s) is/are - it could be sharp teeth (like a tiger), it could mean being extra fat to survive the extreme cold and long periods with minimal food (like a walrus), it could be tasting horrible (like several insect species). "Friendliness" is just another adaption that allows dogs to thrive in their environment.

(Incidentally, they did an experiment with foxes where for several generations they bred them specifically for "friendliness" (i.e. separated out the ones that were most receptive to humans and bred them with other "friendly" ones), and as the resulting population got "friendlier", it also began to increasingly look physically like modern dogs - they lost their bushy tails, faces became less pointy, ears became more floppy etc. - The conclusion is that the genes that code for the behavioral trait of "friendliness" in the broader canine family are co-mingled with the genes that code for certain physical characteristics. I don't know if that's interesting to anyone else, but I just like the idea of a fox-dog.)
Arhwen - Re: LISA
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2024-09-18 08:04:23

Happy birthday Lisa my fellow late Virgo. I wish you an amazing birthday filled with lots of spoils and may the year ahead bring all your heart desires to your door.


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